By What Standard: God’s World…God’s Rules will expose Dangerous Ideologies like Critical Theory and Intersectionality growing within the Southern Baptist Convention.
A trailer for a film set to expose the infiltration of the Southern Baptist Convention by corrupt, godless ideologies was released this morning at 8 a.m. The film is called By What Standard: God’s World…God’s Rules. It is produced by Founders Ministries and is set to release this Fall, perhaps as early as September. The hope is to make it free for pastors, leaders and Southern Baptist members. The goal is education–education about what is happening in the Southern Baptist Convention.
You can watch the trailer here and learn more about the film and its producers. It is excellent teaser about what is to come. Please watch it.
The film was conceived when Dr. Tom Ascol, a Southern Baptist pastor and Executive Director of Founders Ministries, watched a PBS Documentary, The Battle for the Minds.
Dr. Ascol said, “This project was inspired by the PBS 1997 documentary, The Battle for the Minds. It was released online earlier this year for the first time. I watched it back in February (for the first time in over 20 years) and was stunned by what I saw—some of the arguments that noted liberals were making back then (specifically regarding the role of women in ministry) are being made today by purported conservatives. As I passed the link along to others—both Southern Baptists & other evangelicals—several had the same observation.”
Discussions resulted in putting together the plan for the documentary just prior to the Southern Baptist Convention in Birmingham this year.
“After viewing (again) it with family and friends, my associate, Jared Longshore, called me on Sunday night, June 2, and suggested that we make our own documentary,” Ascol said. “In the amazing kindness of God, we were able to contract a film maker and film crew and have them on the ground in Birmingham 6 days later for the SBC.”
According to the official website of the film, “Founders Ministries is producing this cinedoc to sound an alarm and issue a call for pastors and churches to stand firm against this onslaught by reaffirming the authority and sufficiency of God’s written Word. If we care about true justice—what God has revealed to be just—then we must stand against what is being promoted under social justice. If we care about the true gospel—the gospel revealed in the faith once-for-all-delivered to the saints—we must reject the agendas being promoted by godless ideologies.
The documentary is set to expose how Identity Politics is destroying the unity of the church in general and the Southern Baptist Convention in particular.
According to the filmmakers, “Dangerous ideologies like Critical Theory and Intersectionality are gaining inroads into the thinking of some leaders, churches and organizations. These ideologies are even being promoted among some evangelicals as reliable analytical tools that can assist our understandings and efforts in gospel ministry. The result is that, in the name of social justice, many unbiblical agendas are being advanced under the guise of honoring and protecting women, promoting racial reconciliation, and showing love and compassion to people experiencing sexual dysphoria.”
Those interested can support the project at the Founders Ministries website.
Watch the trailer. And get ready for the full release later this year.