Rentz Baptist Church of Rentz, Georgia is speaking the only language Southern Baptist Elites understand—dollars. Rentz Baptist Church said attitudes of Elite Southern Baptist leaders and the SBC’s Leftward Drift prompted it to redirect its Cooperative Program (CP) giving. What began with concerns over Leftists like Russell Moore is now broader thanks to the issues highlighted by Leftists taking charge of the SBC Annual Meeting in Nashville.
“After much prayerful consideration, Rentz Baptist Church has redirected our Cooperative Program giving,” Pastor Tom Vann announced. Vann shared an open letter to the SBC highlighting church concerns.
The church was very much concerned about the arrogance of SBC Elites and the Leftward drift of SBC entities like the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC).
“We have had serious concerns for several years, particularly with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. The recent Annual Meeting in Nashville caused our level of concern to accelerate to a heightened level. There seemed to be a level of condescension toward the average messenger that I had not seen before. Any opposing opinion was summarily dismissed as irrelevant. The speakers in general seemed to have a concerted agenda that promoted specific candidates and positions,” the church said in a statement on its website.
Pastor Tom Vann explained Rentz Baptist Church saw a 300 percent increase in total CP giving during his 25-year tenure as church pastor. However, the current agenda causes his church concern.
“My prayer is that the day will come when our ministry will have full confidence in all of the entities of the SBC. I have no animosity toward anyone, but there are problems that must be addressed if the SBC is to survive,” according to Pastor Vann.
The church approved the new giving plan at a congregational business meeting. Giving will be directed toward missions and the work of the Georgia Baptist Convention.
“Our future giving through the Cooperative Program will be directed toward Georgia Baptist Convention causes, the International Mission Board, and select Georgia Colleges, Universities, and Seminaries. This decision was not made hastily, and it received the full endorsement of our congregation in a duly called Business Meeting,” the church said in its letter to the Open Letter to the SBC.
Editor’s note: An earlier version said the CP giving was cut, instead the church intends to designate money it gives to CP to avoid specific entities.