Leftward Drift becomes a Leftward Sprint as SBC Executive Committee places a radical Pro-Obama, Pro-Russell Moore pastor on Presidential Search Committee.
The SBC Executive Committee announced its Presidential Search Committee and appointed to the list is a radical, Leftist, Pro-Obama pastor.
David Sons is a new member of the SBC Executive Committee who replaced a conservative in a deceitful move by the J.D. Greear appointed committees. Sons praised Obama not only for the former president’s character but also for Obama’s knowledge of the Holy Spirit. The radical pro-abortion, anti-traditional marriage Barack Obama? That Obama? Yes. That Obama.
“The ease with which @BarackObama interweaves passages of Scripture into his eulogy for @repjohnlewis speaks to his familiarity with the text. Disagree with him politically if you like, but it is hard to doubt his knowledge of the Bible and of the Spirit who authored it,” Sons tweeted.
Sons even praised Obama for his character.
Sons tweeted, “Although I disagreed w/some of his policies, I am thankful for the character, warmth, & integrity with which @BarackObama led. #potusfarewell.”
Sons praised Obama for leadership even while Trump was president. In what appears to be a deleted tweet, Sons praised Obama for writing this resource for leftist agitators.

And this is a pastor that J.D. Greear influenced SBC Elites placed on the Executive Committee and now the Executive Committee placed in a position to influence the next President of the Executive Committee and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Unsurprisingly give his love for the radical Leftist Obama, Sons is also a radical Pro-Russell Moore and Never Trump pastor.
Also, Sons praised radical Beth Moore—who openly ignores the biblical commands regarding women and preaching.

Other members of the SBC Executive Committee Presidential search team are Mollie Duddleston, Mike Keahbone, Jeremy Morton, Philip Robertson, Adron Robinson, and Rolland Slade.