What did the trustees know and when did they know it?
SBC Presidential candidate calls for transparency, reform in response to doctrinal errors found at churches affiliated with the North American Mission Board.
Southern Baptist Convention Presidential candidate Randy Adams called for transparency and reform following revelations that the North American Mission Board (NAMB) affiliated church plants included at least five churches with women pastors. The story about the church plants was broken by Conservative Resurgence: Voices.
Randy Adams said, “The post today by @voices_cr about several @NAMB_SBC church plants that seem to be in clear violation of the BFM2000 should raise concern and further illustrates why we need transparency and partnership across Local, state, and national. Here is why… Just last week, Trustees said they know everything that NAMB is doing. Do they know about this? If not, could it be they do not know everything going on at NAMB?”
Adams is referring to the now infamous quote by NAMB trustee chairman Danny de Armas stating the trustees supported everything going on at NAMB.
He said, “Several trustees related being frustrated by the notion that some are putting forth that the NAMB trustees are not doing our job and that we don’t know what is going on at NAMB. Not only do we know what is going on, in most cases we initiated and, in every case, we affirm the strategies and changes that are being implemented.”
That forces us to ask the question: What did the trustees know and when did they know it?
We must have answers.
So, Mr. Trustee Chairman, did you and your fellow trustees initiate these strategies leading to churches with women pastors?
If not, did you know about them?
If not, then maybe you aren’t as on top of things as your statement would have us believe.
As we noted earlier today, what is the point of trustees if they fail to enforce doctrinal standards on the SBC entities they supervise?
Now, this is just a layman speaking, but doctrine seems like it might be kind of important.
If you cannot trust the trustees on doctrine, how can we trust them on business matters?
This trustee incompetence spans almost every SBC institution. The seminaries are a dumpster fires ranging from the known liars at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to the heresy promoting SEBTS and even SBTS fires conservatives while promoting Woke. And there are obvious ethical problems as the LifeWay trustees were not involved in a questionable sweetheart severance package for LifeWay’s failed former CEO. Also, The ERLC enables Russell Moore instead of controlling him. And that is not an exhaustive list of errors and incompetence at your Southern Baptist Convention entities.
After all this—who in their right mind would trust the trustees?
Accountability starts now. Demand an answer to what the NAMB trustees knew and when they knew it.