SBC Deep State reveals its candidate?
Bart Barber, the man who defended Ed Litton’s plagiarism and was rewarded by Litton with the appointment to chair the 2022 SBC Resolutions Committee, has entered the race to become President of the Southern Baptist Convention. Bart Barber officially announced his presidential bid this morning.
Baptist Press, the organization that failed to report on the Willy Rice Deacongate scandal for five days until forced to do so with Rice’s withdrawal from the race, reported Barber’s presidential run early this morning.
We call it Baptist Pravda for a reason.
Anyway, according to the report, Bart Barber’s co-pastor Matt Henslee will nominate Barber.
How nice.
And as SBC Underground noted, Henslee was nominated by Bart Barber to lead the Pastors’ Conference last year. So, now Henslee returns the favor.
You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours is an accurate summary.
How sad. However, this is how too many Southern Baptist pastors behave—seeking power and fame and lucre through endless back slapping political games.
And of course, just like last year when Southern Baptist entities campaigned for Ed Litton and used tithes and offerings to do it—the same is happening this year.
Last year Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) footed the bill for one luncheon where Litton spoke. This year, surprise! Bart Barber is the speaker with New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) springing for the meal.

Those with ties to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary should demand the school stop funding this obvious Bart Barber campaign event. If you reach out to the school—let us know what you are told. We will make sure to highlight the good or the bad.
Also last year, the North American Mission Board (NAMB) paid for messengers to attend and vote for Ed Litton. Will that happen this year?
What other entity dollars will be used for partisan ends? Which employees will come out and openly campaign for Bart Barber?
The SBC Deep State is real, and it is Woke and corrupt. A vote for Bart Barber is a vote to continue the leftward drift and the status quo of corruption.