The Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board strikes back!
Is this retaliation for speaking about wasteful spending and strategy failures?
Is this retaliation for running against Kevin Ezell’s good friend Albert Mohler?
SBC Presidential Candidate Randy Adams pledges to stand firm and demand reforms, accountability from SBC Elites.
Church politics is slimy. There is an appearance of good-old-boy politics. There is an appearance of SBC Elites helping other SBC Elites. And the announcement of NAMB chief Kevin Ezell’s defunding its church planting partnership with the Randy Adams-led Northwest Baptist Convention proves it. There is something rotten in the SBC.
Randy Adams released the stunning news just moments ago. He said, “Since publishing those articles I’ve receive some pushback from leaders at the North American Mission Board (NAMB). More than pushback, and in spite of our growth in baptisms, churches, and CP giving from the churches in the Northwest, and even growth in Annie and Lottie giving, they informed me and our leadership at the Northwest Baptist Convention (NWBC) on March 9 that they will end our joint-funding agreement for evangelism and church planting, and will stop virtually all funding through the NWBC as of September 30, 2021.”
The articles he mentions are careful analysis of the overall collapse of the SBC. He charts the decline in baptisms and how when adjusted for inflation that CP-giving is down over 30% since 2010.
Apparently, those truths didn’t make the SBC Elites happy.
Ezell pastored the church Albert Mohler attended in Louisville. He bragged about that connection in October 2019 when Mohler’s SBC presidential candidacy was announced. (See screenshot of the tweet.)
This connection is one of an intricate web of SBC leaders connected to Mohler. (See map below for all the SBC Elites who owe their positions to Dr. Mohler.)
Was this retaliation for an outsider challenging the ultimate SBC insider?
Ezell has a history of petty, vindictive—un-Christian behavior. There are other allegations of Ezell using his position and the dollars of the NAMB to bully state conventions. His conduct against Will McRaney is one example (evidence shows Ezell lied in emails and behaved in a retaliatory manner against McRaney.)
And the allegations go beyond McRaney.
Well beyond.
Notice the other pieces of important news Adams made public. NAMB intends to circumvent the Northwest Baptist Convention and do its own work in the Northwest region with its own people.
Adams said, “They intend to place NAMB staff to work in the Northwest with no accountability to the NWBC. This has been done in other states as well.”
What is NAMB trying to accomplish?
Why work around the state conventions?
Is it a power-grab?
Whatever is driving this, it will be expensive and counterproductive.
However, these strongarm tactics from Ezell won’t silence Adams and the work of state conventions.
Adams pledged, “But money withheld or given cannot and will not purchase my silence as it concerns the serious issues of decline facing the SBC.”
That is the type of leader the Southern Baptist Convention needs.
It cannot handle more of Al Mohler or his network of SBC Elites using their power to silence dissent.
This is a crisis. The SBC must clean house.
5 thoughts on “BREAKING: NAMB defunds Randy Adams led Northwest Baptist Convention”
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That acronym is so bad. Its just missing LA at the end. Talk about tone deaf.
The NAMB is planting churches that have only the vaguest relationship to the Baptist Faith and Message. The last thing they want is Pastor Adams demanding that the Word of God is the determining factor and not Social Justice Theory.
I have spent a considerable amount of time looking at many of these church plants and it is clear the Social Justice is the religion of many of them. Many do not mention the term “Southern Baptist” or the Baptist Faith and Message on their websites. Many have played fast and loose with their “what we believe” language and have manipulated in such that they can believe in most anything.
I pray that a faithful, Christian orientated law firm, will seek transparency and accountability in the SBC. The pew-sitters deserve the knowledge needed to take decisions and it is clear the SBC and its leadership are the last ones we can rely on for the truth.