Our Team is composed of Christians and atheists and of Catholics and Protestants and of Jews and Muslims. It is a Common Cause standing against the overweening power of the Woke. We should be inspired by Innocent XI & William of Orange & the Hapsburgs fight against Louis XIV.
“Innocent XI wove himself into the whole European combination against the predominance of France. Across the gulf of the Reformation and the Inquisition he weighted the swords of Protestant armies. He comforted the Catholic Emperor…In the armies of the Grand Alliance Catholic and Protestant troops fought in unquestioning comradeship. The Mass and the Anglican Communion were celebrated side by side in camp and field, while hard by Dutch Calvinists, English Puritans, and Scottish Presbyterians raised their psalms and prayers before—all together—falling, upon the common foe.” —Winston S. Churchill, Marlborough: His Life & Times, vol. 1.
Christians need to stop accepting leftists as ‘Brothers’
Dean Inserra, a leftist SBC Pastor who serves on the SBC Executive Committee, attacked conservative commentator James Lindsay.
Inserra said, “Sunday night thought: If James Lindsay is on the team, but Tim Keller is not… You get 156 ‘goodness gracious sakes alives.’”
And of course, the usual Yes-men of Big Evangelicalism were there to cheer this opinion. “Men” like Daniel Darling for example. Darling said, “Yes and amen,” to Inserra’s thought.
Who is James Lindsay? Lindsay was recently banned from Twitter over standing up to the sexualization of children. Lindsay warned conservative Christians about the dangers of Social Justice ideology back in one of the defining podcasts of the last decade—in that podcast and on Twitter Lindsay compared Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality to a Trojan Horse. Check out the Sovereign Nations podcast with Lindsay here.
Lindsay has done more to preserve the liberties of Christians than anyone working for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in a generation.
Naturally, Big Eva hates Lindsay. They hate him not so much because he is an atheist but because he exposed their game—to infiltrate and overthrow biblical Christianity with their new Woke ideology.
Not everyone who claims to be a Christian is a Christian. After all, wolves enter to destroy the flock; grievous wolves to devour the sheep. In fact, as Michael O’Fallon said, calling these false teachers “Brothers” is a danger to the church. It is important to remember that Paul cited the Perils of False Brothers in his list of frequent dangers to his apostolic life and ministry.
Those seeking the destruction of biblical Christianity are not brothers.
And not to put too fine a point on it—but the Russell Moore fanboys are a direct threat to your life, liberty, and religion.
Tim Keller isn’t safe either.
Tim Keller accused of plagiarism, is pastor to radical pro-LGBTQ and pro-abortion politician
Tim Keller, the victim of at least one Ed Litton sermon plagiarized during Sermongate, himself is now accused of plagiarism.
In a detailed Twitter thread, David Dzimianski details how Keller in a 1991 sermon appears to have plagiarized a book by Lewis B. Smedes.
Dzimianski makes a very important point about Keller—Tim Keller has largely shaped the middle of today’s evangelicalism. He said, “This degree of hypocrisy from a man who has, more than almost anyone else, shaped the center of evangelicalism, is deeply troubling.”
Indeed. This is troubling. Equally troubling is how far left Tim Keller pushed this center of evangelicalism. Keller attacked signers of the conservative Christian Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel.
Also, Keller attacked and undermined private property. Keller incorrectly claimed the Bible does not clearly come down on the side of capitalism or socialism.
What should alarm everyone is the type of people who identify with Tim Keller. For example, one Keller church attender who calls Keller “her pastor” received a perfect score from Planned Parenthood. Check her out—the godless ideas promoted by this politician are troubling from someone outside an evangelical church. How much worse that someone pastored by Keller is promoting it!
So, is Tim Keller on the team?
Tim Keller is making it harder for Christians to be Christians. Tim Keller appears to have plagiarized at least one sermon. Tim Keller promotes godless Woke ideologies in conflict with the Bible. Tim Keller has attacked conservative Christians standing against the threat to the Gospel from Social Justice.
It seems clear, Keller is on a team but not the team that would help form healthy churches or preserve our religious liberty.
Who is on our team?
“In the allied army of many nations the ministers and priests of almost every communion known to Christendom—Church of England, Presbyterian, Dutch Calvinist, Huguenot, Lutheran, Roman Catholic—performed their solemn offices at the heads of the regiments.” –The condition of the Army of the Grand Alliance on the morning of September 11, 1709, before the Battle of Malplaquet as described in Marlborough: His Life and Times, vol. 4.
Who is on “our team?” And who is our team fighting? These questions arise because leftists like Dean Inserra instinctively know there are teams at work. In fact, Inserra was quick to make clear that “Butt-hurt Pattersonites” are not on his team. He sorted himself into the Woke camp by alliance with leftists like Russell Moore, J.D. Greear, and Tim Keller while also declaring himself an enemy to conservatives.
In contemporary America there are two teams—the Woke and everyone else. The Woke are your new overlords. They possess power over the state, the private sector, health, churches, and education. Are you insufficiently proud during Pride Month and did you refuse to wear the ribbon? Well, that’s what a Kulak would do, and you need reeducation and should be canceled in the interim.
Doubt that Woke Christians want to cancel other Christians? This is how Wokevangelicals operate. Even Marvin Olasky formed an Orwellian anonymous Racial Sensitivity Committee that evaluated coworkers’ editorial production at World.
Thus, the teams are the Woke and those who want liberty.
Central to the Woke ideology is the denial of truth. You must affirm a man can be pregnant. You must lie and use pronouns that do not reflect biological reality.
The “Christian” who is on the Woke side is at war with Truth. That makes the atheist committed to Truth more your friend, ally, and teammate than the one practicing “pronoun hospitality.”
Becoming aware of this truth should spur one to become familiar with how to identify Woke leaders in Church and State.
Then, once aware of who the leftists are, prepare for battle. Oust the Woke pastors and members of your churches!
Some resist this by saying, “They are or at least claim to be Christians! I have more in common with a Christian than an atheist, etc.” This ignores the fact that these “Christians” are working to overthrow your cognitive liberty. These Christians are working with those who wish to take away your liberty to worship God as you believe the Bible dictates. These Christians are working against every interest of the Church.
It is no different than if a man claimed to a be a Christian and then attempted to rob you or rape your wife. The virtue (and it is a biblical virtue) of self-defense is operative. And defending yourself, your family, and the rights of others is a way that a Christian can and should love his neighbor.
Constructing this Grand Alliance does not require compromise. As the alliance of the Holy Roman Emperor, William of Orange and later William III of England, the Dutch Republic, and the princes of the Holy Roman Empire show—one does not need to compromise to work with religious foes toward the good end of defending the liberties of Christian Civilization against the dark designs of an evil prince.
The threat of Wokeness is so great that it threatens all of us—Christian, Jew, Muslim, and atheist. Once Wokeness is defeated, then it becomes possible for us to engage in other debates. For Southern Baptists, a few years ago we debated Calvinism and its alternatives. Yet, for years we have called on Southern Baptists to put aside this fight and focus on the greater enemy.
As the fight broadens beyond our respective denominations and faith communities, we must build bigger coalitions. And as we look for inspiration to the examples of Innocent XI and William of Orange, we can invoke the great Prince of Orange’s battle cry: “We can die in the last ditch.”