Memo to this woman preacher: Loving America and promoting its interests is not a sin. Christians should not repent of the alleged sin of nationalism.
Beth Moore, a bestselling Southern Baptist preacher, err I mean Bible teacher, called nationalism a sin during a Twitter rant against Christian support for President Donald Trump.
Beth Moore tweeted, “Faith leaders, let’s do our jobs. Not sell our souls. Let’s repent of our own sins. Sins of nationalism, racism, sexism, hatred, white supremacy, murder, our lying, our cheating, our bribing, our abuse of power, our blood thirst, our greed. Church, if we do not repent, who will?”
Faith leaders, let’s do our jobs. Not sell our souls. Let’s repent of our own sins. Sins of nationalism, racism, sexism, hatred, white supremacy, murder, our lying, our cheating, our bribing, our abuse of power, our blood thirst, our greed. Church, if we do not repent, who will?
— Beth Moore (@BethMooreLPM) December 19, 2019
Since when is loving one’s own nation and promoting its interests a sin? Because that’s what nationalism is. Nationalism views the nation-state as a political entity of people bound together to the same fate.
As Rich Lowry explains in his new book The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us Powerful, United, and Free, “Whereas patriotism is loyalty to what is your own, particularly your own people and government, nationalism is more specific, namely, as the scholar Azar Gat writes, ‘the doctrine and ideology that a people is bound together in solidarity, fate, and common political aspirations.’”
Yoram Hazony points out in The Virtue of Nationalism that nationalists focuses on “the freedom of nations and their self-determination.”
So, understanding that all of us in America are bound together and that policies should be for our mutual benefit is a “Sin” that requires our Christian repentance.
Moore is a divisive figure in the Southern Baptist Convention. She’s admitted to preaching in church on Sunday morning and mocked those who were outraged by the affront to Scripture such a move made.
But, here is this “faith leader” teaching a generation of women and men that nationalism is a sin.
Also, notice Beth Moore’s repetition of the sin of racism.
She mentions it twice. Once as racism. Second, as white supremacy.
Why the double mention? Moore is a captive of Identity Politics.
Beth Moore appears to view white supremacy as a stain on the church. However, does she have actual examples of churches today practicing white supremacy? If so, she should name them and we should kick them out of the SBC.
Only real racism please. We can’t use the definitions of racism offered by Critical Race Theory—even if the Southern Baptist Convention approves of those “analytical tools” of Identity Politics.
Beth Moore is yet another example of the decline of the Southern Baptist Convention into the pit of Identity Politics and hatred of America. Beth Moore and others need to realize that one can love Jesus and love America by promoting its interests. You can be a Christian and American patriot. Nationalism is not necessarily evil and needs no repentance.
25 thoughts on “Beth Moore calls nationalism a sin”
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Did the good Reverend-ess employ any decontextualized prooftexts in support of her issuance of this new Commandment, or was she speaking ex cathedra as usual?
Oh, come on now, Dear Gleimhart, don’t you remember Our Lord Jesus Chryst as saying ? : —— ” Thou shalt have no nations!’
In the satanic worldview of Jacobins like Beth Moore (wolves in threadbare sheep’s clothing), a “White Supremacist” is any White person who doesn’t hate himself and his heritage, and who is opposed to the selling out of his children’s inheritance by making them a despised minority in their once Christian homeland, established in Christ’s name by their Christian ancestors.
From where does this concubine of Satan derive her moral authority? She is no preacher or teacher; she is one of the high priestesses of the New Babylon.
Beth Moore is popular because silly women in the church do not know the Bible and have been indoctrinated for so long in absurd and mindless so called women’s ministries and conferences that they are not discerning at all (with but a few exceptions). Women , study the Word of God in your own. Use good commentaries and Bible dictionaries . Seek out good men who are faithful preachers of God’ s Word. I just can’t stand this stupidity any more. In the words of that great prophet, John MacArthur, “go home”! ( BTW, I am a woman).
To avoid triggering the trip-wire that has been set out for those of European blood unwilling to commit to a destiny of no nations, the best thing would be for someone accuse Miss Beth of being anti-Native American – this because, in this preachment of hers, she has condemned the right of any Indian tribe to exist.
For those of us who follow Jesus, our allegiance isn’t to an earthly nation, including the USA, but to our King Jesus and his kingdom. Our highest allegiance is to different nation–the Kingdom of God. We serve our King now, and we speak to the nations in which we live. His kingdom of which we are a part transcends any of the given nations that we life in here, now, on earth. We should have only one nationalism– a commitment to the nation of the Saints of God.
Well, King Jesus via his apostles commanded you to be a good citizen. God created states and gave them definite borders, according to Paul. So good luck with your pious sounding theology. It just doesn’t fit the biblical data.
I think there is room for Jimmy’s take on the Christian Life, Dear Capstone – in a Roman Catholic monastery.
With your monastic take on Christianity, Dear Jimmy, say goodbye to not only our countries, but, to our specific communities, our friends and family, and our traditions and customs, as well.
But at least the toaster will cost less!
That’s true, Dear Capstone – because in Jimmy’s world, there will soon enough only be one kind of toast, because there will only be one kind of One World Order Bread…
For those who THINK they follow Jesus, but whose rotten fruit is nothing less than a limp-wristed surrender to His enemies, I hope you will pat yourself on the back someday when, in Anywhere U.S.A., you find yourself being awakened every morning by the Islamic call to prayer being issued by loudspeaker from a mosque down the street that used to be a Christian church.
If every sanctimonious liberal “Christian” were to take five minutes out of his moral preening and extrapolate the major trends of the day, it would not be very difficult to see that Christ is hardly being served by the current abomination of milquetoast “Christianity,” being now run by emasculated men and harpy women, all criminally blind.
When Christianity is contracting and degeneracy increasing, then you’re doing it WRONG.
“We faith leaders”… Imagine being weak-minded enough to be lead by that shellacked hair helmet and those crazy eyes. How does a wolf even manage to apply that much eyeliner, anyway? Don’t her claws get in the way?
I noticed her “we faith leaders…” comment, too. I don’t know why she thinks she has any Scriptural or moral authority to appoint herself as anyone’s “faith leader.” Moreover, the term “faith leader” is itself one I’ve only ever seen liberal “Christians” employ. There is an inherent generic ecumenicism implied in its use. You’re either a CHRISTIAN leader or you’re not, and she is neither authentically Christian, nor a leader.
Preachers should be required to take at least one class in macro-economics.
Preachers should be required to take at least one class in American History.
Preachers should be required to take at least one class in World Governments.
Missionaries should be required to take at least one class in African history, lol. But they don’t. They go forth to peddle the prosperity false gospel and enslave the sheeple. And they support dictators.
The Southern Baptists are Demon Rats. They never switched sides. Lordship salvation is a plantation. This is the American counterpart of Nigerian pastors such as Sunday Adelaja and Daddy Freeze telling Nigerians not to stand with Sowore. These are mumu pastors.
I never heard Jesus rail against Caesar.
It might be that Jesus never ‘railed’ against Caesar, but the New Testament is written in opposition to him. Every time Jesus is addressed as Lord (Gk: Kurios), it is an assault on Caesar’s claim to supreme authority. Paul uses phrases to hint at Jesus’ superiority over Caesar and the First Century Christians would have understood what was meant. The book of Acts ends with Paul’s entry to Rome (Acts 28:11-16) the way that many conquerors would come in. The idea that the gospel was preached at Rome “without hindrance” demonstrates not only the victory of the Gospel but the fact that it is more powerful than Caesar. The New Testament writers offer a different view of reality, one in which Jesus is Lord and Caesar is not. This would be similar to saying that Jesus is our President and President Trump is not. Faith is believing and acting as if Jesus is the King of the World and not the rulers and principalities. This is what got so many Early Christians into trouble with the Roman leaders. Just food for thought.
Except Jesus Himself while personally present on earth said His Kingdom was not of this world. Paul was not asserting the creation of a new political order, but a new soteriological order. Peter & Paul affirm submission to earthly powers. These powers are not rivals to God, but instruments of His eternal purpose. No doubt Christianity’s Two Kingdoms was an assault on Roman imperial political theology, but creating an earthly kingdom this side of the parousia was never intended.
Minor point…maybe. “Nationalism” is the disordered love of country and hence a sin. “Patriotism” is the rightly ordered support of country, below our loyalty to God. Please learn the difference because it is important. The Church has failed to confront nationalism before and it has lead to devastating events throughout the world. It should be noted that when the country’s interests and God’s interests are at odds, the Christian must default to God’s interests. It should also be noted that God has no particular interest in making America Great Again…or Germany Great Again, or Honduras great again etc., as His agenda is much more global and has to deal with the reconciliation of the world. When we engage in Nationalism, we are engaged with idolatry, worshipping another God and proclaiming a false gospel. Patriotism is fine and encouraged, but the love of country has limits and its proper place.
I’d argue your definitions are wrong. Patriotism is love of country. Nationalism is the recognition a country has the right of self-determination–to rule itself according to its own preferences and institutions. Also, your assertion re: God and nations is wrong. God ordains the times and extents of their dominions (Acts 17) and created them at Babel. He uses them for His purpose. While a Christian’s allegiance to the nation-state is secondary to God, it doesn’t totally separate us from these other obligations.
Here’s a really good view of nationalism. Rich Lowry in his new book, The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us United, Powerful and Free quoted John Stuart Mill: “We mean a principle of sympathy, not of hostility; of union, not of separation. We mean a feeling of common interest among those who live under the same government, and are contained within the same natural or historical boundaries. We mean, that one part of the community shall not consider themselves as foreigners with regard to another part; that they shall cherish the tie which holds them together; shall feel that they are one people, that their lot is cast together, that evil to any of their fellow-countrymen is evil to themselves, and that they cannot selfishly free themselves from their share of any common inconvenience by severing the connexion.”—John Stuart Mill
That doesn’t sound like idolatry to me. Worship of the state or nation-state would be idolatry. Knowing you have obligations to it and should promote its interests isn’t anywhere close to idolatry.