I was just about to post about a UF player’s arrest on credit card fraud charges, and then the Rap Sheet details an Alabama player’s arrest.
According to Rapoport, A.J. Walker, a walk-on receiver, was arrested for public intoxication.

This charge is typical for many college students, who enjoy the “fun” of campus life a bit too much.
The real SEC arrest story of the day comes from the epitome of virtue, the Florida Gators. According to the Palm Beach Post, Jamar Hornsby faces a felony charge of credit card fraud.
According to the Gainesville Sun, Hornsby had been using a credit card for the last seven months that had belonged to Ashley Slonina. Slonina was the female UF student who died in a motorcycle crash along with Florida football player Michael Guilford in October.
What can you say about a person who uses a credit card from a dead girl? Despicable is about the only thing that comes to mind.
11 thoughts on “SEC arrests”
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As much as we force ourselves to ignore this fact, modern day SEC teams vastly consists of nothing but ghettofied thugs.
It’s a serious issue SEC coaches need to strongly focus on and correct.
This kind of malarkey never happens in Lee County! At least not to our fine players at good ol’ AU! That is because we take pride in our “Character First” recruiting program. I’m Tony Franklin Damnit!
If you or any of your readers saw a guy that resembles me in a 2001 Kia Rio (Kentucky personalised license plate that says “TFS.com”) selling Auburn football jerseys and other items such as a coffee mug that says “I (heart) Duck Hunting” >>>>>>>>>That wasnt me…and I am not responsible to the fat lady who wants the refund on Brandon Cox jersey.
And finally, buy my TonyFranklinSystem.com system and I will throw in a free Auburn football helmet.
Another quality Satan recruit, wait a minute…..it wasn’t satan’s boy it was because we were on probation or it was Mike Shula’s boy or he’s just a kid. hahahahaha Another Black Eye!
“Shane Crack Korn Says:
May 10th, 2008 at 9:09 am
Another quality Satan recruit, wait a minute…..it wasn’t satan’s boy it was because we were on probation or it was Mike Shula’s boy or he’s just a kid. hahahahaha Another Black Eye!”
Couldnt help but notice, that you need some new material. Satan, $atan, $4million, 6 in a row, Parole Tide…..all that schtick is played out… Please for the sake of the rest of us on this blog AND for the sake of the East Auburn Alabama All Male Polytechnic Buffalo Plainsmen War Tigers,
Try something different, your current attempts at humor are feeble and an embarrassment. Please think of something original. You just aren’t funny.
I understand, it’s like hearing Got 12 and Bare Byrant and bama signed the #1 player(fill in the postion)year after year. Tell you what, you and your fickled fans quit mentioning the above and I will not call in to FineScum anymore.
I could be mistaken, but didn’t AJ Walker have a pretty good spring game?
I think you are thinking of Nick Walker the Tight end
Will AJ be kicked off the team?
You are correct. I was thinking about Nick Walker.
Pretty soon those “Got 12?” shirts won’t be referring to mythical, imaginary championships, but to real, actual arrests. Nine and counting….
“Got 9” We do. rtr