MSNBC Host: Way too many Christians are mean. Ed Litton: You are right!
In a shocking revelation about what Ed Litton truly thinks about conservative evangelical Christians, the newly elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention agreed with MSNBC host Joshua Johnson that Christians in general and Southern Baptists in particular are mean and lack respect for others who disagree with their politics.
Joshua Johnson: “Before I let you go, I have encountered way too many Christians who show zero gentleness and zero respect when talking to people who do not share their views, whether it is atheists, agnostics, gay people like myself, or just people who don’t share their politics. That is not biblical. That is not scriptural. That is not what the Bible teaches believers to do.
Before I have to let you go, What do you plan to do as President of the Southern Baptist Convention to make people of faith more palatable, less contemptible and maybe a little more Christ-like in the way they deal with the rest of the world?”
Ed Litton: “Well, let me say this. First of all, you are right. Tragically, part of the whole culture seems to be struggling with giving honor and respect. I respect you because God created you. I respect you because Jesus paid a high price to redeem you. I respect you because the Word of God teaches me to respect you and to honor you. We are seeing a breakdown in our culture, which even impacts our churches sometimes. But, I will say this, people called Southern Baptists are a good people.”
This exchange is illuminating.
Ed Litton thinks Southern Baptist churches have many people who are intolerant and mean to others and the SBC needs to be made “more palatable and less contemptible” to the secular world. Ed Litton also thinks Southern Baptists are good people.
Expect more of this doublespeak in the year to come. The Southern Baptist Convention elected Russell Moore 2.0.