Democrats try to make a local Republican’s support for Steve Bannon & Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene into campaign issue in an important Georgia House race.
A local Georgia House of Representatives race (District 52) features a Stacy Abrams leftist running against a Steve Bannon inspired conservative. Predictably, Democrat candidate Shea Roberts is attacking the conservative Republican candidate Wendy Ahrenkiel over being inspired by Steve Bannon and some absurd allegations of election denial. It shows just how desperate Democrats are in Georgia.
On a website paid for by Democrat Shea Roberts, Ahrenkiel is described as “inspired by Steve Bannon to run.”
The website features a CNN piece showing Bannon’s strategy to transform the GOP via a “precinct takeover” plan.
The CNN report carries the typical leftist slant and then intones in warning tone that “Wendy Ahrenkiel is running for Georgia’s House District 52 and may actually win.”
The horror—a commonsense conservative might win!
There is good reason for CNN and Shea Roberts to worry. Roberts only won by 377 votes last time over the Republican incumbent Deborah Silcox.
And if it scares CNN enough to do an entire story on it, there is a very good chance that Ahrenkiel will succeed. And if Ahrenkiel succeeds then so does Steve Bannon’s Precinct Strategy.
That is good news for America, Georgia, and the Republican Party.
Also, Wendy Ahrenkiel is attacked as some type of election denier by the website paid for by Shea Roberts. The site posts a series of tweets where Ahrenkiel tweets about America First and supports conservative politicians like conservative Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz as proof that Ahrenkiel somehow “denies the 2020 election results.”
The lame attack website fails to note how the Democrat Shea Roberts is a big fan of famous election denier Stacy Abrams.
Shea Roberts tweeted, “Yesterday it was an honor to be part of an event with so many supporting @staceyabrams at Billye Aaron’s lovey home. Stacey needs all of us to dig in and call everyone we know to make sure they know what’s at stake with these midterms and ensure they have a plan to vote early… There is no doubt that @GeorgiaDemocrat are ready for change! 6 hospitals closed under Kemp, expansion of gun laws when Ga is 9th in the country for gun violence, making it harder to vote because you didn’t like the outcome in 2020, and stripping women of their fundamental right to decide what is best for their bodies and their futures is not what Georgians want or deserve. Kemp is dangerous for Georgians! Let’s go, Ya’ll! #gapol #OneGeorgia #votestaceyabrams.”
Kemp is dangerous for Georgians?
One almost wants to laugh; however, even within this nonsense you can see something frightening. The true threat to lives comes not from Kemp but from radical leftists like Stacey Abrams and Shea Roberts who think killing unborn babies is a right.
We know that Stacey Abrams is a science denier in her claim that babies do not have a heartbeat at six weeks and that an ultrasound machine sound is not real heartbeat. This is false.
According to The National Library of Medicine as reported by the Free Beacon, “At five weeks a ‘baby’s heart begins to develop’ and at six weeks a ‘baby’s heart continues to grow and now beats at a regular rhythm.’”
And if that were not bad enough, Stacey Abrams is an election denier who refused to admit she lost the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race.
According to the Examiner, “Democratic rock star Stacey Abrams, who still hasn’t conceded her 55,000-vote loss in her 2018 race for governor of Georgia, is trying to distinguish herself from the ‘election deniers’ whom Joe Biden has declared a threat to our democracy.”
So, Shea Roberts not only endorses Abrams who is an unrepentant election denier but also a science denier.
The real danger to Georgia and to America are Democrats like Shea Roberts and Stacey Abrams.