Report: Beth Moore says American Evangelicalism died in 2016.
Beth Moore declared nationalism is a sin. She saluted a partisan attack on President Donald Trump disguised as piety from the pages of Christianity Today. Now, Beth Moore, the female preacher, err Bible Teacher who pulls in $250,000+ a year and lives in a $1.8 million-dollar home declared American Evangelicalism dead. According to Moore, it died in 2016.
Todd Starnes was first to report Moore’s calling the time of death of American Evangelicalism, “Evangelicalism as we knew it, as imperfect as it was because we are imperfect, passed away in 2016. History will plant its grave marker there. A disclaimer is always necessary these days so I’ll add this: This, of course, is not to say conservative Christianity passed away.”
Evangelicalism as we knew it, as imperfect as it was because we are imperfect, passed away in 2016. History will plant its grave marker there. A disclaimer is always necessary these days so I’ll add this: This, of course, is not to say conservative Christianity passed away.
— Beth Moore (@BethMooreLPM) December 26, 2019
What happened in 2016? Well, Donald Trump won the presidency. And Moore is a rabid Never Trumper.
Also, her tweet calling the death of evangelicalism was in response to a tweet pointing out the recent Christian Post editorial critical of Christian Elites attacking Donald Trump.
That speaks volumes. She’s blinded by Never Trumpism.
Moore is the new face of Never Trump Evangelical elites. The liberal Atlantic magazine featured her in a secular hagiography: The Tiny Blond Bible Teacher Taking on the Evangelical Political Machine.
Moore is following the example of other Evangelical Elites like Russell Moore (no relation.) Russell Moore declared the Culture War lost and that he “hates” the word evangelical. His dislike of evangelical was written for the liberal Washington Post.
Notice a trend?
These Elite Evangelicals love the acclaim of the culture—they crave the laurels of the Atlantic and the New York Times and the Washington Post.
And what better way to win the praise of progressive secularists than joining their attacks on President Donald Trump?
Trump deserves the praise of evangelicals for his pro-life and pro-religious liberty record. Trump has surpassed expectations. He’s not perfect. Yet, he has delivered on his promises.
Only those blinded with Never Trump rage fail to see the evidence—Trump deserves even higher levels of Christian support in 2020.
4 thoughts on “Beth Moore Is Still Bitter About Donald Trump’s Election”
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This great economy only helps evangelize the world. It takes money and Christians have more to give than ever towards missions.
I am, oh, so tired of all the endless fingerpointing and denunciations.
I have maintained for a long while that The United States is like a bad marriage that refuses to acknowledge the best way out is an amicable split. To be real, there has to be a common core of values, and or blood, and, unlike other nations, the latter we have never had, but, the former we once did. The latter is gone, too, now, and, what with the massive demographic change over the last 50 years, we have begun to resemble a cacophonious meeting of The United Nations Assembly.
It is not comfortable to live in this country anymore – to put it mildly.
When we split up, formally, those who wish to live along traditional, nationalist, and Christian mores will be one nation and those who do not will be another.
At that point we can stop driving each other crazy and maybe get back to the business of being friends – or not.
In any case, the United States is no longer a reality, but, just something on paper.
“Evangelicalism…[snip]…passed away in 2016. History will plant its grave marker there.”
Hysterical woman didn’t get her way—goes on a pout-fest of indefinite length. News at 10.
“This, of course, is not to say conservative Christianity passed away.”
As if she cares about conservative Christianity. And which of the available candidates would have better served conservative Christianity? One of the Neocon warmongering slaves to Israel? Or Hillary, maybe?
I’m still waiting for her to reveal the source of her moral authority, not to mention her intellectual substance, to lecture the rest of us.
She left Christianity long ago. She’s a Pharisee who is still waiting for her political savior and politics are her god. She’s herself is a sinner and I believe a self admitted baby killer but “found God” but nobody else is allowed to apparently. Maybe he should kill some of his children too or grandchildren so he can be as holy as Beth Jezebel Moore. She’s absolutely abhorrent….Jezebel in the flesh.