“I know Russell Moore’s heart,” said Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. That tells you that Albert Mohler is unfit to be SBC President.
Albert Mohler is running to be SBC President. He positions himself as the man who can save the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Mohler touts himself as the man who can heal and unify. However, Albert Mohler is directly responsible for not only Russell Moore but almost every problematic leader in the SBC today. The Leftward Drift in the Southern Baptist Convention is directly traceable to Albert Mohler. Just look at the map.
Albert Mohler is not the answer. Albert Mohler is the problem.
The Russell Moore Problem
Why did Mohler allow lifelong Democrat Russell Moore to work at SBTS? Then, when conservatives were demanding Russell Moore resign the ERLC after working against the only pro-life, electable presidential candidate in the 2016 Presidential Election, Albert Mohler defended liberal Russell Moore. “I know his heart,” Mohler said. With that, he handed lifelong Democrat Russell Moore a Get Out of Jail Free Card.
And since that time, Dr. Moore has furthered divided the Southern Baptist Convention.
Mohler’s former protégé who now leads the (ERLC) spread racial identity politics with the MLK50 event? Why did Russell Moore’s ERLC lie to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in a recently filed amicus brief?
When caught in the lie, the ERLC requested to amend its false filing. But, so far, Russell Moore refuses to apologize to the people injured by his organization’s lies.
Al Mohler’s support for Russell Moore is only one flashing warning sign declaring Albert Mohler is unfit to be President of the Southern Baptist Convention.
The Kevin Ezell Crisis
Another of Albert Mohler’s associates forced on the Southern Baptist Convention is Kevin Ezell. Ezell is the disgraced and embattled leader of the North American Mission Board (NAMB). State Convention Executive Directors accused Ezell of insulting and abusive language among other very serious Christian misconduct.
Ezell was also accused of bigoted comments and hiring decisions by a former NAMB coordinator.
Ezell faces a lawsuit over allegations of slander and tyrannical conduct towards another Christian—Will McRaney.
Kevin Ezell is closely tied to Albert Mohler. Ezell served as Mohler’s pastor in Louisville. And Mohler played a major role in promoting Ezell.
The allegations against Ezell do not stop there. However, these are sufficient to illustrate the type of man Albert Mohler elevated to leadership in the Southern Baptist Convention.
The Danny Akin Case
Another high profile example of Albert Mohler’s failures as a leader is Daniel Akin. Akin is the president of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS). Akin served with Mohler for years at Mohler’s seminary before being tapped to lead SEBTS. His tenure at SEBTS is one of abject failure to stand for orthodoxy. SEBTS seminary is described as Ground Zero for the Woke Social Justice Heresy in the SBC.
Akin’s seminary has a major for Social Justice. This major promises graduates The Prophetic Edge™ in their ministry.
Akin employs a professor who accused pro-life Christians of causing California’s COVID woes. How crazy is that?
And what does Mohler think of Akin?
Mohler said of Akin, “One of my closest colleagues for more than two decades and a man I would trust with my whole heart. He is a brother who has fought the good fight for his entire adult life.”
Albert Mohler’s links extend throughout the SBC.
And Baptist News Global points out how extensive Albert Mohler’s reach goes beyond just these three highly problematic examples. According to this 2019 report, “Southeastern Seminary President Danny Akin, Midwestern Seminary President Jason Allen, Southwestern Seminary President Adam Greenway, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission head Russell Moore and retired LifeWay president Thom Rainer all previously served under Mohler’s leadership. North American Mission Board President Kevin Ezell is his former pastor, and International Mission Board President Paul Chitwood was honored by Mohler in 2015 as Southern Seminary’s distinguished alumnus of the year.”
Al Mohler brings Division and not healing
Not only do the people platformed by Albert Mohler bring division—but his very actions divide. As head of the SBTS, former faculty and even a trustee have spoken out publicly about Mohler’s embrace of professors teaching heresy and Social Justice instead of the Gospel.
One former professor described Albert Mohler as a double agent. A former trustee exposed how Mohler acts in private—and it isn’t very conservative. https://capstonereport.com/2021/01/02/former-sbts-faculty-prof-al-mohler-is-double-agent/35323/
Why does a self-described white supremacist and racist continue to be SBTS provost? There is no good reason unless Albert Mohler supports this twisted, evil CRT-inspired logic.
It is clear: Al Mohler says one thing and does another.
Al Mohler was silent while the SBC Annual Meeting debated Resolution 9. He did not step forward to a microphone to fight the resolution. He waited until later on his podcast to decry the resolution promoting the use of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality.
The Southern Baptist Convention is in crisis. The SBC is divided as Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality roil the denomination. The problems don’t stop there. The SBC Elites running the denomination are out of touch.
There is a Leftward Drift in the SBC and all of it can be traced to Albert Mohler. Just look at the map.
Do you like Russell Moore? Then Albert Mohler is the candidate for you. Mohler is the candidate of the status quo—and the status quo is Leftward Drift. He will retain and empower the SBC Elites and bureaucrats helping spread Democrat campaign propaganda.
To borrow and modify a few words from Ronald Reagan to apply to our situation: Albert Mohler is not the solution to our problems. Albert Mohler is the problem.
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I’m not baptist per se, I only knew of mohler from his seemingly close association with the late r.c. sproul. I regard sproul as the greatest biblical/theological/philosophical teachers leaders of our times. I dont know if mohler fooled sproul somewhat or if mohler has begun embracing the marxism that is sjw etc, but marxism is satans greatest anti-christ anti-truth anti-freedom stratagem in the world today. Pure lies.