McLean Bible Church already succumbed to racial identity politics in its promotion of Critical Race Theory.
David Platt’s McLean Bible Church promoted resources for LGBTQ persons that claimed that Jesus experienced body “dysphoria” like those experiencing transgender feelings. The video by MBC Pastor highlights the warnings about Liberal Drift at McLean Bible Church raised against David Platt and the newly Woke MBC leadership by a group of concerned conservative church goers.
Reformation Charlotte was first to report the videos and links to Revoice. The video is disturbing. It highlights the continued Leftward Drift of MBC.
According to Michael O’Fallon of Sovereign Nations, “This literally is the road to hell. What you don’t realize is that McLean Bible Church has jumped right out of the CRT frying pan and into the Queer Theory fire.”
This is the trend of Evangelicals moving leftward. It is always a message to please the culture. Evangelical Elites will adopt the messaging, slogans, and thinking of secular elites.
Megan Basham pointed out how this video illustrated that concerns about David Platt and McLean Bible Church were not invented by divisive people.
She tweeted, “Jesus taking on our sin is akin to trans dysphoria?! This is so, so bad. C’mon, establishment friends, surely you can admit this fr Platt’s church suggests *real* problems *may* have been underfoot & it wasn’t just manufactured by angry, divisive types. This demands explanation.”
This is an important point. Platt and his enablers within MBC and in the mainstream press attempted to spin the problems at MBC as nothing more than a small group of angry, divisive people working against God’s anointed pastor and mission.
However, evidence clearly shows David Platt steered McLean Bible Church leftward on a range of social issues—contrary to the clear teachings of the Bible.
O’Fallon is correct. This is the road to hell and David Platt is leading his flock toward heresy by his actions.
People should stop pretending David Platt is a conservative, Bible-believing pastor. He is not conservative and is repudiating the Bible’s clear teachings on a range of social issues.