As I wrote last Sunday, the Alabama Crimson Tide controls its own destiny this football season as the top two teams in the BCS fell on Saturday night.

Oregon had the toughest road, and I fully expected them to have a tough go and lose once in the final three weeks. But in ironic fashion, the Stanford Cardinal…an SEC-style team playing in the Pac 12…took care of business early, grinding out an impressive 17-14 overtime win in Eugene, Oregon. The defensive effort by the visiting team was one that likely brought a smile to the face of Tide coach Nick Saban.

But the whammy was on earlier in the night when the 4-5 Baylor Bears pimp slapped the Kansas State Wildcats convincingly 52-24. It would be the first time in history that a team with a losing record would upset at BCS #1 contender.

The streets of Tuscaloosa flooded with the results of the two games, which now puts the Crimson Tide back into serious title contention.

With Auburn up next as a qualifying game to get to Atlanta, it’s hard to imagine a more perfect chip falling into place for Alabama head coach Nick Saban. Bama’s head man will have his team’s focus like a laser as it gets ready for Saturday’s game against the 3-8 Auburn Tigers.

If Bama passes that test, the road is pretty simple to get to Miami. Beat the team from the SEC East who has had more creampuffs in front of them this year than Honey Boo-Boo.

Georgia has had two true tests this season. One ended in a 35-0…say that out loud so you can hear yourself saying it, 35-0…defeat at the hands of South Carolina. The other was a turnover riddled game against Florida. And there’s no guarantee the Bulldogs will escape their annual showdown with the Ramblin’ Wreck next Saturday. Georgia Southern had their way running a similar style triple option offense in the first half against the Dogs on Saturday.

The waiting game is now on to see who will move into the #1 and #2 spots, but conventional wisdom says it’s Notre Dame and Alabama. Although, it would not be shocking if the Fighting Irish slipped up against USC next Saturday. Though USC’s quarterback went down, we’re talking about a team who should have lost to BYU, Purdue and Michigan.

This is why we love this game… Let the games (the next two weeks) begin!

(Follow me on Twitter for Bama news, commentary and smack.)

56 thoughts on “#1 K-State and #2 Oregon fall; #3 Notre Dame and #4 ‘Bama poised to step into BCS game”

  1. Should have lost to BYU, Purdue and Michigan? They’re not ‘bama who lost to A&M…they actually win their games in crunch time. Hopefully they can hold on against Auburn! Good luck, hopefully Johnny football doesn’t show up 😉 haha

    1. yeah, and good luck to you. last time i checked, ND has no “johnny football” either.

      please be there. please come to miami. please.

      can’t wait.

    1. That’s rich RC considering the refs gave the SEC the Stanford game last night. That was the worst interpretation of irrefutabale evidence I’ve ever seen to over turn a call on Stanford’s last touchdown.

      And don’t get ahead of yourself like ITK did before the A&M game, bama still has to beat Georgia.

      But if you gumps want to think you’ve got that game won without even playing it go right ahead, maybe your team will develop the same attitude as it’s gump fan base and we will get to hear Saban rant at the media again after a loss to Georgia.

      1. Yea Corndog we think we will beat Georgia..Matter of fact we know we will..That rear end of yours was about to explode when the Rebels had yall on the ropes.To bad the Rebels had a meltdown at end or your season would have been shit..No BCS bowl for the Tigers dick…Have a wonderful week!! Yours truly JW… BCS CHAMPIONSHIP BOUND CRIMSON TIDE!!!!!! RTR

        1. Spoken like a true jerk of a gump. Why are all you gumps obsessed with the “rear ends”, or “butt holes” of other fans. It seems like every other response by a gump to a comment on this site has to reference that part of anatomy.

          To resond to you in the only terms I guess you understand JW, I guess I would ask you if you make such a comment based on personal experience because you felt your rear end was about to explode when LSU had bama on the ropes with less than two minutes to go in that game or did you rear end actually explode when A&M not only had ya’ll on the ropes but delivered the knock out punch with that interception at the end of that game.

          Do you know you will beat Georgis with the same matter of fact that you and ITK knew you would beat A&M? LMAO

      2. And just like you too pull out one little thing to hang on to so maybe your brain doesn’t explode since we are back in the hunt. I will not sit here and say “we will be in Miami” since my rooting for my team will not effect the outcome one little bit. But if you want to talk bad calls, how about that BS interference call on Stan that kept Oregons drive going. Even the announcers were outraged by that one. The Cardinal did everything they could to let the Ducks win, fumbles and missed FGs. I am happy as a Bama fan to be where we are, but it’s almost as much fun to watch how butt hurt (sorry more butt talk) all you haters are. So keep posting dude, I feel your pain.

  2. wow.

    after ok st last season and now k st and oregon this, isn’t there something to be said now for the effect the weight around the neck of a team a lofty national ranking has???

    k st choked. absolutely choked. and hey, no plane crash to blame this on, eh???

    and the ducks high-flyin’, pinball offense against the “old man” football of stanford? in autzen?? and one would think the quacks would be used to the pressure.

    an autzen around their necks anyone??

    so here we are again, ladies.

    never doubt, we have work left to do. we have our issues. a defense that gives up big plays. an offense that should control the ball, keep a suspect defense rested on the sideline, but somehow, can’t.

    an offensive coordinator that thinks he’s still in the pac10, 12 whatever.

    but should we somehow make it to miami, heh heh, we’ve got time to prepare, and we’ve got Coach Saban.

    and a reason to smash auburn and richt.

    heh heh.

  3. A Few thoughts from the almighty one.
    1. The “I told you so” award goes to Intheknow for his fearless prediction that Bama controls its own destiny. A bold and gutsy prediction that proved true. Whether you like it or not. The man called it first.

    2. The best thing to happen for Bama football this year was Johnny Football’s wake up call in T-town. If Alabama wins the SECCG and/or the NC. It is because tamu came in and showed Bama nothing can be taken for granted.So in the end Johnny Manziel may have been the MVP for Bama’s season.

    3. Can it really be? Oregon went quackers and lost to the Cardinal? The juggernaut that is KSU went down in what can only be described as an a**whoppin?

    4.Auburn beats an instate team with words like “Alabama” AND “Bulldogs” in it moniker? Will the Lee County Dollar General stores have a run on toilet paper? Will Gene Chizik get a raise and 3 more years added to his contract? Has J. Jacobs choice hire of a football coach after sending TT to TT be vindicated? Has th AU board lit the fires and kicked the tires for a midnight trip to Arkansas?

    5. This season has been nothing less than ecstasy for Bama fans looking north and south east. UT and AU have been a Craptacular Suckfest of biblical proportions. A lot of us need a cigarette after experiencing this much pleasure.

    6. I refuse to feel bad about Bama. There aren’t many programs that can boast the ongoing success Bama has had in the last 5 years.

    7. Finally, We can’t win every thing all the time. But if you are truley a winner you can still be proud in defeat. For UT and Auburn well…. eh… not so much.

  4. P.S.
    This will go down in history as the most entertaining football season ever for me. I am just popping some corn and sitting in a lawn chair to see how this one goes.

  5. Nobody in the backwoods, Mud Dog State of Louisiana has any right to talk about anyone from another State anywhere

    1. Oh but We do have that right, and nobody ever has to call you a name, you define and demonstrate what kind of person you are and what kind character you have by your last couple of vulger comments. And you have ever right to let everyone in the world know what kind of person you are.

  6. Crapstone good name for an idiot from BAMA. Now are you scared to tell the truth ,,,, Just can’t see the way the tide looked the last two games…. or stupid …… . Georgia will tap that ASS. P.S Do you really think Murray is lossing slepp over your GREAT D backs

    1. Please use spell check……or tell me what “lossing slepp” refers (and why Murray is doing that).

  7. Georgia has a history of talking tough AND NOT backing it. Last year they claimed their D was just as good as Bama’s before they played LSU. THE RESULT: LSU 42, UGA 10

    They said before the Carolina game this year that their D was great.
    THE RESULT: South Carolina 35, UGA 7

    In 2008, Mark Richt tapped his inner Mississippi State and called for a blackout in Athens.
    THE RESULT: Alabama 41, UGA 30

    STOP talking “tough” UGA until you can back it up. That Florida win was NASTY, and the Auburn game was a joke

  8. How did the refs give the game to Stanford? I’m confused. Maybe you watched a different game Spoof. The high powered offense couldn’t do shit against a team with some defense. They had their chances,plenty of them. And congrats on the win against a team Bama dominated. And you guys are playing your best football of the season. Just goes to show you how shitty bama really played when we went into dead valley. You guys got the moral victory so that’s what really counts. But this means nothing to a guy like you. You change teams every week. Go Stanford! I gues the refs gave Baylor the game as well. ! Better luck next year corn dog. ! At least Bama is back in the NC talk. Too bad the same can’t be said about LSU. Or Oregon or KState. Its ok you can have all three of those teams. We understand. REAULX TIDE!!!!!

    1. To be consistent with comments by you gumps back in 2007, I guess you are right about one thing Fat_head, Alabama did back into an oppertunity to make it to the National Championship game last night with the help of two other teams last night.

      1. You don’t back in to it when only 1 team is undefeated and the others have 1 loss. Now 2 losses, that’s a back in.

      2. I know this is very painful to The Tooth. He said there was absolutely no way this would happen last season too. His team actually backed into a win yesterday, but yet he is only concerned with Bama, showing us his obsession, yet again. Roll Tide Tooth!

      3. BAGANJA JOHNBOSCO Posted on please try to help to those who needs your help with to find out shorsonspip and sponsors ,am Ugandan ,and am not studying because of financial problems and i liked to take business administration in marketing at Alberta in Canada.if is there opportunity i beg you to inform me using my address ;[email protected] .thank you

  9. And what kind of name is RandyDawg? Horny Heinz 57 mutt Pro Wrestler wanna be? Mud ridin sister humpin moonshine swiggin mullet wearing cock ridin bandwagon jumpin baby touchin wrangler wearin creek floatin corn sog suckin cream slurpin wishin he was accepted in life all around cool guy? I am glad we got another hater on board Truth is getting loose and worn out around here. Welcome. I look forward to bashing you.

    1. They sure enough did RC.. But the corndogs do not like to talk about that..While we are talking about the cornmdogs i would like to just say how much i hate them SOB .They love to talk shit but can not take the heat when you come back at them..Wish that shit hole tiger stadium would burn to the damn ground..Zest pool of the nation LOUISIANA..RTR

  10. Truth–

    The State that brought us The Delta, VooDoo, Gambling, Huey Long, Earl Long, Blaze Starr & Corn Dogs have NO RIGHTS to talk about any other State

  11. So truth is back. I guess if you can t beat them you come over and talk about them. Makes you feel better about yourself.

  12. I tried to read your responses. SPOOF but you had me at gump!!! Then I lost intrest. 🙁 REAULX TIDE!

        1. ITK, I’m sure you probably know where to pick up cheap women and cheap watches in every city you visit, glad to hear you were able to pick you some up while your team was in Baton Rouge picking up their cheap victory.

          1. Cheap victory…LOL. What was that vaunted home winning record Les had on “Saturday Night in Baton Rouge”??? Wasn’t it like 36-1??

            Seems that seething hatred does much to clog your logic. If you need us we’ll be playing for another BCS National Championship in a few weeks.

          2. Glad to see your counting chickens before they hatch on the Gerogia game game ITK, much in the same way you counted your victory over A&M before that game happened.

            And yes when your team gets beat in every statistical category and your team needs a score in the last minute to eek out a win, its called a cheap victory! At least that’s what you gumps called it last November. Are you telling us now those comments from you gumps following bama’s loss to LSU in Tuscalooser last November now don’t apply?! Or that they apply to everyone except bama?! LMAO

  13. Reaulx is a spin on a some cheap teams Geaux. They both make no sense. So yea it is equal to a cheap watch. “Spin” you are quite familiar with this SPOOF

    1. Oh I know what you were attempting to do you dumb gump, that’s why I was laughing my ass off. You are too stupid to know it would be spelled Reauxl, not Reaulx! Maybe you should try hooked on phonics.

      1. Hilarious that you just tried to connect phonics with coon ass french quarter english. Do you even know what phonetics means? You are a different kind of dumb.

        1. Obviously by your comment you don’t have a clue what it means. YOU are a common kind of dumb, the kind that is very common among the bama fan base.

  14. That’s funny about the trees. They want to hang a crazy man for poisoning these trees and then litter them and catch them on fire. Makes no sense.

  15. ITK can you look up truth’s ip address ? The intelligence shown in the posts make me think it s just vile under another name.

  16. Folks. I will say this again.
    The idiots in Lee County rolled Toomer’s Corner after beating Alabama a&m and then someone set them on fire.
    Does this mean Updyke gets off for lack of evidence?

  17. Al the cheap women I have picked up in Lowsyana have usually come out of your house Spoof. I didn’t leave a tip, I just inserted it. I tried to pick up some hooked on phonics while in Lowsyana but they were all sold out. By the time I made it back to Alabama I remembered how to read again. I act ignorant and illiterate while in Lowsyana so I can blend in. Smart people with money attract too much attention in that state. Too many lookin for hand outs. So LSU cheap victory in OT after being out played didn’t count either? Is that what you are saying Spoof?

  18. Been out of the country a while, but did get to watch Oregon’s meltdown. My Droid had no signal and for some reason my wifes will not load CR. So I was getting a little antsy not being able to bitch slap the homers after Saturday night’s early Christmas. LOL! However, I can clearly see that ya’ll have been doung a fine job without me. Does my heart good to listen to the Barnies and Viles and Corndogs trying to bash us with the accomplishments of others. And those dumbass JunkDawgs coming here already when the only meaningful game they’ve won in 10 years is an error plagued game with offensleaa Floridumb. As for the Gnomer, you needed shit loads of turnovers to edge Michigan and turnovers and bad calls to win your other close games and an act of God to beat lowly Pitt with our LB’s brother at QB. We got no turnovers against LSU or Texas A&M – both of wich are better than any team on your schedule. You’ll definitely need an act of God or two against Bama. But I don’t think God comes to Miami. Bwaa Haww Haww! RTR!

  19. What a shame the trees had to go that way.On the other hand I feel that Updyke should still get his day before the judge. GeorgiaTech will play Georgia hard. The same with Auburn.With us In the end Georgia may try another “Black-Out.” I hope it comes out like the last time.RTR

  20. Eaux is supposed to be french plural so how does that make sense? Unless you are a cajun stump jumper. Then it makes all the sense in the world.

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