SEBTS graduate who earned praise from SEBTS President Daniel Akin is now trans affirming.

A recent graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) earned praise from SEBTS President Daniel Akin; however, that graduate is now praising LGBTQ+ Christians on social media sparking a firestorm of criticism and some hard questions for Akin.

Erik Tilley raised this issue by highlighting several of SEBTS graduate Erin Harding’s controversial tweets. For example, Harding praised a “trans” Christian.

Harding holds a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry from SEBTS. Sparking many Christians to ask if women should even be allowed into degree programs preparing Christians for pastoral ministry. At one time, both Harding and her husband affirmed conservative theology and even attended a G3 Conference where they met Dr. James White.

Dr. James White pointed out that the Hardings rapidly moved leftward into full “progressivist nonsense” in their theology. As Dr. White said, “When the foundations crumble, the building collapses quickly.”

Erik Tilley again said it best, “From G3 to trans affirming in 3 years.”

To make this very clear, Harding even calls a trans Christian a “sister in Christ.” You can see that in this tweet image.

And Tilley again points out that Cooperative Program money subsidizes the education of these students.

Conservatives are right to demand that Akin speak because not only are conservative churches paying to educate leftists in our seminaries but Akin publicly praised Harding.

As Protestia reported, Akin praised Harding after an online firestorm over the appropriateness of seminaries awarding women degrees in pastoral ministry fields. Baptist News Global even covered the kerfuffle. And as you can see, Harding lavished praise on Akin and the professors at SEBTS—what does that tell you about what they teach at SEBTS?

Going woke destroys you—and this is true not only of individuals but seminaries and even conventions. Shouldn’t seminary students and graduates reflect what the average Southern Baptist believes?

It is worth watching how the leftward drift continues and this latest example shows that our seminaries are doing a very bad job.

I shouldn’t say leftward drift. Three years to trans affirming is a sprint.