July 4 is the first anniversary of David Platt’s Woke rant against McLean Bible Church members.
One year ago today, David Platt ranted and lied about conservative members of McLean Bible Church. Platt played the race card in that memorable “sermon.” Platt behaved like a spoiled child denied the candy he wanted at the store. In this case, his elder stooges, err, nominees were rejected by the church. So, Platt threw a temper tantrum. Platt engaged in outright propaganda against people whose only crime was wanting to prevent the church from embracing godless ideologies like Critical Race Theory (CRT).
In that memorable “sermon” preached July 4, 2021, we caught David Platt telling six lies. Platt lied about non-members voting. Platt mischaracterized concerns about what might happen to church property. Platt misled the congregation about the nature of Wokeness at McLean Bible Church.
Most memorable of all was Platt’s outright fib about the association of McLean Bible Church with the Southern Baptist Convention.
Despite all the evidence (and the evidence is exhaustive) that McLean Bible Church was part of the Southern Baptist Convention, Platt denied the church was affiliated with the SBC.
As we noted at the time, According to the official website of the local state Baptist Convention , “At the May 8 Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware (BCM/D) General Mission Board meeting at Skycroft Conference Center members voted to welcome three churches to the BCM/D: Hillcrest Baptist, Temple Hills, Md., led by Pastor W. Clyde Pearson, transferring from Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia (SBC); Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, D.C., led by Pastor Mark Dever; McLean Bible Church, Vienna, Va., led by Pastor-Teacher David Platt, who also serves as president of the International Mission Board.”
And to make it very clear: According to the BCMD, “We go through the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message and also require a written affirmation of an official congregational vote to affiliate with the BCM/D.”
What should concern everyone is that Platt never apologized or otherwise repented of his very public slanders. His rant remains on the record. So, any claims he wants reconciliation is a joke. If he truly wanted reconciliation, he’d publicly apologize for the very public calumnies he spread.
Platt is too arrogant and too unchristian to do that. Instead, those conservatives attacked by Platt must await God’s ultimate vindication.
Lawsuit against McLean Bible Church dismissed, will be appealed
All of this sparked a lawsuit that was dismissed in late June by a court in Fairfax County. However, the fight is not over. The lawsuit is being appealed. There were many reasons plaintiffs believe the case should continue. The appeal will argue the lower court made several serious errors in preventing the lawsuit from moving to discovery.
Conservatives should remember that cases like these take their time and often involve appeals. In a federal court case, Will McRaney lost at the district court. McRaney then began a string of wins. McRaney won at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. McRaney won as the entire Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals denied an en banc hearing. Then McRaney won as the Supreme Court of the United States refused to review the Fifth Circuit’s decision.
According to those close to the McLean case, the appeal should be filed soon, and they are hoping for a reversal.
This provides a bit of good news for those who care about McLean Bible Church. Sure, David Platt has killed the once thriving church as thousands upon thousands no longer attend and have found other churches nearby. However, through the means of the court, Platt is being held accountable and exposed for the fraud he is.
We need more Christians to do this across the nation. Learn from the conservatives at McLean Bible Church and hold the Woke pastors accountable.