The Evangelical Elite wage war on Christian Nationalism. But do they even know what that means?
Eric Metaxas has a backbone—unlike the cheese eating surrender monkeys of the Evangelical Elite. The Big Eva Elites including Russell Moore, Beth Moore, and David French have surrendered the Culture War. They’ve abandoned the field works while good Christian men and women maintain the fight. They have shown us who and what they are.
Metaxas believes this a moment of truth for the American Republic. The very future hangs in the balance and we Christians have an obligation to stand for the right.
This courage exposes the cowards, the servile (as the excellent John Zmirak put it) and the collaborators, who like Edward G. Robinson’s Dathan, prefer the favor of Pharaoh over God. This is Big Eva. This is Moore, Moore and French. They seek the favor of Cultural Elites instead of serving the church and nation.
Christians should ignore them when they attack Metaxas. French writes, “I’m going to be as blunt as possible: Language like Metaxas’s, like the Texas GOP’s, and like some of the statements you’ll read below embody a form of fanaticism that can lead to deadly violence. There isn’t a theological defense for it.”
There is a theological defense for it.
Well, that is if you are a real Christian and actually consider abortion murder and the rights enumerated in the US Constitution as sacred and divinely ordered out of the Imago Dei.
But, clearly, French doesn’t. And that is why his Never Trumpism reveals who and what he is. French is a man concerned about the approval of coastal elites and who ignores the plain teachings of Scripture.
And French goes on to smear the Patriots standing up for the US Constitution by saying that their actions and President Donald Trump’s activities are a threat to those very things! He lies, “There is no other way to say this. A significant movement of American Christians—encouraged by the president himself—is now directly threatening the rule of law, the Constitution, and the peace and unity of the American republic.”
No. The threat to the Republic was the shoddy election and the promises of Biden to attack our constitutional rights. Some US states ran an election that would embarrass the Third World and even failed states. Either through incompetence or encouragement, a string of abuses and accidents created an election that neither side trusts. We forecasted that months ago when mail-in voting was allowed and it was allowed contrary to law in some swing states.
Seems the law should be important to someone like French who blathers on about the rule of law. Of course, that is only rhetoric designed to silence brave Christians standing against the usurpations of Leftist tyrants.
French misuses Romans 13
French also doesn’t understand Romans 13. He declares, “(By conventional Christian reasoning, Joe Biden’s upcoming presidency is also instituted by God.)”
That isn’t true. Theologians are clear that only rightly constituted authority is imbued as God’s diakonos. In other words, anyone coming up to you, wielding a sword and demanding submission does not become entitled to your submission. This is a subject worthy of a longer essay; however, it can be simplified that since in the US, the people are ultimately sovereign (We the People…do ordain), then the people can at any time they believe the government they instituted has become destructive of our ultimate good—withdraw their consent and demand change.
On the surface, Biden’s embrace of abortion and threat to make Christians pay for baby murder is more than enough ground for every Christian to withdraw consent and enter into passive resistance and seek redress from the government via legal protest, court action and more.
If French actually believed abortion to be murder—he’d stand with Metaxas. Instead, he prevaricates. French attacks those fighting for life, liberty and Christian principles. It speaks volumes.
Also, French and most American Christians have only a surface understanding of what Romans 13 teaches. It does not teach unquestioned obedience. As I’ve said countless times, the great New Testament scholar C.E.B. Cranfield explained there is significant nuance in the Greek translated for submission. See: Citizens not Subjects: Why Christians in America Must Not Submit
Let me quote from my previous post: Cranfield goes on to make a strong exegetical case for the meaning of ὑποτάσσεσθαι not being to simply obey. “It is therefore not unreasonable to maintain that in Romans 13: 1; Titus 3: 1; 1 Peter 2: 13f., the word ὑποτάσσεσθαι denotes not an uncritical obedience to the authority’s every command but the recognition that one has been placed below the authority by God and that, as God’s servant and the instrument of Christ’s kingly rule, it has a greater claim on one than one has on oneself, and such responsible conduct in relation to the authority as results from such a recognition.”
Again, this fits with the magisterial Reformers thinking. Of interest is how Luther understood the Holy Roman Empire’s division of powers. It is instructive for America. According to one researcher, ““This magistracy still remains accountable to God for the execution of its office with regard to its subjects, that is, it must maintain good, punish evil in everyone who deserves it, even in a superior. Paul excludes no one, nay, he makes a superior who becomes a tyrant an ordinance of the Devil.” See also, Luther, WA TR, 4:239 (no. 4342 — 7 February 1539): “The emperor is not a monarch, who alone rules the German Empire (as the kings of England and France are); instead he rules together with the electors. Each of them is charged to take care of the empire. Each of them has a duty to encourage the good and resist that which would injure or prejudice the empire.”[1]
David French is an enemy of the Church and American Republic—so why do Evangelicals platform him?
David French is a favorite of the tea and crumpet crowd of Evangelicalism. Al Mohler had French lecture on Critical Race Theory at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS). That should let you know everything you need to know about Mohler since French finds CRT has uses.
French writes, “As I’ve written, critical race theory has its uses and its flaws, but I wonder—how many critical race theorists are in conservative Christian pews? But how many more election conspiracy theorists and Christian nationalists are sitting right there, including in my own denomination, fervently believing lies and fervently praying for actions and outcomes that are fundamentally unjust?”
Critical Race Theory is a godless ideology. It has no use in the church or in the state other than to divide and destroy. The fact that French finds it useful shows how his mind is captive to the progressive milieu of modern America.
Of course, Al Mohler’s employees spent their time mindlessly parroting the anti-nationalist talking point. Denny Burk and other pretend conservatives tweeted things like, “I’m here for the evangelicalism that isn’t idolatrous Christian Nationalism.”
Also, former Russell Moore ERLC employee and now one of Mohler’s professors tweeted, “What if Critical Race Theory and Christian Nationalist Theory were both equally judged against Scripture’s authority and sufficiency. Asking for a friend.”
Do you detect the nonsense in that tweet? Again, both of these men are employees of the so-called conservative Al Mohler. Remember, Mohler fired actual conservatives like Russell Fuller and Jim Orrick. Yet, Mohler still employs Burk, Walker and self-confessed white supremacist and racist Matthew Hall as provost and Critical Race Theory proponent Jarvis Williams.
If Mohler is a conservative, then conservative has no meaning.
Of course, don’t forget Mohler promoted, platformed and defended lifelong Democrat Russell Moore. In 2016, Mohler uttered the infamous remark, ““I know his heart and his character and his love for the Southern Baptist Convention. I also have confidence in his ability to serve all Southern Baptists as president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.”
So, who thinks Al Mohler would make a good SBC president? A vote for him is a vote for Russell Moore and David French.
[1] Whitford, David Mark. “The Right of Resistance in the Theology of Martin Luther; with Specific Reference to the “Magdeburg Confession of 1550″.” Order No. 9923974, Boston University, 1999.