Costi Hinn goes on unhinged attacks against Jenna Ellis, Michael O’Fallon, Doug Wilson, & even James Lindsay.
“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” –James 1:8
Costi Hinn unleashed chaos in evangelical Twitter with attacks on everyone ranging from Reformed pastor Doug Wilson to Sovereign Nation’s Michael O’Fallon to podcast host and former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis. His random shotgun attacks force one to ask—is Costi Hinn unstable? Certainly, he is harming evangelicalism both doctrinally and politically with these useless and distracting attacks on men and women standing against the tide of secularism.
Last night on Twitter, Costi Hinn told Jenna Ellis to stay in her lane. Seriously, the Big Eva pastor told Ellis that. Here is the exchange.
Ellis responded to Hinn’s outrageous tweet, “Further, your statement ‘you are useful in your lane’ is quite harsh. I am a person, not a commodity. As a pastor, you might want to dial it back if you’re calling others foul mouthed.”
Compare Hinn’s patronizing attack on Ellis to his words of praise for Beth Moore. Here Hinn positively quotes Beth Moore’s attack on Trump supporting evangelicals in an article for Religion News Service.
Yes, Costi Hinn wrote for the leftist funded, Woke RNS.
And that should tell you something about Hinn—he was fine writing articles attacking conservative evangelicals for one of the most biased anti-orthodox news services. And yet, Hinn attacked Michael O’Fallon for—wait for it—doing business with the likes of Paula White and Rodney Howard Browne.
In another unhinged tweet and podcast, Hinn whined about O’Fallon’s association as a board member of G3 and O’Fallon’s secular business arrangements with Rodney Howard Browne and others like Paula White.
Apparently, for Hinn selling cruises or working on secular political causes with those outside the Reformed tent is a big no-no. He portrays himself as some type of doctrinal defender.
Yet, there is more at work here. Hinn wants to push effective leaders out and help disgraced men who stood silently as Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Intersectionality infected Big Eva.
Hinn’s motivation is transparent thanks to this attack on James Lindsay.
Hinn said, “Pastor, take up your sword, staff, and towel! Preach. Shepherd. Serve. You don’t need James Lindsay to deal with wokeness in your church. You don’t need Doug Wilson to breathe conservatism in your church. You have everything you need in your hands. Christ made it so. Lead!”
And this takes us to Hinn’s attack on Doug Wilson. Wilson is a controversial figure—mainly because he believes the Bible and not just those soft passages about love but the hard teachings too—like men should act like men.
Note the people Costi Hinn attacked. They are very different.
Jenna Ellis is a conservative who defends liberty and the constitution from all enemies while promoting a Christian worldview.
Michael O’Fallon stands for liberty and the concept of the sovereign state as it is attacked by globalists and does it with a Christian worldview.
Douglas Wilson looks and sounds in many ways like a theonomist—someone who wants God’s law as the standard by which all other law is judged—and Wilson is a gifted communicator saying exactly the types of things that need to be said at this very moment in time.
James Lindsay is an atheist who exposed the threat of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Race Marxism to America and the evangelical church. Some might say why consult James Lindsay when there are “Christian men” who could do this. The answer is simple: where were those Christian men when CRT was promoted by the top leaders of the SBC and approved in a resolution by the SBC? James Lindsay is a Critical Theory expert. It is fine to consult an expert in that field just like I’d consult the best brain surgeon if I needed brain surgery and not check to see that surgeon’s stance on the Extent of the Atonement.
Thus, Costi Hinn and his ilk come along and attack all of them.
Hinn has even attacked Robert Jeffress in a transparent bid to rehabilitate Woke Mark Dever.
It is deranged.
It is unhelpful.
And it is how he operates.
Also, it is worth noting that Costi Hinn has seemed to move from church-to-church leaving nothing but wreckage behind. What’s up with that? Is it yet another indicator that something is not right with Costi?