David French who recently lectured at a Southern Baptist seminary now openly praises Critical Race Theory and Bart Barber.
There is one thing you can depend on—Leftists like leftist things. So, it is unsurprising that David French now praises Critical Race Theory (CRT) and attacks the conservatives and Christians arrayed against this godless, racist ideology.
William Wolfe pithily summarized today’s David French rant: “The Conservative—the Christian!—Case for State-Sponsored Anti-White Racism.”
In the Sunday anti-Christian rant, French attacks CRT opponents including James Lindsay and Christopher Rufo. Both men have valiantly exposed the dangers posed by Critical Race Theory. Thus, French labels them “opportunists.”
Standing against CRT carries a high cost. Just ask Tom Ascol the cost to him when the Big Evangelical (Big Eva for short) Elites attacked him over the trailer (not even the film but the trailer) to his documentary exposing the rise of Critical Race Theory in the Southern Baptist Convention.
Ascol faces the Woke, liberal side’s favorite candidate Bart Barber.
Bart Barber has an endorsement retweet from CRT supporter David French.
Bart Barber was openly endorsed by globalist World Economic Forum speaker Rick Warren.
There is only one reason that leftists support Bart Barber—it is because Bart Barber will continue the Woke takeover of the conservative Southern Baptist Convention.
The Woke CRT lovers know their man. After all, Bart will pretend in his cornpone manner to be a real Southern Baptist conservative but, will when nobody is watching, defend every radical leftist in the SBC. Best example: Bart’s devoted support for Russell Moore.
Bart Barber always defended lifelong Democrat Russell Moore’s conduct of the ERLC. This was nicely pointed out by Peter Lumpkins showing Bart Barber was on Never Trump fanatic Russell Moore’s ERLC leadership council.
Then Tom Rush and Peter Lumpkins further the conversation.
Tom Rush said, “Barber’s an ERLC supporter & research fellow. He doesn’t want them investigated because the more truth that comes out the more the failed leadership of ERLC is in danger.”
Lumpkins then perfectly described Bart Barber as the ERLC’s chief apologist.
And that is exactly what Bart Barber spent the last few years doing—finding every way possible to lie about the obvious Leftward Drift of the ERLC and the Southern Baptist Convention.
Of course, Bart Barber and his loyal Woke minions will say that Bart Barber doesn’t believe in that Woke stuff. Yet, they cannot answer why David French and World Economic Forum stooge Rick Warren openly endorse him.
There is no reason that a Woke as David French or a globalist Rick Warren would endorse Barber unless Bart Barber is the Woke candidate in the race to become President of the Southern Baptist Convention.