SBC Presidential candidate Ed Litton co-preached sermon series with woman.
SBC Presidential candidate Ed Litton skipped out on Q&A Livestream done by Al Mohler, Mike Stone & Randy Adams.
Ed Litton, the Woke SBC Presidential candidate favored by SBC entities like the shady North American Mission Board (NAMB), preached a sermon series with a woman. This after he stated to the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood that women did not preach at his church in Mobile, Alabama.
“’I think that our pulpits should be places that reflect our view of pastors. At Redemption church, we do not have women preach.’ @EdLitton in @CBMWorg response. Yet here Ed Litton and his wife are preaching together,” Dr. Tom Buck said on Twitter.
Buck then presented other videos showing the practice of SBC Presidential candidate and exposed liar Ed Litton preaching with his wife.
Apparently, one video shows Ed Litton and his wife concluding a five-part sermon series as co-preachers.
This is unsurprising given Ed Litton’s support for former SBC member and woman preacher—err Bible teacher and Never Trump fanatic Beth Moore. His sermon in Birmingham aside from being a Woke attack on conservative Christians included a defense of Beth Moore. Ed Litton blamed Satan for attacks on Beth Moore and David Platt.
Also, notice that Ed Litton has closely identified himself with the Woke leadership like current SBC President J.D. Greear. In fact, Litton praised the election of Greear’s crony Todd Unzicker to leadership of the North Carolina Baptist Convention.
Ed Litton Woke Coward; Refuses to answer questions from the people
This follows Ed Litton skipping out on a Livestream Q&A with rank-and-file Southern Baptists—A Q&A done by Al Mohler, Randy Adams and Mike Stone.
Bobby Gilstrap explained Ed Litton’s insult to rank-and-file Southern Baptists with a post to the Facebook Group.
He said, “NOTICE: We have received notice that Ed Litton is not available for a Facebook Live interview with our group before the convention. All other #SBC21 Presidential Nominee interviews are linked here: https://bit.ly/3fD5Y8H (with Randy Adams, Mike Stone & Albert Mohler).”
Here is something to remember: If Ed Litton does not have time to answer questions from the Southern Baptists he seeks the honor of leading, then Ed Litton does not have the time to be SBC President. This is an obvious lie.
And since he has lied about his view of women preaching and now lied about this, he has shown himself not only disqualified to be SBC President but also disqualified himself from being a pastor of any Southern Baptist church.
Understand this: the SBC is filled with people who prefer to obey the 11th Commandment (honoring men) over their obligation to God. This Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Nashville is the last chance to right the sinking ship of the SBC. Will you do your part?