Are billionaires spending money to influence the Church in America?

A billionaire linked to the Chinese Communist Party and a sect condemned as heretical by Evangelical Christians has given extensively to influential Evangelical Christians like the Christian Research Institute.

As early as 2009, tax records show the Christian Research Institute (CRI) received a $200,000 grant from the Morningside Foundation. CRI received another grant worth $425,000 in 2010. Morningside Foundation is a charitable organization of Ronnie Chan and his brother Gerald Chan.

Ronnie Chan is a member and leader of the Local Church Movement. A group founded by Witness Lee and confronted by an Open Letter in 2007 from leading Evangelical leaders over aberrant beliefs that contradict orthodox Christianity. The Open Letter was signed by numerous Southern Baptists including Daniel Akin, David Allen, Paige Patterson and Malcolm Yarnell. (Conspicuously absent from the notable signers is Al Mohler.)

In December 2009, the Christian Research Institute defended the Local Church Movement in an issue declaring, “We were Wrong: A Reassessment of the ‘Local Church” Movement of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. In this publication, Bible Answer Man and president of the Christian Research Institute, Hank Hanegraaff defended the doctrines of the Local Church Movement. This was not the first time Hanegraaff sided with the Local Church Movement. In a 2006, amicus brief he sided with the Local Church Movement’s lawsuit against John Ankerberg, John Weldon and Harvest House Publishers—over the Local Church Movement’s inclusion in the Encyclopedia of Cults and New Religions.

The Open Letter to the Local Church Movement highlights significant areas of disagreement over the Doctrine of God and the Doctrine of Man between orthodox Christians and the Local Church Movement. You can read Dr. Norman Geisler’s informative document on the Local Church Movement’s theological issues here.

Previously, it has been reported how this same billionaire, Ronnie Chan, has given extensively to Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and is involved in influential organizations like the Asia Society and the Berggruen Institute—which has ties to the Transition Integrity Project and the Commission on Presidential Debates.

Chan is known to have influence in both Beijing and Washington. Chan is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and was recently honored for his service to the Asia Society.

The National Pulse reported, “Ronnie Chan governs the controversial Chinese Communist Party-led China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), a controversial foundation registered as a foreign agent that targets American universities with donations.”

The T.H. Chan School of Public Health of Harvard is a leading proponent of lockdowns and identity politics in healthcare. Also, it recently promoted the absurd claim that 2+2=5.

In other words, the T.H. Chan School of Public Health is working to divide America and harm its long-term economic interests.

This is not the first time billionaires have been linked to donations to evangelical Christian organizations. We’ve reported on Democrat billionaires giving to the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Also, convicted billionaire Clinton campaign donor James Riady has given to Reformed Theological Seminary.

A key question for all Christians and conservatives is why are so many billionaires spending so much money influencing the Church in America?

One thought on “Billionaire linked to Chinese Communist Party has given extensively to Americans including to Evangelical Christians”

  1. Where is the links quoted here? “You can read Dr. Norman Geisler’s informative document on the Local Church Movement’s theological issues here.:?

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