The Southern Baptist Convention is under pressure to make permanent its new legal team—a legal team from a radical pro-LGBTQ law firm. Woke forces are pressuring the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention and the pressure already has the attention of the EC Chairman Rolland Slade.
In this tweet one of the worst people in the Southern Baptist Convention (proof of that lower) Todd Benkert demands the SBC hire its new lawyers—again lawyers working for a radical pro-LGBTQ law firm.
Benkert said, “Dear @SBCExecComm, of the many decisions you must make in the coming days, I hope one of them will be to renew retaining Bradley Law firm (i.e. Besen and Nokes) as our legal counsel.”
The tweet was liked by the EC Chairman and you’ll also note if you explore the names of Woke agitators like Danny Slavich liked the post. Thus, it is easy to see this is yet another Woke Bolshevik attempt to accelerate the contradictions and overthrow the SBC’s orthodoxy on matters of sexuality. For, if the SBC takes tithes and offerings to pay a radical Pro-LGBTQ lawyer firm, then what will be the next step on the slippery slope to compromise on biblical sexuality?
Some Southern Baptists have taken note of the SBC’s hypocrisy in hiring a radical pro-LGBTQ law firm.
According to the Missouri Pathway, “Reaction by Missouri Southern Baptists over the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee’s (EC) hiring of a law firm that supports the LGBTQ lifestyle has prompted Pathway readers to respond with phone calls, emails and letters. Such activity by readers is not unusual. But the reaction to this particular story is different. There is genuine concern over how Cooperative Program money is being spent.”
Let us be clear: Cooperative Program money is some percentage of money you give to your local Southern Baptist church since most SBC churches give a percentage of unrestricted dollars to the CP. Thus, in some small way, some small piece of the money you give to God is going to be diverted by radical Woke fanatics like Benkert into the pockets of a pro-LGBTQ law firm.
Are you OK with that?
Benkert is a Woke fanatic who was caught in numerous lies. As you can hear on this audio conversation of Tom Buck asking questions about how Benkert and others acquired a private copy of Jennifer Buck’s (Tom’s wife) rough draft detailing her abuse.
What were they doing with the draft? Were SBC Elites trying to mock Tom and Jennifer Buck? Yes.
“Jennifer and I both,” Tom Buck said. “Both of us, not just her, and this is the first time that I’ve said this. Both of us had abuse that happened to us before we ever met each other that we brought into the marriage. And to think there are people in the SBC that passed this around in order to, I don’t know, mock us, to make fun of us, to say look at this person. I thought when somebody suffered abuse in their past, they were supposed to be cared for and the reality is we have felt anything but that.”
Yes—SBC Elites and the Woke do not really care about abuse victims. They pay lip service to survivors and then treat them like the Bucks. Or, make sex abuse victims feel like political props. Or, ridicule the sex abuse survivor community.
Leftists want to destroy the Southern Baptist Convention because it is a force for good in the world. The Devil does not want missionaries sent or the SBC to support conservative politicians opposed to the slaughter of babies. Thus, Russell Moore was sent into the convention to destroy it.
The SBC despite the leftist infiltration voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump—and despite Russell Moore’s push to help elect Hillary Clinton through suppression of conservative votes for Trump.
Now, Russell Moore supporters are trying, like Bolsheviks, to further destroy the SBC through funneling God’s money to radical pro-LGBTQ lawyers.
Will it work?
Do you want your tithes and offerings going to pay a pro-LGBTQ law firm? It is past time to #ChangeTheDirection.