New intel points to Covid origin in a lab leak, remember when this was a ‘conspiracy theory’?
Why did so many Evangelical Elites parrot government talking points about the origins of the Covid pandemic?
New intelligence points to a lab leak as the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to an exclusive Wall Street Journal report. This is a new determination by the Department of Energy and it follows an earlier FBI conclusion that a lab leak was the most plausible origin. So, the evidence mounts.
You might well be thinking, “We knew that a long time ago.” In fact, that is true. There were leaks as far back as April 2020 from intelligence agencies pointing to a lab leak as a serious possibility. Of course, on the same day in 2020, April 15, that intelligence leaks pointed to a lab as a source, Evangelical Elites were warning Christians against the dangerous “conspiracy theories” about a lab leak origin.
In one of the more hilarious (and also alarming) moments, Christianity Today published an Ed Stetzer column claiming the lab leak was “almost certainly not true,” and in less than an hour Fox News broke news that intelligence pointed to the exact opposite.
In his post at Christianity Today, Stetzer declared, “In a study just published by Pew, almost 30 percent of Americans believe the theory that is ‘almost certainly not true’ about the novel coronavirus being concocted in a lab. The largest group in the study to affirm this was conservative Republicans at about four in ten (39 percent). That group would also be the most religious group.”
Almost certainly not true.
As we said at the time, Egg meet face. You can read about some of that in our linked post above regarding Stetzer’s deceitful conduct. And now Stetzer has moved on from Christianity Today to other influential posts including Church Leaders and is now a Dean at BIOLA.
However, the problems go much deeper. There is one serious lingering issue that overhangs the Stetzer claim denying a lab leak was even remotely possible. Stetzer and other evangelicals were parroting government bureaucrats.
Listen to the Morning Wire and hear an audio clip of Francis Collins, then the head of the NIH, speaking to Christianity Today attacking as a “conspiracy theory” the idea of a lab leak.
But that is only a portion of the influence Francis Collins was exerting over evangelical Christians.
According to another report form the Daily Wire Francis Collins was having off-the-record meetings with Evangelical Elites.
According to the report, “During Saddleback Pastor Rick Warren’s special broadcast with Collins on behalf of Health and Human Services, he mentioned that he and Collins first met when both were speakers for the billionaires and heads of state who gather annually in Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum. They reconnected recently, Warren revealed, at an ‘off-the-record’ meeting between Collins and ‘key faith leaders.’ Warren did not say, but one can make an educated guess as to who convened that meeting and for what purpose, given the striking similarity of Collins’ appearances alongside all these leading Christian lights.”
Which prompts one to wonder what was Francis Collins telling Rick Warren, Ed Stetzer, and Russell Moore about Covid?
Or, put another way, what did Rick Warren, Ed Stetzer, and Russell Moore know and when did they know it?
Another question everyone should be asking: Why would anyone listen to Evangelical Elites? Are they ever right about anything?