Pastor Drew Erickson resigned as pastor of historic Travis Avenue Baptist Church following a DUI arrest. Erickson was a rabid defender of Adam Greenway’s incompetent administration of SWBTS and attacked the Conservative Baptist Network (CBN) and the film “Enemies Within the Church.”
The lead teaching pastor at historic Travis Avenue Baptist Church resigned Sunday following an arrest Friday night for DUI. Drew Erickson was a sycophant of former SWBTS President Adam Greenway, according to one knowledgeable source close to SWBTS. Erickson was also a critic of the conservative Baptist Network and the film “Enemies Within the Church.”
Erickson’s arrest was first reported by Baptist News. You can view his mugshot here.
Erickson’s letter cited personal issues as the reason for his resignation.
He wrote, “It is with deep regret that I am tendering my resignation, effective immediately. It has been a joy and honor to have served alongside each of you over the past three and a half years. Over the last twelve months and more recently, it has become clear that there are things I need to work on personally, and I believe causes me to need a season of rest from the responsibilities of ministry.”
Erickson attacked the Conservative Baptist Network on his now deleted social media account. An archive of the account can be viewed here.
ChurchLeaders.com quoted Drew Erickson as saying, “It’s pure propaganda, using a video of @SWBTS to imply a Marxist slant,” said Drew Erickson. “I think the @BaptistNetwork needs to rethink its core values. Promoting this doesn’t reflect who they say they are. What a joke.”
The usual suspects joined Erickson in defending Greenway and Southwestern including CBF church pastor Griffin Gulledge (Hey, has his church stopped funding the CBF yet? I know it triggers him to point that fact out, so here is a link to the story we wrote about it!), fake conservatives like Joel Rainey who called on the SBC to expel CBN churches, and Dwight McKissic.
The attempt by former SWBTS President and giant failure Adam Greenway to stop the showing of the “Enemies Within the Church” film failed spectacularly. In fact, the drama Greenway caused attracted more attention—resulting in numerous sales with the discount code: GREENWAY and resulted in the film topping over 300,000 viewers. The controversy even resulted in the film being viewed and written about by The Daily Wire.