Before the now dead “10-second rule” it was clear the nation was terrified of Nick Saban. But now that it has passed, that fear has resonated in some obvious ways.
Through euphoric relief in seeing Alabama fail to win a third straight national championship…
…say that last statement out loud, and just for a second fantasize that your program is in that position, be it ever so hard to visualize…
…a lot of tongues have been wagging on the airwaves, on twitter, and other places a safe distance from Nick Saban.
The latest was Oklahoma assistant Cale Gundy, displaying the predictable lack of professionalism and fortitude with this tweet:
The tweet was deleted within the hour, soon followed by this one:
Admittedly, Nick Saban lost the PR campaign of public good will over the “10-second rule,” which has been falsely assigned almost exclusively to him by lazy coaches like Steve Spurrier.
But then again, in case you’ve been in a cave the last fifteen or so years, Nick Saban doesn’t do his business in the media.
He does his business ON the media.
This was evidenced again just this past February, when the nation’s top recruiting class again chose to call Tuscaloosa its home. Top players at every position simply devestated by the way 2013 turned out.
When he succeeds, he wins it all. Something he has done three times in Tuscaloosa.
When he fails, he goes 11-2. A far cry from the 3-9 and zero SEC victories some programs have to endure.
That, apparently, is cause for the intense fear that manifests itself through premature endzone dances over a perceived crack in his Crimson armour.
Personally, I smile every time I see more mud slung in the direction of the Tide’s head coach, especially over any fantasaical “fear” he has of the hurry-up offense. Though statistically a falsehood, by poking the lion in its cage you’re only doing the Bama nation a favor.
This isn’t a man who hasn’t figured this offensive gimmick out. It’s a man whose team didn’t execute the plan that was in place, and a few exceptional athletes on the other side of the ball making plays.
When you win, you get all the spoils. When you lose, you get all that comes with losing as well…which in this case are fans, opposing coaches and the multitudes of Nick Saban haters jumping on the rare opportunity to celebrate at his expense.
But even the most delusional fan in the world…and there are many in this state…has to understand the need to celebrate while they can.
And that’s fine. Just keep telling yourself that what happened in 2013 was the new normal, and that the man who is fed by personal motivation from failure is finally down for the count. Tell yourself this, that is, if it makes you feel better.
But just like me, you know the truth. Stars aligning and miracles happening aren’t exactly the insurance I’d want when looking ahead to future success.
I prefer the greatest mind the game has seen since Paul Bryant. And that man, regardless of your fantasies about him, still resides in Tuscaloosa.
(Follow ITK on Twitter for Bama news, commentary and smack.)
64 thoughts on “Fear of Saban manifested in premature 10-second celebration”
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But I thought Saban was going to cry in a corner for the next 3 seasons listening to Morrissey tapes after “his” ten-second proposal failed, especially after manipulating the NCAA rules committee to his will over the last two years?
No wonder he’s moving to Texas to coach the Longhorns…
The outlying question to me was, “is this the what we want for the sport?”
The resounding answer was “yes,” only the most glaring problem is they didn’t know what they were saying yes to.
Many thought they were saying, “yes, we want hurry-up-no-huddle-no-substitution football the way it’s always been,” ignoring the “no-substitution” clause that was only introduced in 2008 as a side effect of another poorly-written (but necessary) rule change.
Instead, the relality is closer to, “yes, we want to blame Nick Saban and expose him for the loser we wish he is.”
What they didn’t stop to think about is what that might do to a guy like Nick Saban. So I’ll ask again, “is this what we want for the sport?” An elite head coach with an unprecedented recruiting class coming off two consecutive losses for the first time since winning two consecutive national championships, and now you actually want to deliberately insult him and make him mad?
I don’t expect most football fans to listen to reason; part of what makes it great is the unstoppable passion fans have, so I understand many of them jumping to conclusions and making false accusations. But I am surprised by a lot of the media. Surely they would know that using their platform to stir up an already illegitimate argument wouldn’t help their team be any more competitive against the coach they pointed fingers at and laughed, would they?
Yet while Rich Rod is making collaborative prank videos based on 1990’s summer blockbusters to get his cry out, or Spurrier is complaining about the beer he spilled on his bedside table when his alarm went off at noon, or Gundy is being really careful not to drop his iPhone in the bubble bath while he tweets insults generalizing an entire conference, or Mike Leach is busy wiping ketchup off his Escalade instead of learning to read, Nick Saban is working.
Did you hear that? Nick Saban gets paid millions of dollars to work. It’s a brilliant concept and it’s won (and will continue to win) an awful lot of football games for the University of Alabama.
To think other coaches who aren’t working on the sport are instead getting paid millions to cry, film videos, tweet (for crying out loud, really?), or ignore, I can only imagine how embarassing it must be.
It wasn’t that long ago that Alabama went through a slew of bad coaches, including one who ultimately got fired for drinking too hard and getting out of control at a co-ed party, followed by embarassing himself the next day at a golf event. That won’t fly at the University of Alabama, but apparently at other schools you can earn millions doing less and complaining more when other coaches take it upon themselves to accept money for hard work.
@Conduit: Ditto.
Post of the year. Take your victory lap.
The only man looking more forward to 2014 than me is Nick Saban.
A caveat; while many big-name overpaid coaches have been crying foul and going to extreme lengths to whine (that Speed video clearly took a lot of work), not all coaches have been complaining.
Think about the ones you haven’t heard complain publically about either Nick Saban or this rule proposal (or both).
They’re some of the best competition in the sport.
I, for one, don’t think that’s a coincidence.
Offense has always dictated when the ball is snapped, so yes that is the way we want the game to be played. Offense control the snap, and the defense try to stop them. That is football and always should be.
Um, no.
That’s simply inaccurate.
The officiating crew determined whent he ball could be snapped, then the offense took over.
“That is football and always should be.”
I think you meant to say, “That is football and always should be…after 2008”
What the 2008 rule change with the clock was designed to do is allow hurry-up and no-huddle teams to not have to wait up to 15 seconds for the crew to place the ball, hence the control being taken away from the crew and the clock starting as soon as the previous play was whistled dead but increasing from 25 to 40 seconds to accomodate the deliberate amount of time used (after all, why not just change the rule instead of the clock, unless you think the 15 seconds is arbitary unlike what the rules committee said they changed the rule for).
What it didn’t explicitly expect was that control to deliberately take away defensive substitutions.
You have to understand (at least try, for your own sake to prepare for the 2015 rule change), hurry-up teams were taking an average of 15 seconds to snap the ball. The 2008 change was deliberately designed to encourage that, not disallow it, but as a side effect the game changed in one specific unexpected way. Even now you may have noticed even the teams most abusive of the rule aren’t snapping the ball before ten seconds very often at all, sometimes not once in a single game.
Yes the officials have to say the play is ready, but unless they stop the offense, it is then up to the offense as to when they put the ball in play. FSU in the early 1990’s, ran the fast break offense. Others before have, and all teams run it when trailing, or the end of the half. If it really is dangerous to the players, or you feel like as the coach it is, don’t run that type of offense. If they change the rule in 2015, so be it, as long as they actually try to do it above board, unlike what was tried this year. The only sport where the defense dictates pace of play is baseball, so let’s keep it that way. And if we change, let’s do it the right way. Then there is less to complain about.
I’m not trying to argue. I don’t think that’s very effective. But I’d suggest reading about the difference in the rule change from 2008, that’s all. It sounds like you’re suggesting nothing changed but the number on the clock. That simply isn’t true.
“And if we change, let’s do it the right way.”
The problem is it was already changed and it was already done the wrong way, which is why this proposal was initially created in 2011. This proposal wasn’t about changing anything the wrong way; it was about fixing a change that was made the wrong way as a side effect of a rule that was desperately needed.
One final note, this proposal and the one they will likely introduce next year will not stop hurry-up or no-huddle offenses or any combination of both. I think that should be the outlier for everyone who has had success as a result of the 2008 rule change. It’s not about the defense dictating the pace of play, for example, and it never was (that’s part of what the 2008 rule deliberately addressed). This proposal was barely going to affect anything anyway, and I think any new proposal will have as much effect. Don’t worry; you can keep the HUNH, just probably not the HUNHNS.
I only wish this rule proposal actually got coaches to think about the difference more rather than just to react to what they thought Saban alone was trying to under-handedly take away. It’s silly when you figure it out, and for what it’s worth, I thought at least Malzahn had the right attitude about just waiting a year to see rather than to (at least publically) say Saban was trying to cheat with a strange desperate conspiracy.
Wrong again idiot. The original game had a 25 second clock and was controlled by the officials who stood over the ball until everyone was ready, and that was how It was intended to be played. The 45 second clock is a modern rule. So what the NCAA and ‘Saban’ proposed was actually ‘how the game was intended to be played’. It would be nice if you pussy offense homer turds ever actually knew what the hell you were talking about. I’ll lay 10:1 odds that next year during the rule change perÃod it goes hacia to official control again. RTR!
Crimsonite, you are completely 100% correct about the 25 second clock, the loophole that created the opportunity for CGM to “invent” the mickey mousezahn O. However you wont hear much in regards to that, it was all genius!
Malzahn was running the HUNH long before the rule change in 2008. He even wrote a book about it… 2003.
Peachy, is it possible CGM is one of the coaches who wanted the rules change because he was afraid of aggressive constantly moving D’s like CNS’s?
And you know this how? Is it possible you are sleeping with Malzhan?
What the clock change introduced wasn’t the hurry-up, the no-huddle, or any combination of the two.
What it did introduce was meercat football.
Meercat football is where players don’t hike the ball as quickly as they can, but rather they stand over the football as quickly as they can and immediately stand straight up. The straighter, the better, as to avoid any false start penalties. Hands on hips, even better.
And while they stand there preventing defensive substitutions, they stare at placards telling them what to do, placards with pretty pictures like sock, Charmander, puppy, Barbie, pencil and Spongebob.
The cards tell them what pre-snap motions to run or who might be getting the football. You know, things that football teams did before 2008 anyway and will always be allowed to do.
The irony?
The meercat offense stands up straight for how long each play on average?
If you guessed anything over ten seconds, you win…
Peachy, there were definitely coaches who were most certainly in favor of the 25 second clock rule change, it is very possible and quite likely the CGM was one of them.I wonder if the NCAA asked his opinion, oh wait in 08 he was probably still working out the details on the Mustain recruitment/hire debacle. I guess we might have clear evidence on this matter if the likes of Jon (ahem ahem never biased) Soloman had done a better job.
I can’t wait for the season to start. We get decent quarterback play and a strong run game, not many teams will be able to compete with us (LSU will be the only team to really challenge us).
I have a feeling the defense is going to be stellar. Won’t matter what offense we face or how “scared” we are of it. (“scared” of an offense. That last sentence sounded so stupid, yet that is what many “journalist” and fans are spouting. Pathetic.).
There’s always a lot of learning with each new team, particularly after losing a QB as good as AJ McCarron. LSU is now one of the best challenges in the sport and we’re lucky to play them every season, but I wouldn’t say they’re Alabama’s only challenge by any means.
Still, if there’s one thing we’ve learned watching Alabama football the last few years it’s that nobody is more excited or better prepared to mold a new team than Nick Saban. I’m counting the days until A-Day…
How’s that fantasy world treating you, moron. Bama wins the IB by 30, like they should have last year. A&M and Georgia wipe that ass toó. At bestia Weagle is 8-4. RTR!
The “Lame Stream” media promotes running with the pack. Dare to be different. There are other things to talk and think about. I am devastated that this is dominating convo on my favorite website… get over it and move on.
Nick Saban would be undefeated for…like six years in a row… if he had a Van Tiffin, Phiilp Doyle caliber FG kicker…
Once again… I am devastated that this is the only thing that smart people can choose to talk about…I see dumb people… all around me…. I am scared
What is funny is how Bama fans think the under handed way that this went down, is acceptable behavior. That is why all these coaches have lashed out at both Nick and Bret. At the AFCA meeting, this subject was never brought up. If it had been, the response would have been totally different, but when you get a cheap shot from behind, that gets a different reaction, than if it was more of a transparent process. What will be the thing to keep an eye on is, do the coaches around the country hold a grudge against him, and in response, give Bama a lower ranking than they may deserve. Doubt that will happen, but you never know. Would serve him right if it did. Don’t have to worry about Arkansas after we put 60-70 on them the first game. At least Bret can take solace in knowing Gus won’t run the score up on him just to be vindictive. Though with the way he has acted, he would deserve getting curb stomped.
Don’t be surprised if Arkansas runs the football down Auburn’s throat.
As far as the coaches holding a grudge, what’s new about that? When you’ve had his success, there is always jealousy among other coaches.
Plus, I don’t see what is “under-handed”. The whole world knew he spoke at the Rules Commitee about the HUNH. I mean, I thought “under-handed” was meant to be a little more secretive.
Anyways, thank you for your interest in Alabama athletics. How are things in Auburn?
It was secretive, when all the other coaches found out about it, after the rule was voted on in the first committee, to pass on to the rules oversight committee. That is why Sumlin, Leach and others went ballistic.If that is not the definition of under handed, I don’t know what is.
Look dumbass, the NCAA doesn’t holding clandestine meetings. All D1 coaches had the same knowledge of the meeting that Saban had. The dumbasses just didn’t think it was important enough to waste their timé on, until they learned they lost their chance after their adversaries beat their asses to the punch. Damn whiners and slackers, all of them.
They knew the meeting was happening. They did not know the proposal was going to be brought up. Hence, the secretive part of it. Had they known, and not showed up, they would have no excuse.
I think the rule was perhaps as poorly-written as the 2008 rule that this new proposal was designed to address, if not simply less understood (and arguably the ones making the biggest stir didn’t stop to listen to the committee members itself and their interviews, did you?)
The only problem is some coaches and media jumped to conclusions and assumed the very worst, even if they assumed it for the right reasons based on what they thought about Saban’s involvement.
Nick Saban does football. That’s it. I get that people want to believe it’s some conspiracy with Saban and the NCAA and the rules committee and North Korea or whatever else they’d like to believe, but the truth is just plain much more simple than that. Football was being talked about, and Saban talked about it with them instead of tweeting insults from a bathtub or admitting he didn’t read it when insulting another coach for his input like other coaches did.
Unfortuantely, it’s going to cloud the judgment of those coaches and the public again in a year when a revised proposal is pushed through to allow substitutions in a way the 2008 rule was never meant to explicitly prevent.
However, also notice how many coaches are, like Saban, working instead of complaining. Call it wishful thinking, but most college coaches still respect Nick Saban and wouldn’t “hold a grudge” and consequently rank the team he coaches lower as a result of their misjudgement or anything else. Perhaps they even respect him more. Think about it. After all, we’re in a world where Saban hired a coach he dominated and embarassed at a long-term rival university with Lane Kiffin way back before this rule proposal was first introduced by the rules committee. Some grudge.
The problem I have with your “under-handed” argument is you’re still assuming this is all on Saban. So think about it. Over two years, do you think they never talked to anyone else about it? Do you think Saban swayed them to make the proposal or that the proposal they worked two years on was going to be shelved until Saban stepped in and manipulated them in a grand conspiracy? If you think they didn’t talk to other professionals, doctors, NFL associates and statisticians, maybe you didn’t hear the interviews by the chairman on the same rules committee? Or did you hear it but don’t believe him and instead think this is all a conspiracy to stop the HUNHNS?
You can’t stop the HUNH. Nobody even wants to, including Saban, like it or not. But the bottom line is that’s not what this proposal was ever about, and anyone who looked into it would know that because ten seconds simply wouldn’t affect nearly every single play in every single game. The same argument will be made next year about no substitutions, but then there won’t be a conspiracy to argue against and you’ll just have to deal with it. Then what? Good grief.
You have a short term memory. Saban didn’t “dominate and embarrass” Kiffin while he was at Tennessee. Kiffin only played him once and that game was 12-10 in Tuscaloosa. And it took two blocked field goals (I guess according to Bama logic Tennessee really won that game).
And this “you cant stop the HUNH” is a complete reversal from the “that gimmick offense will never work in the SEC” cries we heard not too long ago from Bama fans.
Les Miles doesn’t seem to have a problem stopping it.
Way to deflect, peachy. Way to completely take the most irrelevant parts of a comment and consider them to be the point.
Way to avoid addressing your incorrect statements.
And the reason people keep throwing this on Saban is because Saban cant seem to shut up about it. To be fair Bielema has the same problem. And the biggest reason everyone gives them crap is because of their disingenuous argument that they want the rule change for “safety reasons”. It probably wouldn’t be as big a deal if they would just admit they want it for competitive reasons instead of insisting its all about something that its clearly not.
Way to avoid anything I said that’s actually on-topic.
Take out the Kiffin part altogether. Did that help?
The rules aren’t going to stop the HUNH, not teams can’t stop the HUNH, if that’s what you’re suggesting I meant, although reading would have cleared that right up.
You’re the one who thinks it’s not a saftey concern whatsoever, but also that this is only a safety issue. Many seem to agree it’s not a safety issue, albeit without listening to the reasoning and the 2008 rule change. That doesn’t mean they have any idea what the safety argument is about, but nevertheless, it’s not only about safety.
Then again, Saban did address that, too. So did the rules committee. Comments?
It’s not for competitive reasons though. If you look closely, it’s exactly the opposite.
Look, you want to blame Saban. It’s that simple. It’s completely clouded your judgment instead of facing the reality that this isn’t about creating a new competitive advantage; it’s about stopping one that was created in 2008 as a side effect of a desperately needed rule being written with an exploitation (which will be fixed, like it or not).
As a result, the play clock starts at 40 seconds immediately after the previous play is whistled dead, HUNHNS teams run to the ball as fast as possible so they can….stand straight up with their hands on their hips and stare at pictures on the sidelines? They’re actually COACHED to stand as straight up as possible to avoid false possible penalties.
Guess how long they stand there on average?
I’ll give you a hint, IT’S MORE THAN TEN SECONDS.
Know what defenses can’t do now that they could do before 2008 gave you a “competitive advantage” while the offenses stand there like meercats? I bet you do.
Competitive advantage, huh? Without the 2008 competitive advantage rule change, where would Auburn be, for example? Would they have won a title with Newton but without the HUNHNS? Maybe. Gosh, I would have liked to see if they could have, in all sincerity. I understand why your mind is clouded but I don’t want to argue with you about it anymore. You hate Alabama. Thanks for coming.
Nothing is going to be fixed b/c nothing is broken.
A rule was proposed last year for a 15 second substitution break after made first downs and the rule committee did not pass it. And that was in a normal rule making year. It didn’t pass last year and nothing will pass next year. Some Alabama fans and maybe 20% of the D1A coaches think there should be a change, everyone else is just fine with how the game is being played. You may not like it but in a country built on democracy the majority normally decides how things will be.
And for you to claim the rule proposed was about more than player safety only further highlights the disengenuios nature of Bert and Saban’s lobbying efforts for a rule change this year.
The HUNH has been around a lot longer than 2008. Malzahn even wrote a book about it in 2003.
And Les Miles has stated he has no problem subbing against HUNH offenses. And his stats back that up; games against Oregon, TAMU, Auburn. Is he just a smarter Defensive mind than Saban?
Offense dictates pace of play. They’re the ones with the ball. There has never been a rule that tells the offense they cant snap the ball once the clock is running. Whats the point of the clock running if you cant run a play anytime within its limits? The defense can still sub. Theres coaches that manage to do it just fine.
No you dumbass whore, the grass eater is not smarter than Saban. To wit, Sanan has stomped his ass on a regular basis, Saban has a much better 6 year record, Saban has won three BCSNC’s to zero for the grass eater since he had his own recruits, and Saban has led the nation and or LSWho in defense every year. The only advantage LSWho has had is yards gained defensively against HUNH’s. That is because Miles recruits smaller, quicker defensive players, which helps him compete better against the HUNH. If you’ll notice dumbass, that is exactly what Saban’s last two recruiting classes have consisted of. Smaller and quicker. So fuck off dumb bitch. You still look like a damn fool even though it’s obvious you are searching the internet like a motherfucker to try and act like you know something. Bwaa Haww Haww! RTR!
Damn Crimsonite. Do you kiss your sister with that mouth?
Still think Florida ran the HUNH?
Why don’t you call Tebow and ask him, or maybe Meyer. Or if they haven’t given you their personal numbers then just look for the 2008 SECCG on YouTube and watch the 4th quarter. If you don’t like my choice of words then don’t come over here flaming. I already told you damn fools that the game was meant to be played with official control standing over the football on every play and not starting the clock until everybody is ready. People have seen fit to bastardize the game with obnoxious rule changes in recent years. Saban nor the NCAA were doing nothing but taking a small step back toward what it was meant to be. Bama ran an offense similar to Weagles in the 80’s. It was called the Wishbone. It was the most dominant offense in the history of football. They ran it without going no huddle and led the nation in offense every year with almost 600 ypg. Which is more than Malzhan will ever do. They did it with superior execution and talented athletes – not fucking dipsey doo trickeroo. They maned up and kicked the defenses ass. RTR!
And Malzahn manned up and kicked Sabans ass.
And trying to say how the game was “meant” to be played is ridiculous. The game was initially meant to be played by running the ball. The forward pass came years later. Maybe that’s what we should go back to? Since that’s how it was “meant to be played”.
Fact is there isn’t going to be any rule change to help Nicky stop Malzahn. He’ll have to figure it out for himself. Better do it quick though. You guys will be losing your minds when Malzahn starts out 2-0 v/s Row Tahd.
Relying on miracles isn’t kicking anyone’s ass.
49-00 is kicking someone’s ass.
49-14 is kicking someone’s ass.
36-00 is kicking someone’s ass.
Auburn hasn’t come remotely close to any of these scores in your (or my) lifetimes.
Funny, Malzahn wrote a book about the HUNHNS in 2003, you’re correct.
It was about high school football.
The 15 second rule proposal was also not right.
Unbelievable. It’s hard not to just say something insulting, but my goal with writing is to get people to think. It’s lost on some people, but hey, at least you’re not alone?
Hey Elite,
Underhand this.
Ellite tigger wants his/her cake and eat it too . That’s all his/her rants are about . Auburn is gonna be irrelevant this coming season . Flash in the pan . Too bad they can’t say that about Bama . Sure you got the win . Congrats . Gloat , revel in it . But we will get the W back this year . We may not win the NC but we will beat Auburn . Mark this date so you can go back to it when we win . The future is brighter than ever . How’s the saying go ? The sun even shines on a dogs ass every once in a while . In this case even a tiger , or is it an eagle ? Who knows. ROLL TIDE
If you win this year, I will come on here and congratulate all of you. Bet I won’t get the same once we win. But it is good either way.
This is the epitome of Little Brother Syndrome…
You’re right about that. It drives them nuts to lose to Auburn. In fact, they cant even admit they lost.
Its been shining on Auburns ass 8 of the last 12 Iron Bowls.
You have an elephant for a mascot, yet you are named the Crimson Tide? That makes less sense than an eagle, and a tiger. At least, both of those are from the animal kingdom.
@elite tiger
The Crimson Tide is an important coastal phenomenon to the state of Alabama. It’s just something people in the Yellow Hammer State understand.
Also, the elephant is pretty much the most powerful and awesome animal on land.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence there are so many “Tiger” teams but only one elephant.
GEEEEEEEEEZZZ when do the real games start?
Pretty good article, I just don’t understand your needling of everybody. Personally I would rather you report the new with class and leave the needling and joke making out. Then again look at the name of this website, it’s not intended to be fair and balanced.
WOW…I just read this entire thread and I must say WOW…The Aubies are the biggest bunch of whiners and crybabies on the planet…As long as the rules favor their little trick phuck offense they are Happy, happy, happy A Clown…
But let someone suggest a change that would take away their competitive edge and you hear the sound of a three year old who just got his lollypop snatched out of his mouth by another bigger three year old……
I don’t care if they change the damn rule or NOT….But I will bet you this my fine feathered friends…Saban has ALREADY figured out the little high school offense Harry Pot Head runs and he is recruiting faster and smaller defensive players to accommodate the pussy foot offense designed to wear down the Big Strong D Line men that BAMA has used to DOMINATE the SEC in the past few years…We get it…You don’t want to play SMASHMOUTH…NFL Style Offense because you can’t recruit NFL style Players…
What this is really saying is that YOU HUNH guys can’t compete on a LEVEL playing field and all this angst you have about it just proves my point that you are ones who are SCARED…
Saban wants to prepare players for the NFL…See all the first round players picked since 2007 for an example…Gus wants to take advantage of Big Players by using speed and misdirection and trickery…He could give a shit less I any of them besides his QB make it in the NFL…
The read option is just the next challenge on Nick’s list of offense’s to figure out and STOP…Ask Urban Cryer how his spread option offense worked out in the long run against Nick??? You get my point? Urban left with his tail between his legs and went up North to the Big Ten in hopes that he could spread out those traditional Big Guy Defenses up there and so far it has worked for him…
The HUNHNS offense’s days are numbered…TRUST ME…Even Bear Bryant’s triple option was eventually figured out and hardly no one runs it anymore…I would venture to say that the triple option is harder to stop than the read option…
Nick will prove he is worth every penny he makes when he takes off the mercy cap this year and stomps Ole SIs, Miss State, Auburn and the likes this year with his smaller, faster defense he will be putting n the field…When you can get in the backfield and tackle the damn QB before he can hand the ball off on a read then the read option will go the way of the spread option and the triple option and the wing T and the wedge and all that other shit that Great Defensive minds like Nick Saban and Paul Bear Bryant have figured out and stopped…
Bottom line..Bama used to prepare players for the NFL…Now they must prepare for Pee Wee football all overt again…SHEESH…Quit your WHINING Aubies…You sound like crybabies…
PS Great read ITK…
We sound like crybabies? Isnt it YOUR coach that’s crying about Malzahns offense? Isnt it YOUR coach that wants the rules changed to slow Malzahns offense?
Auburn fans aren’t crying. Why would we? The rule change isn’t happening. Bama fans suddenly found out that the HUNH was “unfair” (funny none of you were saying that pre-Iron Bowl this season. What you were saying is that gimmick offense wouldn’t work in the SEC).
You’re not crying, peachy. You just can’t think straight. Not even trying, just repeating yourself. Unbelievable, little brother. It’s impossible for me to relate to your apathy.
Sorry, did I say something untrue? If so just point it out to me.
To answer your question, yes, you’ve said plenty of untrue things.
But every time I point anything out you don’t listen for the sake of thinking. You don’t come here to think. You come here to hate and blame. It’s silly. It’s Little Brother Syndrome at its best.
None of us have that kind of time.
PSS Da Barn Sux…
Roll Tide Y’all
Protect America, Build Submarines
We all live………….right?
There is really nothing new under the sun. Anything can be make an old song new… or a new song sound old