God is using Africa to protect the United Methodist Church from its liberal leaders. It is amazing to watch God at work in the special General Conference of the United Methodist Church. God is in the process of defeating progressives determined to undermine Scripture.
That is what is at stake, whether the UMC believes the Bible or not.
Recently, Janet Mefferd headlined the God’s Voice Conference. It is a conservative, evangelical response to the Revoice Conference. Mefferd’s presentation is available online, and it is worth the time to download and listen. She points out that the battle today within evangelical Christianity is not really that different from the battle Martin Luther fought in the Reformation. The formal basis of conflict today and then was whether or not the Bible is sufficient to guide our life.
Progressives don’t think it is. They want to change the Bible. Introduce sociological concepts to the ancient text and transform the Bible into something hip and modern.
In stark contrast to America’s liberal drift are African Christians—who hold dearly to core doctrines of the church. An excellent representation of this is Dr. Jerry P. Kulah. Dr. Kulah is Dean of Gbarnga School of Theology, United Methodist University in Liberia. He made these remarks this week:
“We are seriously joyful in following Jesus Christ and God’s holy word to us in the Bible. And in truth, we think many people in the U.S. and in parts of Europe could learn a great deal from us. The UM churches, pastors and lay people who partner with us acknowledge as much.
“Please understand me when I say the vast majority of African United Methodists will never, ever trade Jesus and the truth of the Bible for money.”
We could learn much from these African saints.
These saints should be the model for how we embrace diversity. We should not Give Voice to heretics because they are famous or might appeal to the secular Intersectional overlords. We must not value diversity over orthodoxy. Rather, we must cling to orthodoxy and when we do, we will find in our number saints of all ethnicities.
We’ll experience God’s diversity. That’s much better than man’s, quota-filled, fake diversity like we see happening in today’s Southern Baptist Convention.
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