VIDEO: Tom and Jennifer Buck speak.
SBC Insiders passed around a personal essay detailing how a conservative pastor and his wife suffered abuse in a bid to harm, mock the conservative leader.
Jennifer Buck: ‘They wanted to focus on anything that could disparage and destroy him. That has been the most painful thing in this because they wanted to steal the story that God did.’
Tom Buck: ‘I thought when somebody suffered abuse in their past, they were supposed to be cared for and the reality is we have felt anything but that.’
‘Every single person that is out there that took that story and read it that passed it on to somebody else is guilty—is guilty of having emotionally assaulted us.’
Tom Buck: Social Justice has robbed the SBC of the promise of redemption
Tom and Jennifer Buck set the record straight about how Southern Baptist insiders tried to blackmail them into silence to harm the conservative fight against liberal drift. In their dramatic and at times tear filled video, Tom Buck and his wife Jennifer asked the SBC leaders to do the right thing and reveal the people who emotionally assaulted them by sharing their private story—a story where both survived abuse before they met.
“We just want them to care. Caring well would be an excess at this point,” Tom Buck said. “Right now, they don’t care at all.”
The Bucks reveal how SEBTS professor Karen Swallow Prior was the only person to ever have the draft and now many persons including the most Woke and progressive elements in the SBC shared their private story including deeply personal details of abuse that occurred before the couple even met.
“The only person who has ever had this is Karen Prior,” Tom Buck said.
However, it did not stay in the hands of Karen Swallow Prior.
“The fact they took my article to pass it around,” Jennifer Buck said. “It does not appear they were focusing on the miraculous work that God did. They wanted to focus on anything that could disparage and destroy him. That has been the most painful thing in this because they wanted to steal the story that God did.”
And steal the story they did. People including progressive blog SBC Voices had the draft along with others like Rob Collingsworth. Rob Collingsworth is a Criswell College employee. According to the Bucks, Rob Collingsworth has the draft and refused to reveal who sent it to him. This is not surprising considering as we’ve previously reported that Criswell College has gone Woke.
“Someone has weaponized it,” Tom Buck said. “Every single person that is out there that took that story and read it that passed it on to somebody else is guilty—is guilty of having emotionally assaulted us.”
Jennifer Buck added, “And somebody knows something.”
Buck challenged everyone with the draft to do the right thing—reveal who sent it to them.
“It is time to just tell the truth and be completely open and honest about this,” Tom Buck said. “It was used against us. It was weaponized against us.”
Sadly, unless God changes the evil hearts of Todd Benkert of SBC Voices and Rob Collingsworth of Criswell College, they will not do the right thing. Instead, they will serve their father the destroyer and accuser of Christians.
SEBTS Professor Karen Swallow Prior was only person given draft
Jennifer Buck included many difficult details hoping that Karen Swallow Prior would edit and improve the work.
“I didn’t want my point to be how bad the marriage was,” Jennifer Buck said. “I wanted it articulated that yes our early marriage was difficult but what I want articulated and what I didn’t want stolen from us was what God did and how God redeemed our marriage.”
Unfortunately, Karen Swallow Prior never did any work on the project.
“She didn’t have the time to edit,” Tom Buck said. “There is no evidence whatsoever that she gave it to any other publication. We didn’t give her verbal or written permission to send it out to anybody.”
SBC Voices makes an appearance in the story.
“The one person she connected us with when she said she couldn’t do anything was SBC Voices Jacki King,” Tom Buck said. “There is no evidence that Jacki ever had it. When Karen emailed us to put us all together, she didn’t put the pdf in there. She didn’t do any attachments at all.”
And to make it perfectly clear Karen Swallow Prior was the only person the Bucks showed the draft.
Other details in the rough draft include stories of abuse from before they met one another.
“Jennifer and I both,” Tom Buck said. “Both of us, not just her, and this is the first time that I’ve said this. Both of us had abuse that happened to us before we ever met each other that we brought into the marriage. And to think there are people in the SBC that passed this around in order to, I don’t know, mock us, to make fun of us, to say look at this person. I thought when somebody suffered abuse in their past, they were supposed to be cared for and the reality is we have felt anything but that.”
The Bucks said they have told the story of the marital problems throughout their ministry; however, the abuse story has not previously been shared.
“We haven’t told the abuse side because it is different,” Tom Buck said. “We just weren’t prepared. We weren’t ready to tell that. We weren’t ready for people to know that. We really didn’t want to talk about it now, but we have no choice. The only way for us to gain our story back is to tell everything that we can.”
The Woke Social Justice Movement is the cause of today’s problems in the SBC. No longer does the Gospel offer redemption from sins—instead someone forever gets labeled, according to Tom and Jennifer Buck.
“The biggest problem we have now in the SBC is that the hope of redemption has been robbed by Social Justice,” Tom Buck said. “It puts people forever labeled as certain things.”