If you want accountability in the SBC, you should sign the petition.
A new petition calling for forensic audits of the Southern Baptist Convention gained many notable signers during its first hours of release. Signers include current and former state Baptist Convention executive directors, former seminary professors and many Southern Baptist pastors.
The petition calls for forensic audits of Southern Baptist publisher LifeWay and the North American Mission Board (NAMB). The petition cites financial issues and management questions with both entities.
The petition alleges there are significant questions at LifeWay following revelations that former Trustee Chairman Jimmy Scroggins approved a sweetheart severance package for former LifeWay president Thom Rainer. According to the petition, “Pastor Jimmy Scroggins, who was under financial contract with LifeWay in violation of SBC bylaw 15-F, solely decided to give LifeWay President Thom Rainer over $1 million in a retirement agreement without knowledge or approval from the LifeWay Trustee Board, the LifeWay Compensation Committee or the LifeWay Trustee Executive officers. Scroggins and Rainer were also in financial relationships with NAMB via at least printed materials and professional services contracts.”
Also, the petition alleges significant problems at the North American Mission Board. According to the petition, there are many examples of NAMB impropriety including, “$15 MILLION SPENT ON ONE PROPERTY IN A SMALL TOWN. NAMB spent a reported $15 million on a mission center in Clarkston, GA, which includes soccer fields, among other amenities. Clarkston has a population of about 13,000. While NAMB has defunded local Associations and State Conventions, why are they investing millions of dollars in one mission center in one Georgia town? Are there other such mission centers that NAMB has bought or built?”
You can check out all the allegations here and sign the petition here.
Notable signers
At press time Tuesday morning, 70 signers mostly pastors and SBC leaders have signed the petition. Many notables include SBC leaders like Randy Adams.
Adams is the executive director of the Northwest Baptist Convention. Adams and five other state executive directors recently exposed the problems with the North American Mission Board’s failure to cooperate with local Baptists.
Bobby Gilstrap, former executive director of the Michigan Baptist Convention, signed the petition.
Gilstrap said, “The evidence of the misuse of mission gifts continues to pile up without clear accountability. The abuses of power by staff and trustee members are not acceptable to Southern Baptist. We must have leaders that are above reproach. A forensic audit will answer many questions and put to rest all accusations with facts.”
Also on the list of signers include former seminary professors.
Dr. Robert Lopez, a former professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) signed the statement. Lopez exposed the liars in the present SWBTS administration during an appearance on the Eric Metaxas Show.
Dr. Russell Fuller, a former professors at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) signed the statement. Dr. Fuller exposed the Leftward Drift at SBTS and outlined the growth of Racial Identity Politics at the seminary.
We will keep you updated on the status of the petition.
Also, if you want to bring accountability to the SBC Elites, you should sign the petition.