Southern Baptist preacher, err I mean Bible Teacher, Beth Moore saluted Christianity Today for its editorial attack on the President. CT’s editorial crashed the CT website for a brief time as the so-called evangelical magazine called for Donald Trump’s removal from office. And Beth Moore tips her cap to it.
On Twitter, Moore said in response to the CT attack on Trump, “My hat’s off to you, @markgalli. Respect.”
My hat’s off to you, @markgalli. Respect.
— Beth Moore (@BethMooreLPM) December 20, 2019
Hat’s off over the Christianity Today editorial? The one that read like it was penned by a partisan hack?
The one that was wrong on the facts about Ukraine? That editorial claimed there was an attempt to intimidate Ukraine, when Ukraine’s own leader and representatives said they didn’t feel pressured.
Of course, nobody bothers with facts when you can celebrate a Democratic victory. And that is really what is driving this whole Christianity Today editorial and the rally of Big Evangelicalism (Big Eva) figures like Beth Moore. This is about attacking President Donald Trump.
As Todd Starnes said, “some of our most conservative religious denominations have also been breached by sex and gender revolutionaries, open borders globalists and race-baiting charlatans peddling identity politics.”
We are experiencing a dangerous infiltration in the Southern Baptist Convention. Our Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission works with the George Soros funded Evangelical Immigration Table to throw open our borders.
Our seminaries are overrun with Woke Social Justice Warriors. We’ve got Southeastern celebrating Malcolm X. We’ve got Southern’s provost saying he is a white supremacist because he is white. We’ve got Midwestern hiring an Anti-Trump professor from Baylor. We’ve got Southwestern firing a conservative Latino Trump supporter because they didn’t want him talking about biblical sexuality.
This is a giant mess. Beth Moore’s a big part of it.
But, what else should we expect from a woman who preaches to men on Sunday mornings?
What else should we expect from a woman who thinks Nationalism is a sin?
This is a woman celebrated by the SBC elites. Are you happy about the platform she’s given in our SBC life?
191 thoughts on “Beth Moore salutes attack on President Donald Trump”
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Wanna watch me burn my Beth Moore workbooks and the dozens of Dvd’s that I have? Worthless pieces of trash made by a heretic!
Take pics and video if you do.
Screw Capstone commie bastards pretending to be christains. All are false PROPHETS and will pay deearly.
So as to give you material
She is doing it all for attention, President Trump is the only ONE fighting late term and partial birth abortion and if that’s not enough I can list pages of WHY you should support him.
He is a mortal human who sins ,so was many of the great generals whom led us through battles to ensure freedom and liberty for our nation and the world.
Beth needs to get off her soap box and get a reality check.
You would think she of all people would be on the side that Trump is fighting for! She may be doing it all for attention, but, wonder what she will say on judgement day? You can not possibly profess to be a Christian and support the left. There is no way! It judging, merely listening- Yea shall know them by the fruits that they bare!
Be careful, demons may fly out of them.
We christains have nothing to fear with God on our side. We have the authority over demons and all the power of the devil.
You’re taking his comment too literally; he was simply making a point.
Not using language like above you don’t
Have been a part of many Beth Moore bible study sessions. I am completely baffled. This is not the woman I have known. I would like to ask her: Who do you want to replace Trump? A ProAbortionist? A same sex marriage advocate? An open borders advocate? A shut down free speech for Christians advocate? Surely, she does realize that many members of the Democratic party would like to see Christians, especially those like her, SHUT UP! If she doesn’t believe that, she should listen to MSNBC, CNN…..etc.
I totally agre with you. Who are all these so called Christians ? I call this deception. Trump is not perfect but HRC is evil and against believers. He hasn’t done anything wrong. Moore is deceived and I am tossing everything I ever had of hers. Totally disgusting and deceived.
Thank you, Rosemary!!! Well said!!!
All I can say is…
NO MORE Beth Moore, NO less No Moore.
Thank you Rosemary for all that you said, all those direct questions was the truth but we know now what Beth Moore stands for, yes those very questions you mentioned. Again, Wow!!!!
That is my question. Did she prefer Hillary? Or was Trump just not her first choice of a Republican candidate? That makes a big difference.
I agree with Rosemary.
I can not believe MS. Moore said that.
I went to a conference she put on and was immediately impressed.
Now I am very disappointed in her. I feel very sorry for her. She has to answer to God.
wherefore by their fruits he shall know them. Not every one that faith unto me , Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven…,
Be careful who you are listening to! The battle is on. 2020 will be a battle between right and wrong. Just as many other things have come to pass- people were placed in certain places for a purpose. How many people who listen to her will she drag to hell? Let me say once more, you can NOT support the left and say that you are Christ like and Godly. The Bible has not changed. One other post on here tells it all. No matter how it goes down we have nothing to fear! No one holds more power than our God. If you truly research Islam , ( research it for yourself) , it has always been a violent group. They have to die for their savior, while my savior died for me.
Can’t believe this – Have many Beth Moore seminar books, etc – and getting rid of everything! No, Trump is not perfect , but he has been – and is God’s Man for these horrible times!
His work on abortion says a lot. I do not know if he is a genuine man, but the alternative was a woman who has NO issues with full term abortion! You want me to put my stamp on that? I love my neighbor, that is why I would not want a stranger in their home without their permission. You want it so that our country is open to those that make no effort to come legally…it will not be your upper class neighborhood, it will be OURS. When I have an option to support one better than that, I will. And I will NOT take advice from a vapid, defiant lady preacher. NEVER.
Wow, how Christlike of both of you. You say she salutes an attack while you lodge one. Take your opinion of Trump’s action in Ukraine and alleged obstruction out of the equation. Can you really defend his character? What has he done that is Christlike? Was it in how he demeaned recently widowed Rep Dingell? Was it in how he implied that security should be more “rough” and less “politically correct” with protesters at his rallies? Was it in referring to human beings as infestations?
3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
Trump isn’t Christlike. Fortunately for Trump, that isn’t a requirement for President. Nor, is someone’s holiness a predictor of how good their tenure of office might be, see Clinton, Bill; Roosevelt, Franklin; Reagan, Ronald. When the opposition are murderers, Trump’s rough language and imperfections pale in comparison.
Judge not, unless you be judged. I would rather have Trump in the white house instead of liars that have betrayed our country for decades!!! He is trying to rebuilt what they have destroyed. Give the guy credit where credit is due.
I agree with you. Many christians have been praying before President Trump was elected. We believe he was answer to prayer. God can use anyone he wants. I don’t know anyone that could have held up under the pressure and done all the good things he has for America. God really knew who to put in the white house. Wait untill the antichrist gets here, there gonna love that.
Well said ! I agree!
I agree with you Cheryl. Beth did a teaching in one of the many Bible studies I took of hers years ago. In it she stressed that the Lord sets up kings and deposes them. But she’s more concerned about how he tweets than the work to expose the deep darkness in in our government. He’s in office because God put him there for such a time a this. Hard to imagine how, with the holy spirt, she misses this.
Didnt know God was appointing judges. Congratulations.. NOT
Maybe you haven’t read the bible lately. There was much attacking going on from the apostles, the scribes and pharisees not to mention Jesus Christ himself. It depends on what the attacking is over. I say Beth Moore is a heretic.
Sorry, my previous comment was for Kelly.
Your comments prove you are reading and believing “fake news”.
Can a fountain pour forth bitter and sweet water at the same time? Yours is certainly bitter…..going against our precious, God-given President Trump. If nothing else, just look at all the great things he has done and is doing….supporting Israel, pro life, closed borders to protect even you! Wake up and don’t be a part of those self righteous so-called Christians who would hand this country over to the godless, socialist, leftist democrats!!!
YOU can defend her – I am OFFENDED by her!
He has brought more people out of poverty…off welfare and food stamps than any president in my life. That’s Christ like. He has helped make an economy that has raised 401ks. Put more blacks and Hispanics to work than ever..giving them dignity instead of charity. That’s Christ like. He has fought for..and continues to fight for the unborn. That’s Christ like. You mam are one of the hypocrites. Shame on you
and…our President is standing for Christian values and honest endeavors to strengthen our country and our people. I hate to say it but I don’t think anyone who is so called…sold out Christian with soft tones, yielding attitude, kind words, etc and etc, would be able to stand against the incredible attempt to take over our country and our people. Sorry. Just has to be someone with a backbone of steel. Not all true born again believers act like priests….they just don’t. They usually fall just a little below the line of perfection. OK….a lot below the line. The best of our leaders would cave when having to deal with world leaders that couldn’t care less about our values or our Savior. It took a specially formed man to do this job. Stick with him and for the Love of God….stop tearing at him because he is rough. Pray for him and stand with him….he is all that stands between us and socialism. I am so glad that he is tough and has the ability to stand toe to toe with tough regime leaders…and win. Get your heads on straight. Exactly what do you think is the alternative??!
Well said, Gloria! ♡
Your thoughts are beautiful. I think exactly the same.
Thank you Gloria! Very well said! All the leaders in the Bible were imperfect (except of course Jesus!)
He equips the called, not calls the equipped. We stand with our President and are incredibly grateful to God.
Totally agree!
What Gloria said!
I’m with you, Gloria. People call over the names of others they would wish to be president and I tell them, the soft spoken, who are always kind and gentle would not have been able to do as President Trump has done. The people that are always bringing up things he did 15 to 20 years ago. He says that he is a Christian and that is between him and God. He may have given his life to God, I don’t know but I do know with him being in constant association with spiritual leaders and allowing them in the White House, he could be led to a personal relationship with God.
Read the bible, God used many people who were less than perfect, much less. Tax collectors, a few theives, a few murders, a few harlots and even people who did not believe in Him.
I am with Jim, 100% correct
The woods are full of false prophets.
Think Smart!!!!!! Do you want the Democratic delusion in control or Someone who isn’t a Democrat?
Thank you Kelly, I have the exact same ideas. Each and every day I feel as though Donald Trump is the Antichrist a little more. This is the man people who swears he is a Christian yet doesn’t even know it’s Second Corn. Not Two Corn. He actively and publicly looks for the next wife while still married to his current wife. He has mocked children, the elderly, the handicap and the downtrodden. I pray each night that God will change him but each morning I feel like he’s beyond change. We, as Christians, have to get out of this voting strictly partisan and start voting for the character of a president. If this man were running as a democrat people would be burning him at the stake! I have list all respect for Billy Graham’s son for crawling in the political bed with Trump as I find it a betrayal of his father’s good name. I am well aware that the Bible teaches us to respect the government, which I do, but it doesn’t say to condone it.
One other thing, those of you going on and on about Beth Moore “preaching or teaching” , well thank God Indeed there has always been strong women of faith! For God used Mary, Ruth, Deborah and many other women of faith for His will!
I don’t actually know any bible believing evangelical Christian who believes that President Trump is a Christian, nor do they care. They voted for a President who would stem the tide of cultural Marxism, protect the first amendment rights of Christians and other people of faith, snuff out the racism that 8 years of president Obama rekindled in America; Build a border wall because one of the few duties given to our elected officials is the defense of our borders and national sovereignty, reinvigorate our law enforcement and military because defense, and public safety are two other duties given to our elected officials by our founding documents, and to get the economy back on track – No right minded human voted for Pastor Trump.
The OpEd by Galli at CT only showed one thing – he is just another liberal who only gets his news from leftest sources that agree with his political POV – if he even read the Wall St. Journal; he would know that NOTHING in the articles of impeachment are true or founded on solid evidence. And he would also know that the House of Representatives not only failed to follow their long standing Rules of Impeachment which can be found by searching the House of Representatives Document archive; they made up their own rules that completely violate any rules of due process. And if you think that is okay – think about it if you are ever arrested and only the prosecution has a right to witnesses, evidence, and questioning-while you are denied the right to discovery (see the evidence the prosecution has found), a defense attorney, witnesses, and the right to cross examination. The entire thing is a farce – a farce that began long before election night when the Hillary Campaign and the DNC paid for Steele to put together a dosier to discredit Donald Trump. The cries for impeachment began before the election was officially called on election night – the democrats determined to impeach anyone who was not Hillary Clinton and a continuing of the cultural marxist revolution began by President Obama. And the process is so partisan that this is going to be a regular feature of American presidential politics every time that the white house changes parties from now on.
Trump still sux…
Excellent! Thank you. The attack against Trump’s character is to blind people from the true character and agenda of the Democrats. The Democrats (and people like Soros) could care less of the “character” of the President. They just want to remove a Republic at any cost and put a Democrat in office — who will promote OPEN borders, removal of 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, increased persecution against anyone who disagrees with them (including anyone who doesn’t support ANYTHING in the radical LGBTQ agenda), abortion (and even infanticide), and so much more…… There is a lot at stake and I will continue to fully support Trump — though I will feel free to respectfully share with him (via White House comment line) when he does something I do not agree with.
Well said!
I agree with you Cheryl…. the fake media along with the dishonest democrats (( not all are dishonest)) who put together this disgraceful sham of an impeachment process have been out to take down President Trump since Day One because, from what I have read, it was intended that Mrs Clinton win president in the 2016 election since the 1990’s while her husband was in office!!
It is NOT up to me to judge whether or Not President Trump is a Christian….. Only God, Himself truly KNOWS the heart of a person. We are ALL Sinners according to the Bible and because of this… even after we believe in our Hearts (( NOT just our heads… James 2:19 states You believe there is one God, you don’t well. Even the demons believe and tremble.) NOT just “Head knowledge “… and accepts Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior whether we want to admit it or NOT, we Still sin!!! IF you read the Bible… think about what even Paul, perhaps the greatest evangelist Ever said… that he sinned Daily and had to repent!! As Christians, NONE of Us are perfect … Christ was the ONLY PERFECT person to walk upon this earth EVER …. We are merely Sinners who have been saved by God’s Grace through the shed blood of His Only begotten Son, Jesus Christ!! Therefore…. I nor anyone else, other than God, has the right to judge the heart of a man!! I have read and seen a lot of things that President Trump has done in his presidency that Are “Christ like “. One of the main things I like about President Trump is how he stands with Israel!! Also, remember that the Bible states in the OT that it is God Who places men into positions of power… back then Kings of course, but I truly feel that God has BLESSED this nation with giving us President Trump!! I mean just look at the difference in the economy compared to when he took office… the employment rate climb!! It scares me to think of where this country would be had God allowed Mrs Clinton to take presidency over America!! I pray for My/ Your President…. I pray for Mrs Clinton and I guess I need to add Beth Moore to that list!! As far Franklin Graham…. he is an outstanding Christian and Evangelist of whom his father I’m sure would be proud!! PLEASE, people…. do NOT discredit his work of Evangelism !! We Need to “STOP pointing fingers” (( ever notice when you point your finger at someone… there are 3 pointing back at yourself and 1 pointing up!??!)) AND …. INSTEAD Pray for Our President and Our Nation…. because…. A nation divided can NOT stand!!! May God richly Bless You, Our President and Our nation!! NUMBERS 6:24-26 is my prayer for each. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS And A Blessed of The Lord, Prosperous 2020….. To God be ALL Glory!!!
Look through the scriptures at the men God chose for his purpose. Each one had major flaws. None were perfect but they were perfect to do the job.
Anyone who would stand along side those who believe it’s ok to kill babies is an agent of Satan.
Thank you, Rhonda!!
I agree, the Christians who look the other way are hypocrites. He gleefully counts his money as he sees the chaos he has brought to this country. I remember the day when he would be visited by the elders to publicly repent of his sins, instead, he publicly heralds his greatness and how much he does.
Rhonda writes:
“Each and every day I feel as though Donald Trump is the Antichrist a little more.”
Oh dear; how dramatic. Trump is Racist/Nazi/Hitler/anti-Christ!
How much did you ever have to say about the immorality of Obama, or Bush Junior, or Clinton, or Papa Bush? They have the blood of countless innocents on their hands, not to mention the bringing of this nation most likely past the point of ruin.
Quit pretending you have moral insight; I can tell Beth Moore is your blind guide.
You’re comparing President Trump’s “christlikeness” to a woman who is suppose to be a baptist christian motivational speaker and has spent her entire life doing so? If she was who she claims she is, she would clearly see this attack on our president is evil and santanic. Instead of standing against it, she’s supporting and applauding it. Beth Moore has obviously sold her soul to the devil!
@Rhonda. There is so much about this post that makes me feel sad. So much!! I truly hope and pray you will find grace in your heart to extend to any man or woman who is new to speaking openly about the Bible. I have heard young people new in the faith say One John. My Bible shows it written as such. I do not recall anyone in the room laughing or chastising them. I have personally heard pastors say the same thing. Also, it would be written 2 Cor. not 2 Corn. And really, does this matter at all?
A host of us struggled at first in voting for him. We looked at the outward appearance of the man. Then we looked at the inward life of his opponent. We saw no character, and then we listened to her platform . Therefore, we were willing to trust that God was doing a new thing, that He would use “the foolishness of the world to confound the wise.” He is doing just that through a President willing to stand before the UN and support the right to life of all unborn babies. Incredible!
Others here have correctly listed his many accomplishments, most of which have been in our prayers for years. So no, I am not being deceived. Until God shows me otherwise, I am willing to believe He is still in the business of transforming lives, and that includes us all.
Rhonda who is the other candidate you would vote for and please describe their character.
That`s right, but it doesn`t mean we are to give up and except defeat. Never in the Bible will you find surrender without a fight. God had His prophets and men of war. They lead the army and God interviened on their behalf!
He has brought back prayers and Bible reading back to the White house and supports Israel and defunded the planned parenthood baby killers for starters
It never left…….Prayers sustained us in the White House, says Michelle Obama in her autobiography
‘I felt the prayers of millions of decent people who prayed for our safety’
PAOprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama appear on stage in Chicago as part of Mrs Obama’s tour to publicise her autobiography
MICHELLE OBAMA has described how the prayers of millions of Americans sustained her during her years in the White House.
In her autobiography, Becoming, published this month, she writes about living with the threat of violence, conscious that her husband’s presidency produced “a reactionary sense of fear and resentment”. On one occasion, a man fired a semi-automatic rifle at the White House, hitting the window of a room in which she sometimes had tea.
“‘We’re praying nobody hurts you,’ people used to say, clasping my hand at campaign events,” she recalls. “I’d heard it from people of all races, all backgrounds, all ages — a reminder of the goodness and generosity that existed in our country. ‘We pray for you and your family every day.’
“I kept their words with me. I felt the protection of those millions of decent people who prayed for our safety.”
She and her husband “relied on our personal faith as well,” she writes. They went to church “only rarely” during their time in the White House, “mostly because it had become such a spectacle, involving reporters’ shouting questions as we walked in to worship.”
Michelle Obama is always such a victim. Every POTUS is under threat, and I’ve never seen such violent hatred of a POTUS as that directed at Trump.
Michelle Obama possesses an insufferable sense of entitlement, best exemplified by her not ever being proud of her country until it was willing to let her live in the Whitehouse. Being so hard to please is bad enough, but it’s even worse when you have zero worthwhile accomplishments to at least provide some excuse for such monumental arrogance and self-regard.
Anyone buying her book is an airhead with no discernment.
So Michelle Obama, who plans to be President herself one day, got her religious leadership from Jeremiah Wright–“not God bless America” he said in his snarling shout–“God damn America!!!!” She was never even proud of America–her words–before her husband’s political success. P-BO (Pres. Obama) said that the sound of the Muslim call to prayer was the sweetest sound on earth to him. I’d have a really hard time believing she has even a clue what being a true Christ-follower is. Her husband did more to destroy our remaining Christian influence in government than anyone in the last hundred years.
Prayed to Whom…perhaps Allah. She sat in Rev Wright’s Church as he damned America. For decades she sat in his church as he said “the chickens have come home to roost “, regarding 9/11. I question who she was praying to…
and YOU think YOU
are Christlike….lady u you need to back off and take a good look at what you just said…
Wow, you speaking some mighty big words there. I happen to see you in the same light as the two ladies you dumped on. No Christian voted for Trump thinking he had a squeaky clean past. Have you ever really read the Bible? If so, the men and women God used as hands and feet to carry His Word, His love, His kindness, and His teaching to the Church and the world. Jesus ate with the sinners and spent time with them, He DID NOT JUDGE THEM. These Christians that speaking horrible of a man that has not came to Him yet are no better than the Sanhedrin and Pharisees. Before you pass off your judgment make sure you have the log pulled from your eye. The great thing Trump has done is taken the stance for PRO-LIFE. Before you judge a non – Christian, take the log from your own eye first.
God used many imperfect people. Probably the most obvious is King David. He was an adulterer and a murderer. I’m sure many of his enemies believed he was not of God, an illigitimat leader. Lacking character. Corrupt. Trump doesn’t even come close. He is flawed but 80% of the negative perception is because the media and Democrats has spent over a billion dollars maligning him in an attempt to shape public opinion. Donald Trump is a friend to the Christian faith.!!
I don’t know a president that deserves being defended since President Reagan. One thing I certainly agree on with Trump is: do not destroy the unborn! All the Democrats think this is okay and according to God’s word, it is definitely WRONG. At least Trump acknowledges God; in a good way. I think Beth Moore just lost a lot of respect and her lively hood!
Turn off cnn and fake news and pray for him If God is for him will you be his judge??
I just wanted to say as a reminder that God is still on the throne, he is in control! God has a plan and President Trump is a part of it. The positive things President Trump has done is. 1. Called out abortion as murder which it is, he has challenged planned parenthood and many of them have been shut done.2. He protecting our borders, we need to take care of our own people, if those who want to come to our beautiful country do it the right way!! Other countries expect that so why should we.
“The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.”
— Proverbs 18:17
And yet “Christianity” Today is doing precisely that and essentially passing sentence before the President’s CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED trial in the Senate has even begun! So much for “render unto Caesar”!
Throughout history God has used highly imperfect people to accomplish His perfect work, including Donald Trump!!! No, he’s not perfect but neither am I!!!
He made Jerusalem the capital of Israel. How many other president’s said they would and just blew a lot of smoke.
I voted for Trump and will do so again, but making Jerusalem the capital of Israel is one of his many blunders. The United States of America is a republic comprised of 50 nation states, and Israel is not one of them. The Zionist/neocon policies implemented by POTUS after POTUS for the past 70 years, and increasingly so for the past nearly 30 years, have done untold damage to my once Christian homeland, and great damage to Christianity itself.
We did NOT elect him for being Christlike!! Is that your prerequisite for a President? If so then though haven’t voted for a President… ever? Or maybe since Carter, who says he’s a Christian, but was a horrible President!!! Have you not heard of Cyrus? You do not need to be saved for God to use you. Trump has done more for innocent human life, the unborn, than how many Presidents combined!! He has done a remarkable job restoring so much of what Obama and Bush destroyed!! God is using him to literally push back the darkness and that has been invading our land. It is thre mercy of God giving America a chance tho repent! If Trump is a Christian, and many have said he has as asked Christ into his heart, then he is a baby in Christ. Listen he has much growing to do! Let’s pray he continues in The Way, that God continues to draw him close and use him for big and mighty things. I believe Trump is God’s man for such a time as this. I pray that Trump see and realize that it is God’s work and God gets the glory!!
Kelly, you’re right about how people will act in the end times. But don’t forget to ask yourself how many Washington D.C. squatters became millionaires AFTER being elected. Hummm, wonder how that happened on about $135,00/year salary. And never forget that God can put anyone He wants in office (or allow anyone to be elected) and use that person to achieve His will. Christians helped vote in a man who is rough around the edges, but so were a lot of great men in the Bible……ever notice how the beloved David sinned? How about Moses? He murdered a man. So don’t talk about someone who isn’t perfect as if he should be ridiculed or disrespected just because of not being perfect. He (or She, Kelly) who is without sin, cast the first stone.
You are correct, Kelly! Beth Moore is NOT a heretic, as some in this comments section and the write of the above assert. I mourn for those Christians who have bought Trumps’ lies. Millions have been led astray by Donald Trump because he has courted (and won) the favor of a few rich “evangelical leaders” who no longer serve God, but their own financial and power-hungry desires. Millions more see through Donald Trump’s thinly-veiled “love” of Christianity. He is not now – nor has he ever been – a practicing Christian, and his very words and deeds reveal him for what he is: an evil and corrupt charlatan and prolific liar who will twist and bend ANY belief to gain votes. Make no mistake – he saw how large the Christian right was and played to their most fervent political desires. Trump has done more to sully Christianity than any group in America’s history. Trumpers: You are paying a horrific price for those supreme court judges he’s appointed. You’ve sold your souls, Christianity and Christ’s very name for them! When will you wake up? As was the case with Hitler, some may never, but mark my words, as Trump’s actions are increasingly becoming more in lockstep with that demon, and eventually the very people he has duped will become his targets as well. Sadly, it will be too late then.
Your entire, overlong comment is a series of straw-men. Engaging in such fallaciousness is dishonest, and since God hasn’t lifted the ban on bearing false witness, you should stop.
AMEN to Mimi…
Dear Mimi,
I am very new to this discussion but not new to politics or to God moving in history.
I was raised in a Democrat house hold in metro Detroit. I worked to get Jimmy Carter elected in 76 but saw that Reagan had the answers in 1980. I have remained a Republican since then…..a blue collar union guy.
When we look back over the rhino weak candidates that ran in 2008 and 2012 we realize God worked a miracle in raising up an America firster in Trump.
I absolutely believe he has asked Jesus in hi heart and his lack of maturity in that area does not dis-qualify him.
The swamp of the good ol boy network in DC is being drained and the devil is mad!
Anyone who can not forgive a terribly off color but private remark from 15 years ago better be ready
For their own sins to be in forgiven!
I agree the religious leaders that support Trump sold their soul to the Devil.
Can’t take down what GOD HIMSELF ORDAINED! NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After all the awful policies implemented by nearly every President of at least the last 100 years, it is interesting how suddenly so many supposed “Christians” are oh-so very concerned about morality. As if having an affair and saying rude things is worse than committing national suicide.
Trying to shore up your comment with decontextualized versification is bad form. (And by the way, the Last Days began at Pentecost.)
Moreover, no one here tried to defend Trump’s personal character, and when you imply otherwise, you’re lying. People don’t truly support politicians. They support a set of policies, and that’s what Trump’s “support” is about: his policies overall being less objectionable than the alternatives with which we were presented. None of this should be difficult for anyone of at least average intelligence to understand.
People like you never said a word about Obama’s immorality, or that of Bush before him (can you count dead bodies at all?), so spare me your phony moral preening. You’re just mad that Mother Hillary lost.
In any event, personal immorality does not constitute an impeachable offense.
What is your definition of Christlike??? Obama? Clinton? Pelosi? Schumer? AOC? Since when are any of us perfect?
Most Christians didn’t vote for Trump he’s perfect. After years of crooked politicians it was time for someone outside the beltway. He’s fought for the unborn. He’s fought for american jobs. He’s fought the corruption in Washington that has bled taxpayers for decades.
Your pious posturing betrays you as a complete and total fraud!! Hes not perfect, but a whole lot better than what came before him. Maybe you should think about that before you go spouting scripture.
That appears to put you in the judgement seat, of a “toddler in the Lord”; you are expressing unrealistic expectations on this new believer. maybe a better course of action on your part, would be to lift him up to the Lord, as Paul encourages, in Ephesians 6. Could make the eternal difference necessary for a healthier nation.
Well sweetie, for starters.. we can relate his actions in draining the swamp & everything else ,to Jesus THROWING the money changers out of the temple…Jesus was yelling ,used a whip & threw the tables upside down…not exactly the mild mannered milk toast view many Christians have of Jesus and by law enforcement standards today would certainly get ANYONE ARRESTED…. Oh & lets not forget Jesus called the Jewish Rabbi’s “Sons of Satan”.. Now, what’s worse calling a documented WHORE / PORN STAR ( women who sells her body sexually to make money) “HORSE FACE” or calling what were “considered” respectable religious leaders of his own faith “Sons of Satan” I could go on & on…… Oh yes & he told one of his disciples ” get the behind me SATAN” to his face……..Also cursed a fig tree , when he was hungry & it had no fruit on it… disciples walked back by later that day & the tree “was withered & DEAD” So Trump says what he thinks & is NOT concerned with political correctness just like Jesus had NO concern for the popular opinions of his time. No one is saying Trump is sinless but , you asked …How is Trump CHRIST LIKE … If none of this sounds accurate, read your Bible cover to cover you will be surprised how rough around the edges MOST of the people God choice to use ACTUALLY WERE….
You’re comparing President Trump’s “christlikeness” to a woman who is suppose to be a baptist christian motivational speaker and has spent her entire life doing so? If she was who she claims she is, she would clearly see this attack on our president is evil and santanic. Instead of standing against it, she’s supporting and applauding it. Beth Moore has obviously sold her soul to the devil!
Perfectly said!
Do you know how to count?
Yes as stated Boone is sinless, all flawed. Trump gas supported more Christ like actions than any before him. Not even close.
ok et ya all remember the choice in 3016. HRC or Trump. Flawed yes as we all are……trump has supported and defended Christian values more than she would have and more than most any before him
President Trump is the man that God Himself put in that seat. Who are any of us to remove him. He loves our country, that’s evident. Everything he has done or is currently doing, is for us. I guarantee that if you pulled back the curtain covering every single elected official in Washington, you’d see much worse. I stand with our President and First Lady.
Boom! The wolf in sheeps clothing has been revealed.
Think Smart!!!!!! Do you want the Democratic delusion in control or Someone who isn’t a Democrat? Thank you Suzie and Burn Away.
used to love her no more…..
I use to listen and do her bible studies years ago. So….sad. Ya know it gives us a bad name. If she felt that way she should have kept it to herself.
Another fallen Angel. I would advise checking your salvation, Beth Moore. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. We are told that any of the wickedness defined in this scripture, “Will Not Inherit The Kingdom Of God.” God’s Wrath Against Mankind, Romans 1:18-32. God’s Law, 1 Timothy 1:8-10. Those saved by God’s Grace should not associate with: 1 Corinthians 5:9-12. What are you teaching and who are you associating with? I would be careful not to wander out of God’s teaching, for there lies Satan, seeking whom he may devour.
Susie, let me comment as a FORMER Southern Baptist minister for over 50-years I’m in agreement with Franklin Graham in his recent post releasing his father, Billy Graham’s choice by voting & supported our President Donald J Trump. He knew Pres Trump personally for years. I don’t have one moment of doubt that Billy Graham voted & supported Donald J Trump because he knew Jehovah God had chosen him to clean up America as we’re seeing unprecedented levels of evil of immature Believers & unbelievers who are judging God’s choice proving they have no maturity to understand why Donald J Trump Is 45th President as compared to pagan King Cyrus (Isa 45). If God can’t find a holy person that hears Him and is 100% dedicated to God’s Kingdom without one shred of self centeredness direction THEN God will choose a one that will obey Him. No one is perfect. Nor are these ill-informed Believers! Reminds me a little of Biblical King David & certainly he didn’t have a stellar past but in God’s words he was referred to “as a man after God‘s own heart”. We need to fear God and not follow detrimental evil intentions against whom God puts in office. Bible speaks in latter days even some of the elect, will be deceived. That’s a very cautionary strong warning every Believer should be aware of in these specific days. We must love our Lord Jesus, and each other as we image Jesus letting world see our love of God TOGETHER – not conflict provoking opposing Biblical specifics of why we chose Jesus as Savior. We need to do our commitment to God and let God do His purposes on earth! Thank you for reading my belief!
Trump still sux… Cyrus??? Deluded sheeple still say so…
Trump still sux… Cyrus??? Deluded sheeple still say so… (btw, lance w ‘s ‘cyrus prophecy’ was A BAD JOKE!!!
Ed Nave – God used an ass to speak to a wayward prophet. I am afraid that he could never use you. You have had the benefit of many excellent arguments how God has used Mr. Trump for God’s purposes, and yet you can only say the word “sux”. You lack any clear articulation, but when you try to comment on King Cyrus, you illustrate absolute ignorance of the Bible. Why are you commenting on these pages? Your ignorance makes your comments non-relevant.
Thank you ! Too many people do NOT read their Bibles cover to cover.. the people God uses all had flaws. God knows we are NOT perfect, but he sees our heart & knows what strengths we each possess & can use that. We needed a man who is not worried about whether people will LIKE him or if he is stepping on toes. As one pastor put it…. someone who would charge the gates of Hell with a water pistol, if that’s all they had..I feel for Trump , he has been under constant attack since the day after he won the election, they will NEVER stop…. I pray psalm 91 over him.. also known as the warriors prayer , It has served me well while I was under attack for SEVERAL YEARS from various sources.
Remember , the studies caused us to go deeper with God not with Beth Moore. That wasn’t the purpose in the first place. It isn’t about her, it’s about HIM and he can use anyone HE desire to accomplish His purpose.
Return them and ask for your money back. LOL.
Sounds like this woman has been wearing the pants in the SBC. Never cared for her arrogance.
Am totally shocked!! What a complete let down… Yes, I’m going g to get rid of every teaching I have ever owned of hers. Charlatan…
I have quoted her. I think she has helped many. SHE IS WRONG ON THIS. Maybe it takes a book burning to get her attention?
not for sure if this is a correct or false tweet was shocked so went to twitter and Beth Moore looked at all of her tweets
and this supposed tweet did not show up so before you burn all of your study material check to see if this posted tweet is
really true…not a Beth Moore fan so am not trying to defend her just want to truth to be upheld.
Me too! Never been so incensed about a so called God fearing teacher! Beth Moore, ROT IN HELL, where you belong.
All my workbooks in the fire! What a joke you are!
Listen to yourself; spewing accusations of heresy without having or knowing the facts… and with an ugliness that is just want Satan wants. Sad.
I’m still not sure this is true!!!
Beth Moore is an actress. Nothing more. She and Elmer Gantry are twins. Ignore her.
Me too!
Yup!! To much division. To many other respected Christian leaders and prophetic people are behind Trump. I didn’t need anyone to tell me to support him,God gave me the wisdom before he threw his hate in the ring.
Don’t burn those workbooks & DVD’s —SEND THEM BACK TO BETH MOORE. When she gets millions of them stacked on the “finely manicured” lawn of her “well appointed” large home—maybe she’ll get the message…”she is a sell out or a plant” and will NO LONGER BE A CHRISTIAN WOMAN INFLUENCER!
It’s over Beth.
I prefer to burn them, the world has too many hypocrites already, no need to spread her hypocritical message!
andrew • a few seconds ago
While President Trump may have a lifestyle that’s not perfect NO ONE ELSE could stand up to the evil ,sick ,treasonous ,pedophile cult that is trying to destroy our society, nation and world.
President Trump is a mortal man ,he makes mistakes and commit sins, Beth needs to see what the results of his efforts are compared to the results the sic Politian’s before him.
I rather have President Trump offend ne with the truth than the past presidents eloquently professing to be Christians with morals integrity while lying to all of us with their support of late term and partial birth abortions, constant disruption of law and order and blatant disrespect for for military and law enforcement, our nations founding and working for the globalist’s agenda.
The bought and paid for media and career politicains are doing the best to ruin this country w constant barrage of lies and attacks.
You don’t have to agree with everything about him but you can damn sure agree he is better than anything else the democrats have/had to offer OR boughten and paid for the rhino swamp who has no one with the WILL or capability to fight for our country ,our morals and believes.
Her trash would not be in my house either!
Amen, Beth just proved that she is no real Christian. Christians do not advocate ugliness or violence be it verbally or physically. I will never watch her again or listen to her. I support my President. I pray for him daily, in the morning and before I go to bed. My prayer for myself and others is Let God speak through me, let His words be my words, let His preferred actions be my actions and let His thoughts be my thoughts. God is the Potter, and I am the clay. Beth nor Christianity Today nor the Pope speaks for me, not now, now ever! I only listen to GOD and I know He put Donald J. Trump in office for a good reason and I will continue to pray for him and support him!
Amen, Beth just proved that she is no real Christian. Christians do not advocate ugliness or violence be it verbally or physically. I will never watch her again or listen to her. I support my President. I pray for him daily, in the morning and before I go to bed. My prayer for myself and others is Let God speak through me, let His words be my words, let His preferred actions be my actions and let His thoughts be my thoughts. God is the Potter, and I am the clay. Beth nor Christianity Today nor the Pope speaks for me, not now, not ever! I only listen to GOD and I know He put Donald J. Trump in office for a good reason and I will continue to pray for him and support him!
Trump is not the Savior, Jesus is and if Beth has an opinion so be it, what happened to free speech? I’m sick of conservatives worshiping Trump, its too bad hes the only choice if he had kept his big mouth shut he wouldnt be in as much hot water! He has the emotional stability of a ten year old girl. You had better pray that the democrats dont get in and continue murdering the unborn or the judgment of God is going to fall harder than it already is!
Although I have never heard of this person, I have absolutely no use for a “bible teacher” or “preacher” who is so obviously far removed from the voice of God. However, it is well known that we are in the very end of end times , and satan has infiltrated the church on a massive scale. She is just one of many who are satan’s mouthpieces leading many astray. Unfollowing her is good, but it is not good enough. Prayer is in order that this woman who has been leading the Lord’s sheep astray be neutralized so that no more are lost
I’ll bring mine!
I am throwing out all books and DVD’s of hers. She is a part of satan’s group and I want nothing to do with her,
Yes we all need to burn Beth Moore books!
Good….me too!
Look like you may need to change your diaper. The first PRESIDENT that actually befriends Israel the true way. He is against abortion. Pro 2nd amendment. Listen King David wasn’t perfect and look who came of the lineage. Do you want a perfect PRESIDENT. Well there is not one. He is much better than the previous 8 years that was for gay, abortion, bathroom perversion. GOD doesn’t use perfect people. Why? Because there are none. Are you?????
Spectacular comment!!!
Well stated!
I voted for Trump and will do so again, but his slavishness to Israel exemplifies the worst of his Presidency. The United States of America is a republic comprised of precisely 50 nation states, and Israel is not one of them. We were promised America First, not Israel First, and yet we continue to suffer through the latter.
Judge by his fruit I use to admire Beth now she is called into question. Come Lord Jesus
Beth isn’t thinking.
I would suggest that you find a new line of work. This President has done more for the Christian world than any other person. As far as I’m concerned I will never listen to you again. You have your right to say what you want but i have the right to turn you off.
Well stated!
Sorry Beth, but you are out of line and out of touch with reality and apparently out of touch with Biblical Teaching.
God put Trump in the WH AND YOU have no right to second guess God. Get your head straight about who is really in charge.
Sounds like Beth Moore has taken a turn in the wrong direction.
So disappointed in Beth Moore. I will never follow her or do any of her Bible Studies again.
If this is true I am very disappointed in Beth Moore. Is Trump a perfect example of a Christian . No but who is? He still up holds more of the values I believe in than any of the Democrats. So, who is she endorsing ? Those who are anti Israel, anti pro life! Pray for him instead of condemning him. What kind of Christian doesn’t fail! We all fall but by the grace of God we over come.
Wow, I will no longer listen to her teachings.
What we are seeing now is the sheep and goats being separated which includes apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and ministers.
We have to be careful in judging others because no one is perfect and God is the only judge. . It says in the Bible one sin is as bad as the other in God’s eyes. And he wants us to be busy correcting our own faults and sins instead of judging someone else and we can ask him for forgiveness and we learn to follow him. Jesus loves us all and guides us and he wants us all to love one anotheran .. when we sin there is consequenses then we learn and try and correct our sins and no one .. not no one is perfect. But can ask for forgiveness . God wants us to pray for our Leaders and he is in control. And he will be the Only judge. So look in the mirror and ask yourself. How you can correct your faults and sins and leave it all to God. God Bless Pres Trump and his family. And direct their paths with love, protection, safety, and good health . Thank you God Thank you Pres Trump.
BUT… Many times in the word of God we are told to JUDGE WISELY,, we MUST JUDGE ..things & people.. otherwise we would be blown about by every wind of false teaching & people who are truly evil.
Beth Moore just sealed her fate. She exposed herself as the false prophetess of the Southern Baptist Church!
Let those who are without sin cast the first stone! I hear a bunch of Saduccees and Pharacees digging their grave deeper in front of God
God used Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus to benefit His people, in spite of the fact that they were not known for godly character. The ugliness in our current culture might have been exposed by Trump’s presidency but correlation does not equal causation. As believers our main responsibility is to preach the gospel. Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world—it is spiritual and eternal, not political. Are we making the same mistake the Jewish leaders of His day made by insisting on a political solution to a spiritual problem? The church’s responsibility is to preach the gospel and pray for leaders. I regret Beth Moore’s statement but it does not make her a heretic. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Let’s not give the enemy a foothold here!
There is nothing god like about Trump he is a man like all of us he isn’t a saint he makes mistakes daily like all of us frail human beings. What he brings to the WH is a love for this country and a willingness to take on those who wish to makes us slaves under a socialist network, we the people sent him there to take care of our business and so far he had done an exceptional job under very difficult circumstances. I only hope that he will get van opportunity to get what he has set out to do done he had been a breath of fresh air in a stifling world of corruption and his intent is to get rid of as many of our career politicians as possible before he leaves office which is what we need our founders never meant for politics to be a career and Trump believes that as I do
Thank you so much for your comment. It is also a breath of fresh air with a load of wisdom mixed in.
A sad day.
What happened to the pulpit? It seems self grandizing, virtue signaling and post modern, spinning a mangled Word of God to promote anything but God, getting right back to…did God really say!?!? Yes He did and if people would just read it, they would see something very wrong with this picture on many levels starting with humility and obedience.
Beth, I cannot believe you are joining with these people criticizing our President. No one is saying that he is perfect, but let’s look at our other choice. Choosing the Democratic side is far worse than Trump. Take the time to read the Democratic platform. There you will find a long list of anti-Christian declarations. Trump is standing up for liberty and freedom of religion. You of all people should understand judging and criticism having been unjustly criticized yourself Please consider where we would be now if we didn’t have Trump.
Mr. Galli (and BETH MOORE),
It seemed awfully convenient that you choose two weeks before your last day of work to make such profound negative statements to the world about your opinion of the president of the United States, taking liberties I might add, to speak on behalf of evangelicals and even Christianity Today’s founder Billy Graham. I was thrilled to see Franklin Grahams prompt rebuke of your invoking his father’s name, and now I’d like to offer mine on behalf of evangelicals in America.
In your article in CT, you admonished readers that Mr. Trump should be removed from office, not as a matter of partisan loyalties, but in steadfast faithfulness to “the Creator of the Ten Commandments.” That statement alludes to the notion that if we do not support Mr. Trump’s removal, we would be breaking the Ten Commandments. There is not one of the Ten Commandments that would be broken by anyone supporting Mr. Trump, so I can only assume your words were meant as a guilt trip.
I would never say Mr. Trump is perfect (none of us are), but painting him as the proverbial anti-Christ leading America astray is not only slander Mr. Galli, it’s sin. Let me remind you that in Daniel 2:21, the Bible tells us that it is God who both establishes and removes kings. Further, there are numerous biblical examples of ways He used “ungodly” kings; five of which were Saul, Solomon, Hezekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, and Ahab. Saul helped Israel regain its independence, but suffered with jealousy, hatred, pride, and a spirit of murder. King David was known as a man who had a “heart after God”, but made a number of mistakes from adultery, to murder – just to name a few. Israel prospered under the rule Ahab, even though he was a push-over for his wicked wife Jezebel who murdered people for senseless reasons. Hezekiah was known as devout, humble, and prayerful, even though he was also prideful and made errors that would affect his people for generations to come. Then there was Nebuchadnezzar. Vain and foolish, he treated people like they were worthless until God got ahold of his heart in the most extreme way. In the end of his life he said, “I Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble’ (4:37).
Another one of the things you said that was disturbing to me was the paragraph:
“To the many evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: Remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency. If we don’t reverse course now, will anyone take anything we say about justice and righteousness with any seriousness for decades to come? Can we say with a straight face that abortion is a great evil that cannot be tolerated and, with the same straight face, say that the bent and broken character of our nation’s leader doesn’t really matter in the end?”
My question for you Mr. Galli is, what exactly are you proposing? What is our alternative as evangelicals if we throw Mr. Trump, the poster-child of sin to the way-side? What are you suggesting we do? You are admonishing evangelicals to be faithful to “the Creator of the Ten Commandments” by forsaking Mr. Trump (who is pro-life, pro-marriage, and fulfilled more promises than the last dozen presidents put together), and then turn around and voting for who? Those who have verbally denounced the Bible in support of homosexuality and partial-birth abortion (among other ungodly/unbiblical/immoral issues)? You want us to turn our backs on Mr. Trump for Buttigieg, Biden, Warren, or Sanders who are proudly advocating that we rip babies out of their mother’s wombs and kill them? That we ignore religious freedom and the rights of our faith and engage in and support homosexuality? Where do those fall in regards to the Ten Commandments Mr. Galli?
Mr. Galli (and Beth Moore),
It seemed awfully convenient that you choose two weeks before your last day of work to make such profound negative statements to the world about your opinion of the president of the United States, taking liberties I might add, to speak on behalf of evangelicals and even Christianity Today’s founder Billy Graham. I was thrilled to see Franklin Grahams prompt rebuke of your invoking his father’s name, and now I’d like to offer mine on behalf of evangelicals in America.
In your article in CT, you admonished readers that Mr. Trump should be removed from office, not as a matter of partisan loyalties, but in steadfast faithfulness to “the Creator of the Ten Commandments.” That statement alludes to the notion that if we do not support Mr. Trump’s removal, we would be breaking the Ten Commandments. There is not one of the Ten Commandments that would be broken by anyone supporting Mr. Trump, so I can only assume your words were meant as a guilt trip.
I would never say Mr. Trump is perfect (none of us are), but painting him as the proverbial anti-Christ leading America astray is not only slander Mr. Galli, it’s sin. Let me remind you that in Daniel 2:21, the Bible tells us that it is God who both establishes and removes kings. Further, there are numerous biblical examples of ways He used “ungodly” kings; five of which were Saul, Solomon, Hezekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, and Ahab. Saul helped Israel regain its independence, but suffered with jealousy, hatred, pride, and a spirit of murder. King David was known as a man who had a “heart after God”, but made a number of mistakes from adultery, to murder – just to name a few. Israel prospered under the rule Ahab, even though he was a push-over for his wicked wife Jezebel who murdered people for senseless reasons. Hezekiah was known as devout, humble, and prayerful, even though he was also prideful and made errors that would affect his people for generations to come. Then there was Nebuchadnezzar. Vain and foolish, he treated people like they were worthless until God got ahold of his heart in the most extreme way. In the end of his life he said, “I Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble’ (4:37).
Another one of the things you said that was disturbing to me was the paragraph:
“To the many evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: Remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency. If we don’t reverse course now, will anyone take anything we say about justice and righteousness with any seriousness for decades to come? Can we say with a straight face that abortion is a great evil that cannot be tolerated and, with the same straight face, say that the bent and broken character of our nation’s leader doesn’t really matter in the end?”
My question for you Mr. Galli is, what exactly are you proposing? What is our alternative as evangelicals if we throw Mr. Trump, the poster-child of sin to the way-side? What are you suggesting we do? You are admonishing evangelicals to be faithful to “the Creator of the Ten Commandments” by forsaking Mr. Trump (who is pro-life, pro-marriage, and fulfilled more promises than the last dozen presidents put together), and then turn around and voting for who? Those who have verbally denounced the Bible in support of homosexuality and partial-birth abortion (among other ungodly/unbiblical/immoral issues)? You want us to turn our backs on Mr. Trump for Buttigieg, Biden, Warren, or Sanders who are proudly advocating that we rip babies out of their mother’s wombs and kill them? That we ignore religious freedom and the rights of our faith and engage in and support homosexuality? Where do those fall in regards to the Ten Commandments Mr. Galli?
Trump is the only President we have defending Christianity, I am appalled that so called Christians would like to impeach him with no evidence of wrongdoing . I am keeping track of who is siding with the Demonrat party , I will not listen to or buy anything they have to sell because they have no discernment of the seasons and truth.
Educate yourselves on the Noahide laws.
Maybe you should all read your bibles (Isaiah 45) and listen to the prophecies (Kim Clement and Mark taylor). God doesn’t use the white washed Christians (Pharisees) and when God’s people won’t do it, he’ll use the non Christians to do for him…and change their hearts as they go…wise up!!!
What a shame that we have these weak minded religious Pharisees that can tell you all the popular verses in scripture but don’t know the heat of God! They can tell you everything that is wrong with everybody else all while thinking God is most proud of them! They’ve sold their soul to the devil by signing up for the Johnson bill that they’ve been muzzled to what God tells them to speak for fear of losing their govt money! You cowards don’t have to side with a candidate just present a chart to your congregation that checks off what each candidate stands for. You’ll see trump stands for everything Godly even if his words make you uneasy. You might want to get right with God because God is cleaning house and you may find that Trump isn’t the leader that will be removed!!!
Well said
There is a reason for the separation of church and state. If you don’t want the government in your church business, keep the business of politics and government out of the church, and keep those who promote such non sense from the pulpit. Your personal views are irrelevant. All that glitters is not gold or truth.
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Matthew 7:13
HEY GARY> There is NO such law or bill declaring (seperation of church and state) Go to the libary and read up on American Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, this is a lie repeated so many times by the liberals that everyone started believing this lie and sold out to the enemy of humanity! The Bill of Rights clearly states that gov. will NOT control religion! You should be ashamed of passing on this same lie! May the LORD JESUS give you revelation and the truth! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Thank you for reminding people of this . My church has ALWAYS preached on the issues not the candidates…which makes it easy for even the uninformed to chose the side that closests aligns with Biblical values.
I believe GOD played a part in electing President Trump.
I agree with you. Many christians have been praying before President Trump was elected. We believe he was answer to prayer. God can use anyone he wants. I don’t know anyone that could have held up under the pressure and done all the good things he has for America. God really knew who to put in the white house. Wait untill the antichrist gets here, there gonna love that.
It is very unfortunate that we live in these times. Things are going to happen that have to happen and we need to see who the real enemy is here. He is probably rubbing his hands together with glee to see the vitriol being spewed out on social media by CHRISTIANS against other CHRISTIANS. (John 13:35 New International Version (NIV) 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”) We need to be spreading the true gospel lovingly. False gospels abound. No one comes to Christ because of hateful Christians.
Scripture enjoins Christians to vigorously confront Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing. If doing so is interpreted by delicate people as “hatred,” then that is no one’s burden but their own. Paul called the Galatians foolish because they had bought in to Judaizing heresies, but it needed to be said. If he had been too Christian “nice” (i.e., feckless) to do that, they would have had no chance for repentance, and others might have followed their anti-gospel example.
Didnt know God was appointing judges. Congratulations.. NOT
We get so caught up in personality details we can’t see the big picture:
King David:
morally flawless? Absolutely not, on a scale way beyond Trump.
Loved God and wanted God’s kingdom on Earth? Absolutely.
That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
Trump confesses Christ and asks for God’s blessing on our nation.
It is equi-opposite Obama’s preacher calling out “God damn America.”
It is said Trump used leverage over a foreign nation to root out Biden’s obvious corruption.
It is said Biden used leverage over a foreign nation to squash investigation into his obvious corruption.
How much wisdom does it take to understand the battle of good and evil going on here?
Apparently, not enough for female leadership in the church.
Talk about being a UN Christian. And she salutes wrong doing. Wow she in the wrong business.
When you have a “southern christian motivational speaker” supporting a homosexual for bashing our President (who by the way has taken a stand to fight for the rights of all christians), it’s clear to me she she has sold out to money and greed. Real followers of Christ know this attack on our President is evil and santanic and instead of coming against it Beth Moore is part of it. I pray all eyes are opened to her and her intent and she will no longer be decieving her followers.
Heresy Barbie becomes a political commentator…haven’t taken her seriously for years, won’t be starting now.
Hilarious why someone that calls themselves a Bible believing Christian and or Bible teacher does not grasp that the Bible, old and new testament is filled to stories of God using imperfect Men to carry out His will on the earth. I can name a few off hand like Samson, Moses, King Solomon, King David…..ect.
Would that woman really want Jesus to walk in to a church she presides over? One of the 1st things would happen is Jesus would be on fire upset that she sales her books, DVD’s, workbooks……..ect in the church/temple. So basically she has her own imperfections she should be dealing with.
Moore is an egotistical fool and deceived beyond her realization. Her pulpit stinks.
Beth you have failed in your walk. Study each person on the Democratic side. If you don’t have blinders on, you will see what is before you a bunch of socialist. Pray.
Maybe the capstone report should go back to it roots and report on football.
I was born and raised Southern Baptist and, before, never in my life would I believe “CHRISTIANS” would support a person like trump. A lying, narcissistic, cheating, name calling, uncouth, traitorous man like trump.
A man who attacks national heroes, makes fun of handicapped people and constantly call people names.
I am glad to see SOME “Christians” finally see tRump for what he really is.
It amazes me that they would support a man who has broken just about all, if not all, of the Ten Commandments, when, in the past, ANY ONE of the many things tRump has done would have destroyed a persons political career.
Look at the number of people, in the past, whose infidelities alone destroyed them, yet here we are with a man who paid a porn star, playmate, housekeeper and who know how many more, to keep quite about affairs and he is still in office. And not to mention his dealing with Putin, his name calling, his incessant nasty tweets and his total disregard for the rule of law.
THIS is not the religion I grew up with, a person like trump would have been banned from the church and let alone allowed to continue to hold a public office.
It is about time some Christians grew a backbone!!
I’m not a squeaky clean Christian! I’m a sinner, I still smoke, I swear sometimes, I have thoughts I have to repent of daily! The way I see the political spectrum is probably way different than most of the eloquent soft spoken people I have just read comments of! I love Jesus, I’m so grateful That he knows Everything about me & still Loves me unconditionally. You will never get that from any human being! Not one of us can Judge anyone’s heart, none of us knows for sure that our President hasn’t invited Christ into his heart! Were you there? Allot of people beleive wholeheartedly that President Obama is a Christian, even though out of his own mouth he himself stated His Muslim Faith! Research what he’s doing behind the scenes & I think you will be a bit surprised! But God has created each of us for a reason. He knew you before you were knitted in your mothers womb. He wanted someone like You. He told the Disciples to follow Him & He would make them Fishers of men! Do you use the same bait for trout as you do for salmon? Why do you think we have so many different types of Preachers! For me the political part of what we are experiencing has been Perplexing & has caused me to read more History than I ever have in my life. I’ve wished I could go back to high school for a second chance to pay attention to what I thought was a huge waste of my time. I’m now realizing what God has told us in the word. That things are going to get worse than they are now but that we shouldn’t be afraid! That’s a huge comfort to me! We are told of how cold people will become, ruthless, selfish, lovers of themselves & more! I personally have Not ever witnessed another human be treated with such hatred as I have seen President Trump be treated, including his wife & Son! His wife has Not been treated as others Presidents wives. They barely cover her in the news or in magazines as other First Ladies have been. Is she perfect? No she isn’t she has a past as everyone of us has a past. Its hard to bury your past when people are standing behind you with a shovel! Remember Mary Magdelan. President Trumps Son has been spoken about ruthlessly & without respect of his tender age! People are upset that President Trump has spoken harshly to a young girl! If you were to go listen to that young lady in some her other speeches she has given in other countries, you would experience a totally different young lady who speaks eloquently, no yelling at adults that we should be ashamed of ourselves. She’s soft spoken, compashionate & very intelligent. She would have been welcomed very much by all if she had been herself. She is being used by others to put fear in our young people! She was abusive, angry, full of fear & disrespectful. She lambasted Our President in front of the world in defiance and arrogance. Almost accusing him & Americans as the reason for climate change. Our President stated the truth in what he was presented with in the demeanor of this one year activist. For this reason I personally find no fault in how he spoke of her! What he said was so much more concerning of her well being than I would have been. I didn’t realize what a fine young lady she was Until I went and watched how reserved & calm she was at all her other talks. That is where I found that she was being used for adults hidden agendas! Its all one way about those who harbor hatred in their hearts towards President Trump. You should be allowed to tweet what you want about him but he shouldn’t tweet anything back. You should accuse him of unproven lawbreaking behavior & he should not be able to say anything about it. You can threaten him with having dreams of blowing up the White House, cutting off his head, saying he should be assasinated & more but under No circumstances should he retaliate or say anything negative! Basically it seems like people want a slave president. It would be better if he just took all the things that are being done & said about him & act as if nothing was ever said. As people are barking about accepting others as they are in our world they don’t even realize they are doing the very opposite of that to President Trump. He’s not at all like other politicians, he doesn’t speak like other politicians. He doesn’t fit in the mold that we have become accustomed to. Therefore he doesn’t belong. People don’t like the way he speaks or acts, yet those very same people are acting the way they say he is acting. Our we blinded? Do we not see this? 95% of news outlets are reporting the same things about him (kinda like we are being led to the slaughter) 5% are showing a different side! I suppose more people would have been happier with someone like Hue Heffner? I’m gonna be right out there & tell you I’ve cried for our President, not because I agree with everything he’s said or done but because I can see the hatred and its disturbing & downright disgusting. If this lady feels the way she does about President Trump then that’s on her. If you have learned about the grace, mercy, forgiveness & Love of our Lord Jesus Christ then she has done her Job. Maybe the Lord is showing us a parable like when he was with the Disciples and they were all discussing who was going to betray him & he clearly said “The one I dip this bread in the bowl and hand it to, is the one who will deceive me” And the Disciples continued to question who it was, even though Jesus handed the offering to Judas & showed them Who it was! Amazing huh! Well I perceive that to be a warning that there are Wolves in Sheep’s clothing, who worship with us, heal the sick, lead the blind, deceive others and we need to be aware of them. This preacher lady may not be a deceiver but Christ may be showing us that people change & we need to wake up from our slumber! After all we are human first! Right? We can’t say the very things about her as others are saying about the President. That would make us just as guilty as they are! We are not fighting flesh & blood here! We are in the middle of a huge spiritual battle. My mom use to tell me the biggest war being fought is within us, its between GOOD & EVIL! I think she was right. God bless You all as you seek wisdom Like A Treasure! Don’t forget to Go to Gid about everything, he Loves us and calls Us FRIEND.
Can’t believe this – Have many Beth Moore seminar books, etc – and getting rid of everything! No, Trump is not perfect , but he has been – and is God’s Man for these horrible times!
I am late with finding this out about Beth Moore. I knew about the Christian magazine but just discarded the news with disgust….. knowing Satan is alive and well.
But I think everyone has said what most of us feel about Beth Moore. The first thing I thought was ….. ate you kidding me?
Didn’t I read somewhere that President Trump used to listen to her preach on Television and that is what initially drew him to finding out more about God and God’s word?
All I could think of was …. You mean this woman , with all her well known failures , had criticized President Trump?
Bam, another slap in the face….. another so called friend and a Christian leader that decided to make her options well known to the World.
How our Dear President handles the rejections and backstabbing is beyond me. Only God himself can comfort him from even those who know how to wound the worst and should know better.
Go read the article in CT. It is quite obvious George S has someone on my the staff of CT that is being paid to write this stuff. It’s mostly just a rehash of ”jabs” Made at the President. Most of which Are unsubstantiated. Sad day for us as Christians that can be lead by a Judas Goat!
God does not like fake, phony Christians. Beth Moore, as well as all members of the leadership team of Christianity Today that permitted the ludicrous editorial about our President, should start getting their annual physical every 3-6 months. He may take them out Himself since they are no longer standing in the gap but are mocking the Lord, Himself, with their comments. I’d hate to be associated with their spirits come Judgment Day if they do not publicly repent and recant what they said.
Mmmm. I wonder at this. When it was election time in 2016, I began to pray about the candidates. I told the Lord we had two bad candidates… I said something about Hilary and then I said, “Trump is a joke.” The HOLY Spirit forcefully replied, “Who are YOU to judge my anointed?” It was a “come to Jesus slap down” and I immediately told Him I was sorry. That I would find out more about the man. I prayed and took my kids to a rally and I have respectfully supported Trump ever since. I wonder when people like Beth respond this way. I was forcefully and strongly rebuked. Why aren’t they hearing from the Lord, as well? I have a Godly fear and awe and I serve the King of Kings. He has a plan and is working all things out for our good and according to HIS will. Sometimes that means He drives us to our knees in repentance for our arrogance.
This piece left a bad taste in my mouth towards its conclusion when the anonymous writer asked, “But, what else should we expect from a woman who preaches to men on Sunday mornings?”
I’m continually grieved over Paul’s “gender” passages in 1 Timothy and 1 Corinthians. We all know that both men and women fall prey to preaching false doctrine and causing internal strife…but no matter, blame then restrain the woman!
How many of you know that to this day in Orthodox Judaism, males thank God every day for not having made them women? Is it not possible that this hardwired cultural/religious mindset permeated Paul’s thinking>writing? Because…oh the irony! His — and our — Lord and Savior “condescended” Himself even FURTHER on earth to talk with the unnamed Samaritan woman at the well — who became His first Good News missionary! Jesus didn’t scream “UNCLEAN” at the woman with the flow who touched him; he didn’t stomp on the adulterous woman; and…He chose Mary Magdalene to tell the others (men and women) about His resurrection. This in an era where women were wholly disqualified to stand as “secular” witnesses…but what a “newborn-Christian” witness Mary was, eh?