A leftist sociologist who cries Christian Nationalism on Twitter leveled an attack on a Southern Baptist seminary student for—yes, you guessed it—Christian Nationalism.
Samuel Perry labeled William Wolfe a Christian Nationalist and alleged the former Trump Administration official was fomenting threats of political violence.
Perry said, “William Wolfe is an SBC leader & former Trump staffer who openly advocates for #ChristianNationalism. Note how he’s actively seeking to mainstream threats of political violence as simply exercising “constitutional rights.”
Perry’s tweet included screenshots of Wolfe pointing out that peaceful demonstrations are protected First Amendment speech and that it is acceptable for people to also exercise their Second Amendment rights.
Wolfe responded directly to Perry’s lies.
Wolfe said, “Liberal sociologist and author of shoddy scholarship on ‘Christian nationalism,’ Samuel Perry, attacks me from behind a block. I’m not mainstreaming ‘threats of violence’ – a total lie. I noted that Miller is *falsely* labeling peaceful protestors as ‘domestic terrorists.’ I stand by my critique of Miller’s dangerous rhetoric. To label peaceful protestors exercising their Second Amendment rights as an example of “right wing domestic terrorism” is beyond irresponsible. That Perry jumped on this is telling – he likes to outgroup conservatives.”
Wolfe is correct. It is telling that Perry decided to attack on this point.
First, it shows how closely Perry is a leftist. After all, leftists fear guns. Thus, someone carrying a gun is threatening violence.
Second, it shows how conservative protests create anxiety among the ruling class.
Historian Mark David Hall asked an important question: “Isn’t Wolfe still in seminary? What leadership role does he hold again?”
This is an excellent question. What made a student at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) a subject worthy of attack from a scholar like Samuel Perry? After all, none other than Tim Keller favorably reviewed Samuel Perry’s book on Christian Nationalism.
Franklin D. Roosevelt reportedly said, “I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.”
Wolfe is making a few good enemies.
Why would a scholar decided to smear a seminary student? Maybe because leftists are worried about the reaction their excesses unleashed.