McLean Bible Church fails to ratify new elders for first time in its history as conservative dissident members stand up to Woke David Platt regime.
David Platt blames disinformation for McLean Bible Church crisis.
David Platt claims voters drove from Maine and Florida to interfere with McLean Bible Church election.
In a rant against causing division in the church, David Platt—the man responsible for dividing McLean Bible Church by teaching Critical Race Theory—claimed a group of dissident conservatives were using disinformation to divide McLean Bible Church. Platt also accused the dissident group of being racist.
Yes, the typical political ploy used by Democrats in every election cycle has now entered Evangelical megachurches.
David Platt is so desperate to cling to power—that he will portray a diverse group of conservative McLean Bible Church members as racists.
“I saw one email from one of the main leaders in this group using race to say that MBC is no longer McLean Bible Church that it is now Melanin Bible Church,” Platt said. “That is not acceptable for the Body of Jesus Christ. That language has no place whatsoever here. I hesitated to share it because I know it is so ugly and painful to hear but I want to point out the approach being used by people giving leadership to this group in these meetings.”
The entire Sunday, July 4, 2021, sermon was filled with David Platt’s performative outrage.
Platt took a shot at blogs and social media.
“Almost all of the questions we have heard are less about God’s Word and more about what this blog or that Facebook post says,” Platt said. “As if those sources of information are anywhere close to the authority of this Word.”
This is a lie. Platt was presented with multiple documents from many respected past and present McLean Bible Church members over the last two years that connected concerns about racial identity politics with proper biblical application.
Platt chose to ignore those entreaties and promote divisive teachers and divisive concepts like Critical Race Theory.
David Platt is lying about Critical Race Theory at McLean Bible Church
Platt lied about the extent that Critical Race Theory and the Black Lives Matter movement influences McLean Bible Church leadership. He claimed people were upset by efforts at racial reconciliation. However, this is a lie. Platt knows many McLean members including former church leaders opposed his teachings that appeared to be causing racial divisions by the promotion of Critical Race Theory.
A group of five former leaders at McLean including a former elder, former staff member and lay leadership warned David Platt in a letter dated February 3, 2021, about numerous moves by Platt and his elders to divide the church along racial lines.
The letter warned, “Thabiti Anyabwile, despite promoting progressive talking points at the expense of Christian truth, dividing the body of Christ across racial lines, and promoting the political agenda of Black Liberation Theology, has been used to train the MBC staff and played a prominent role within MBC church life.”
This internal document was a response to Platt’s promotion of “The Gospel, the Church, Justice and Racism” whitepaper. This letter urged Platt and the current elders to reject the Woke path.
The document says that Platt says one thing about Critical Race Theory but clearly does another.
“At the congregational meeting on 12/9/20, David strongly disavowed Critical Race Theory. However, the church continues to promote and use secular sociology books that promote CRT. Further, much CRT terminology continues to be used at MBC,” the concerned leaders told Platt. They cited Platt’s use of Woke resources as further proof—Platt required for his course on Race books like Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America.
Also, “Sadly, within evangelicalism, and the MBC pulpit, we see the following principle at work: the presence of preaching/teaching based on the wrong assumptions, resulting in wrong conclusions, thereby leading to the wrong solutions. The best examples are the ‘woke church’ movement, and the takeover of many seminaries by critical race theory. When qualified elders do not oversee the hiring of pastoral staff, we endanger the flock to the possibility of those who bring wrong assumptions/beliefs on critical issues to our congregation and pulpit,” the five leaders warned.
There are other internal documents providing similar extensive theological arguments.
These leaders were also worried about Mike Kelsey’s promotion of the Black Lives Matter movement on social media.
According to the letter sent to Platt in February, “t the congregational meeting on 12/9/20, in response to a question, David strongly disavowed Black Lives Matter. Further he made the absolute statement that nobody on MBC staff supports Black Lives Matter. The truth is that in June Mike Kelsey, his newly appointed Lead Pastor for Preaching and Culture, posted a picture on Facebook of himself at a BLM rally in DC, holding a BLM sign. [Picture was posted on Facebook, but was removed after a couple months]. He also wrote an article equating support for President Trump and support for BLM as equally acceptable for a Christian.”
The Capstone Report can reveal the photograph was only removed after repeated demands by members of the elder board. According to sources close to McLean Bible Church, Platt was told about this many times and seemed unconcerned about it, but finally complied with the demand to remove the divisive political photograph.
Platt claims conservative group is trying to takeover the church
Platt said the dissident group claimed it was using the elder vote as part of a constitutional process to retake control of the church.
“Less than 25 percent of members were part of the vote Wednesday night,” Platt said. “Which enabled a small group, just to put it in perspective, less than seven percent of our current membership on Wednesday night, including some people who we know are not actually members, less than seven percent kept elders from being overwhelmingly affirmed by our church family for the first time in our history.”
Platt begged church members who support the Woke regime to adjust vacation plans to be at the special meeting.
“This is extremely important,” Platt said with the sound of desperation.
Platt made further allegations that people came from places as far away as Florida and Maine to vote.
“People came here this night that were recruited by this group to vote that night who had moved away to other states,” Platt alleged. “We heard about people driving in from Florida to Maine. People who were actively serving at other churches.”
Wait. Is this David Platt’s Stop the Steal moment?
Why is David Platt undermining elections?
Assume this is true for a moment, wouldn’t that make someone pause and ask what is going on here? If people were motivated to drive from Maine and Florida to McLean Bible Church in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., to vote against David Platt’s Woke agenda, maybe the problem is not with the dissidents but with David Platt?
Nope. It must be an unprecedented group of divisive liars and racists!
Just like the Democrats blame racists, so too David Platt.
He watches too much CNN.
Platt plans to hold a called special business meeting to affirm the elders on July 18 during morning worship services, he told the church.