Prince Hall could rejoin Alabama, Nick Saban said today.

“He’s still got to do everything he’s supposed to do,” Saban said of Hall, “and if he does everything he’s supposed to do before we get to camp, he may have an opportunity to be a part of the team.”

According to multiple reports, Hall faces suspension even if allowed to rejoin the team.

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14 thoughts on “Prince Hall could rejoin team”

  1. My how things change. All my Bammer friends were giving me hell when Blackmon was released from the team to take care of issues and eventually came back to the team later on. Cant wait to ask them why St. Nick decided to do the same with Hall. Hypocritical? Of course! When your very thin at LB, you tend to change your tune.

  2. C-Bass before we stat making the comparisos about who is right and who is wrong.

    What exactly did Hall do?

  3. who cares what he or Blackmon did. the point I’m trying to make is both were suspended and had the chance to get back on the team. the bama nation was questioning tubbs for letting blackmon back on the team, but you watch, everyone will praise saban for giving hall another chance. double standard….bama style.

  4. Everyone knows that if he would have went to Auburn there wouldn’t be any discipline problems to report about this young man. Because Coach Tommy Tuberville is truly an inspirational leader. And Nick Saban is a Scum bag.
    Did you know that Bo Jackson has a heart shaped mole on his left buttcheek? Did you know that the Auburn Alumni have kissed that mole many many times?
    You can read about it in my new coffee table book “The Auburn Experience” A collections of Phillip Marshalls greatest Auburn tales that will only cost $109.95 thanks to the rising price of gas.

  5. er…. uh…. just disregard the last few posts. It was only a bad dream.
    If you are looking for a nice gift with pictures of Pat Dye in a evening gown and F**k me pumps, You can buy my latest coffee table book. “The Auburn Experience” and look until your eyes beg to be gouged out with an ice pick. For the nice low price of $109.95! Plus, if you buy a second book I will send pictures of yours truly at the same drag party. Kisses Phyllis!

  6. Watch it Phillip. There’s only one Shane The Blogger. I write postive things about bama.

  7. Ya’ll Bammernecks done lost the plot again. Everyone knows that Saban is a cheater. Need proof? Nick Saban worked with Bill Belechick and everyone knows Bellechik pays his players. There you go bammer morons! proof that Little Nicky $atan pays his players. Nuff said!
    Yall Tuscaloosers need to shut up and recognise Auburn has 6 in a row! cant yall turds see Auburn is yer betters?
    We is!
    Yall need to Buy the “TonyFranklinSystem” and yall will see that Auburn will rule the Football world for the next hunnerd years. I hate the Crapstain Report!!!! Shane you ignert slut! $atin is an over paid midget! We might not own soap and water but we own yall bammerturds yeah! Yeah!!! 6 in a row! 6 IN A ROW! woohoo! Die Bammers Die!

  8. If The Polytechnic Institute of Alabama had more than just two bars in the entire county, the crime rate among football players would rise exponentially. But seeing how the school lacks a proper nightlife (and no, rodeos and racist frat parties DO NOT qualify as apart of a college nightlife), the students have nothing better to do than set around their apartment, partaking in “shrooming” which was picked from the many cow pastures down in Opelika, while simultaneously smoking the grass Pat Dye grows (and smokes himself) in the backside of the Opelika pastures.

  9. The Bham news came out with the best SEC Schools over the last 75 years. Did bama make it into the top 6? I know that they probably are #1 because of the Tradtion and Bear and everything. I was just wondering, please respond.


  10. Bama Fan in NY wants to talk about Auburn? For someone who has never put a foot down in the town.. you think you know a lot.. You have obviously never been to Tuscalooser have ya? oh wait.. you are a bammer fan.. that means you never went to school there, and you probably never even been on the campus.. humm.. that explains why you would bash Auburn when tuscalooser looks the way it does…

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