Woke seminary head wants to cancel screening of Enemies Within the Church!
You can stream or buy the movie Big Eva Elites are trying to censor!
Enemies Within the Church is making a splash and the Woke leaders of Big Evangelicalism are upset. In fact, Dr. Adam Greenway, the president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) wrote a letter protesting the screening of the film at another seminary.
Greenway tweeted a comment and letter to Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary President Michael Spradlin where Greenway demanded the seminary shelf plans to show the film that highlights the Woke infiltration of American churches.
Greenway tweeted, “It is with deep disappointment but strong conviction that I have sent the following letter to Dr. Michael Spradlin prayerfully requesting him to reconsider the decision of MABTS to host the premier of a film whose trailer contains scandalous and scurrilous slander against @SWBTS.”
Later, Dr. Lopez appeared on the Eric Metaxas Radio Show to expose the lies of SWBTS.
Catching SWBTS in lies is now a common occurrence. Here is another one.
Also, Greenway’s seminary hosted noted plagiarist and unrepentant liar Ed Litton. In fact, Greenway portrayed Ed Litton as a victim. Victim!
However, let’s get back to Greenway’s letter. He invokes what can only be considered the SBC’s 11th Commandment to censor a film exposing Big Eva corruption.
“The Seminary prohibits any negative criticism of any Southern Baptist agency, leader, or program by speakers in the classroom and in the chapel services,” according to the letter Greenway emailed MABTS President Michael Spradlin.
This is how Big Eva Elites always act. They fear the bright light of public scrutiny and instead scurry into the darkness so they can hide.
Now that you know the Big Eva Elites don’t want you to see this film—you know what you must do.
Go see this film.
Here is how you can do it.
Go to EnemiesWithinTheChurch.com and stream it or buy the DVD.
We reached out via email and Twitter to MABTS for comment. We asked for comment about Greenway’s letter and if the seminary intended to continue its screening. We will update if/when we receive any information.