BREAKING: Useful idiots no longer feel useful

The useful idiots of Evangelicalism no longer feel useful. However, judging by the statement they released last night, they sure feel like idiots. In a press release about the Biden Administration’s abandoning the Hyde Amendment and the Democratic Party’s support of more abortions, The Pro-Life Evangelicals For Biden, yes that makes as much sense as the Ministry of Truth, but the Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden expressed shock that Democrats betrayed them on abortion.  

“We feel used and betrayed,” the Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden whine in a press statement. You can read the whole thing.

Then the “Pro-Life” “Christian” “leaders” who voted for the Pro-Murder Party demand the House of Representatives insert the Hyde Amendment before final approval.

“If this is not done it will raise the question of whether or not we are still welcome in the Democratic Party,” the so-called Pro-Life people who voted for the Pro-Abortion Party said.

In other words, the useful idiots are no longer feeling so useful. The Democrats used these people to win an election and are now free to toss them aside.

That is what happens to useful idiots. Just ask all those used by Lenin and Stalin how they felt.

So, Democrats are going to govern like Democrats.

And these “leaders” are surprised?

Maybe Evangelicalism needs better leaders.

This was always the danger of Christians prioritizing niceness over policies. It has real consequences. As we said over and over, murder is a greater moral imperative for voters than the niceness of someone’s tweets.

These “Christian leaders” will have blood on their hands—as every expanded abortion that happens under the Joe Biden Administration happened because they voted for the Pro-Abortion Party. They knew better. They preferred virtue signaling to secular elites over saving babies. Woe to them!

There is no escape from this reality.

These “leaders” urged others to vote for the Party and its nominee who promised to expand abortions.

You got what you voted for.

The faux outrage won’t save you from the reckoning that will one day come. God will hold you accountable for your poor moral reasoning and bad political theology.

And this is only the beginning of the betrayals these Pro-Life Evangelicals will experience.

Christians should take note of all of the abortion enablers who signed the Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden statement. These people are on the record showing they are not fit for any position of leadership.

Let this be a reminder, the only proper response to any “Christian” who votes for a Democrat is church discipline.

5 thoughts on “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden upset Democrats govern like Democrats”

  1. This article sums the problem up very well – any so-called, self-professed “pro-life evangelical” who votes for a democrat, especially for Biden/Harris is an idiot. You are not even a useful idiot. You are just an idiot. You are guilty of every abortion that is performed under this administration because you voted for it, you chose it, and you elected it. Own it. You are not pro-life, nor are you evangelical. You are pro-choice and you are a not a Christian if you voted for this administration. No amount of self-righteous anger can atone for your actions. You are not pro-life because you voted for the most pro-abortion administration in history. You are not an evangelical because you voted for an administration that is militantly marxist atheist and has shown a history of discrimination against Christians in America and around the world. You are also guilty of what they will do to churches in America and to individual Christians. Just shut up about your feeling like you are betrayed by this administration. They are doing just what they said they would do. You, on the other hand, are did the opposite of what you profess to be…that is, evangelical and pro-life. Admit it-you are neither.

  2. This article sums the problem up very well – any so-called, self-professed “pro-life evangelical” who votes for a democrat, especially for Biden/Harris is an idiot. You are not even a useful idiot. You are just an idiot. You are guilty of every abortion that is performed under this administration because you voted for it, you chose it, and you elected it. Own it. You are not pro-life, nor are you evangelical. You are pro-choice and you are a not a Christian if you voted for this administration. No amount of self-righteous anger can atone for your actions. You are not pro-life because you voted for the most pro-abortion administration in history. You are not an evangelical because you voted for an administration that is militantly marxist atheist and has shown a history of discrimination against Christians in America and around the world. You are also guilty of what they will do to churches in America and to individual Christians. Just shut up about your feeling like you are betrayed by this administration. They are doing just what they said they would do. You, on the other hand, did the opposite of what you profess to be…that is, evangelical and pro-life. Admit it-you are neither.

  3. I agree. Anyone who is truly pro-life cannot support the agenda o Biden and his left-wing puppet masters. He is a total fraud and an illegitimate excuse for a president. There was too much fraud in this election, and only a gutless and incompetent “Supreme Court”, would have rejected the many appeals. A “court” that finds, in our Constitution, a right to abortion and same-sex marriage cannot be trusted.

  4. Black people are very important to democrats every 4 years as well. For the same reasons. Otherwise, the democrats couldn’t care less.

  5. Lick your wounds, shed a tear. Get before your God and renounce your agreement with death. Repent of your wrong doings. Be accountable for your own actions and the influence you have on others. Stop the slop wallowing it’s a false sense of pride and lack of true humility upon your heart. Honor can not be given to any from those that have none to give, You are not courageous! But you will be if your going to March in this War for the lost souls that need Resurrection healing POWER by the BLOOD of Jesus Christ. Start with yourselves. Because I thought surely by now, ” 5 days later” there would be an article about the former Biden Evangelicals Pro -Lifers are Calling Forth MASS Repentance and Communion at the National Mall or Titan Stadium or somewhere to cry out and beg God for His Mercy and Grace, Awake O Sleeper! 3-12-2021

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