Bombshell affidavit from Bill Barker says Kevin Ezell had Mike Ebert edit outbursts from video recordings. Barker also claims to have personal knowledge of Ezell’s use of NAMB in personal vendettas and use of NAMB dollars to control state conventions.
NAMB asks federal court for continuance in attempt to delay trial scheduled for days before this year’s Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in New Orleans. What is Kevin Ezell trying to hide?
A new legal filing in federal court in McRaney v. NAMB includes an affidavit of respected Southern Baptist worker Bill Barker who claims that he witnessed Kevin Ezell order NAMB PR head Mike Ebert to edit video records to eliminate Ezell’s outbursts.
According to the affidavit, meetings of NAMB’s Senior Leadership were “often recorded on video.” However, what is most stunning is that Barker claims these were edited at Ezell’s request. According to Barker’s sworn statement, “I personally heard Kevin Ezell instruct Mike Ebert to edit out of the video recordings statements he made during the meeting. Among the statements he would instruct should be edited out of the video were outbursts and negative statements about other people.”
That’s huge. For many reasons. Mike Ebert is probably best known for his attempt to intimidate Southern Baptist reporter and sex abuse survivor Joni Hannigan over a story she posted regarding Kevin Ezell refusing to testify before a Grand Jury in a sex abuse case citing clergy-penitent privilege.
Another reason this is interesting is about Ezell’s unchristian outbursts. This statement verifies a report of ours where State Baptist Convention directors told top SBC Officials that Kevin Ezell berated them in meetings. Specifically, we reported, “In explosive secret meeting with Ronnie Floyd, Southern Baptist state convention leaders detail Kevin Ezell’s belligerent insults and vulgar language against state convention leaders.”
And attempting to delete evidence of his bad behavior is not the only tidbit contained in the filing.
According to Barker’s sworn statement, “It was also my firsthand experience of interactions with Mr. Ezell that, on occasions, he made statements that were false and bullying in nature.”
If you’ve been reading the Capstone Report, then you aren’t shocked. However, this may come as a shock to many new readers. However, you should read the Barker affidavit. It confirms what we’ve reported for years—that Kevin Ezell waged personal vendettas against anyone who held an opinion different than him.
Barker claims in his sworn statement that Ezell conducted a “smear campaign” against Barker using NAMB. This is a key claim of McRaney’s lawsuit. Further, Barker’s sworn statement verifies other claims that “Kevin Ezell has used NAMB’s funding and resources to control state conventions.”
And lest you think it is all just blog gossip, the quotations included here were certified “under penalty of perjury.”
You can read the entire affidavit embedded below this post.
Oh, and NAMB is asking the federal court to delay the case; NAMB filed for a continuance. You know, the case NAMB delayed for months and months by seeking a hearing before the Supreme Court. Think they are worried about the case and want to prevent a jury or the public from hearing even more stories like Bill Barker’s?