Woke Cru leadership ignored, marginalized Military Ministry Executive Director.
Cru Military Ministry leader resigns over CRT. Says pleas to Cru leadership went unanswered. Resignation is result of ‘seven years of being marginalized.’ Cru violates bylaws to deny him lifetime seat on Ministry Executive Committee.
‘We see our resignation as our final step of obedience,’ Ludwikowski said.
Joe Ludwikowski, Executive Director of the Military Ministry at Cru, said he tried for seven years to stop Cru, formerly Campus Crusade for Christ, from its Leftward Drift into Wokeness. The inaction of Cru leadership and its promotion of Critical Race Theory led to his resignation after 22 years of ministry.
In a video posted to Vimeo, retired Navy Captain Joe Ludwikowski said his resignation came as a surprise to many in the organization and seemed “spur of the moment;” however, he said it was a long seven-year process spurred by Cru’s embrace and promotion of Critical Race Theory (CRT).
“Since Cru 15, I’ve written every single Cru leader expressing my concerns about our Staff Conferences, the emergence of Critical Race Theory as a guiding philosophy within Cru and about what I’ve seen as a departure from our original mission and vision,” Joe Ludwikowski said in a video message posted to Vimeo. “I’ve tried to be a voice against philosophical changes I’ve observed in Cru. I’ve argued against teaching based on Critical Race Theory being included in new staff orientation, IBS, and SLI.”
Ludwikowski said these concerns were presented to Cur leadership via “multiple letters.” Each of these letters were “without one official reply,” he said.
The most recent correspondence came on May 10, 2021. In a letter from Lt. Gen. Jeff Oster USMC (Retired), Brigadier General Dick Able USAF (Retired) and Captain Joe Ludwikowski USN (Retired) sent a strongly worded letter to the Chairman of the CCCI Board of Directors.
“We were writing at Executive Directors who were responsible for stewarding the ministry for over half its lifetime,” Ludwikowski said. “And we clearly, using very direct language expressed our concerns about the direction of Cru and our lack of faith in its leaders. We asked to be allowed to stand alone as a ministry and to report directly to the board. Again, without an official reply.”
The letter from Gen. Oster, Gen. Able and Captain Ludwikowski represented the top leadership of the Cru Military Ministry. Ludwikowski was Executive Director. Gen. Oster was Chairman of the Military Ministry Executive Committee (EXCOM). Gen Able was a member of the EXCOM and Executive Director from 1992 – 2005.
“After waiting for two months and with no one else to appeal to, Lydia and I decided to resign and write our letter to you,” Ludwikowski said. “As we see it, this was the culmination of seven years of being marginalized.”
Ludwikowski said he had hoped stay and transition out over the next six months; however, this was not allowed.
“After meeting with Mark Gauthier and an HR representative from Cru on June 30, that was no longer an option,” Ludwikowski said. “We are currently praying for our future. One thing we do know, we will continue to be a voice against Critical Race Theory, against the notion of Wokeness, against the Social Gospel, against any racism, and all other liberal ideologies.”
Also, in what appears to be retaliation, Cru intends to violate the Military Ministry organizational bylaws.
“Although the bylaws of the executive committee allow former executive directors to remain as part of the EXCOM for life, we are not being allowed that option,” Ludwikowski said.
Ludwikowski said in the video he hoped their experience would help other leaders experiencing these same battles in their organizations.
“We would ask that you do two things. First, read the Seeking Clarity and Unity document…it is very well written and it gives you all the information that you need to know to understand where Cru is as an organization,” Ludwikowski said. “Second, we would ask that you pray and ask the Lord what your personal response should be. These are important times. The fate of the Military Ministry depends on staff members and their ministry partners to make their opinions known. We must all take a stand on these issues. There is no middle ground.”
Ludwikowski urged prayer for the Military Ministry team who are dealing with the fallout of the resignation and attention on Cru. He urged people to let their voice be heard.
“Let them know where you stand on these issues,” he said. “Make your voice be heard so they can effectively lead.”