Southern Baptists have registered record levels of protest against Dr. Russell Moore and his liberal, progressive leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. According to Southern Baptist Executive Committee Chairman Stephen Rummage in an interview with SBC This Week, SBC Executive Committee staff have received unprecedented complaints about Dr. Moore.
“In fact, our Executive Committee staff tells me they have received more letters, more calls, more emails from people who are going to consider defunding or holding back CP monies….They have received more concerns about this issue and more volume of correspondence than from any other issue in memory,” Rummage told SBC This Week about the record-breaking level of complaints regarding the actions of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. Listen to the podcast for more information on this issue.
The action by Prestonwood and the levels of complaints from other Southern Baptists prompted the SBC Executive Committee to appoint two study committees to examine the CP issue.
This means that despite the spin from Dr. Russell Moore supporters that there are many concerned Southern Baptists out there. Just like you, they worry about the progressive programs and the leftward drift of the ERLC under Dr. Moore’s leadership. Now is not the time to lose heart. Now is the time to make sure the SBC insiders here from you about this. Check our post on how you can help bring about change and make sure the Southern Baptist Convention speaks for you in the political and ethical issues of the day.
Check our post on how you can help bring about change and make sure the Southern Baptist Convention speaks for you in the political and ethical issues of the day.
For a compendium of issues against Dr. Moore’s leadership check out SBC Today’s comprehensive survey.
8 thoughts on “Record pressure against liberal Dr. Russell Moore”
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Soros-funded Cultural Marxists Russell Moore and David Platt support the 3rd world immigration and refugee invasion of the USA.
These men are pure evil.
As long as they remain in positions of power in the SBC, then Satan himself reigns over the SBC.
“Soros-funded”? I also heard they were helped by aliens!
Get a grip on reality, man.
In fairness, the Evangelical Immigration Table has links to Soros groups. Eric Metaxes left the group because he claimed Soros backed it. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/362055/evangelicals-and-immigration-betsy-woodruff
Moore’s brand of churchianity is ensuring that the enemies of Christ, namely the Jews and Muslims, overrun the lands of Christendom (Western Civilization) in America just as they’ve done in Europe. Moore needs to lose his job and the SBC needs to get back to the conservative Christianity of the past. If the SBC doesn’t, and soon, then I will recommend to my church that we cut ties with the SBC.
It’s time for Moore and his ilk to go. We will not contribute to his salary any more. sbc will lose money. Why have you left this man here this long? Shame!!!
Please read both sides. Russell Moore is not a leftist. He just simply wants our trust to be in God and not any politician or party. The most vocal antagonist to Moore and Platt have tagged them as Calvinist and are using this as a way to silence their beliefs. It is shameful how this has been used to cause division and bring shame on the denomination, but more importantly the bride of Christ.
Russell Moore isnt a “liberal”! That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. It’s just that against a backdrop of the rest of evangelicalism being spineless during this 2016 election season, he stands out from the crowd. He is just a man who has refused to surrender biblical ethics In a climate of fear!
There is nothing at all unrthodox about the man’s theology.