UPDATE: SBTS leadership was aware of problematic dissertation
A former member of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) faculty alleged that the SBTS Administration was aware of Nate Collins’s “destructive views” while Collins was a student writing that “Virgin” was a “Secondary Gender Identity” and later while Collins taught at Al Mohler’s SBTS.
According to noted Hebrew scholar Russell Fuller, “Nate Collins was vocal about his views on gender and homosexuality when he was a student and later an adjunct faculty member at Southern Seminary. The Administration at Southern Seminary knew of Collins’s destructive views but still allowed him to teach. Tom Schreiner was a member of the administration as an associate Dean of the School of Theology when Collins was writing his problematic dissertation at Southern under Tom.”
Collins’s views launched the controversial Revoice Conference—a conference condemned by conservative Christians.
Further, Al Mohler and the seminary are “soft” on homosexuality and LGBTQ+ issues, according to Dr. Fuller.
“The truth is that Southern Seminary went soft on homosexuality years before Collins when Mohler himself accepted the secular idea of sexual orientation,” Dr. Fuller said. “In fact, Mohler ‘repented’ that he rejected the secular teaching of sexual orientation, the lynchpin doctrine of the LGBTQ community. Mohler’s statement of ‘repentance,’ of course, suggests that he was in sin for not accepting sexual orientation. This further suggests that Christians are in sin who do not accept sexual orientation, a blasphemous notion.”
And Dr. Fuller does not stop there. He points out that Mohler cannot answer when confronted about this problem.
“When Mohler was pressed on this by Bryan Fischer, the host of Focal Point for American Family Radio, who asked if this means that people are born gay, Mohler did not answer,” Dr. Fuller said. “He could not answer. Mohler cannot answer because he believes, like the LGBTQ community, that sexual orientation transcends the will and is a part of one’s nature. If Mohler does not believe that homosexuals are born gay, then will they inevitably become gay since sexual orientation is a part of their nature? Do some have a sinful orientation/nature to homosexuality that others do not have? Is this orientation/nature from birth or do people develop it later? Where does the Bible talk about this sexual orientation specifically?”
And Dr. Fuller likens Mohler’s evasion with Dr. Matthew Hall’s evasions on promoting Critical Race Theory.
“Mohler cannot answer these questions for the same reason that Matt Hall cannot answer questions about his teachings of Critical Race Theory. By answering these questions, they will expose their dangerous beliefs,” Dr. Fuller said. “Don’t expect answers. Don’t even expect questions. The trustees of Southern Seminary, appointed by the SBC, will not ask any questions. And Mohler and Hall will certainly not answer any questions. At least, not honestly.”
Dr. Fuller then focused on the incompatibility between these ideas and the Bible.
“The Scriptures and sexual orientation/Critical Race Theory are incompatible and mutually exclusive. Mohler and Matt Hall are captive to philosophy and vain deception according to the traditions of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ,” Dr. Fuller said. “This explains why Mohler promoted Sam Allberry and his book, ‘Is God Anti-Gay,’ at Mohler’s Together for the Gospel Conference. This also explains why Southern Seminary still promotes Sam Allberry in a video on Southern Seminary’s website (in an interview with Hershael York, Dean of the School of Theology).”
Then, Dr. Fuller summarizes why Al Mohler must not be elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention.
“The bottom line: Mohler is, and has always been, a double agent,” Dr. Fuller said.
Those concerned about the Leftward Drift of the Southern Baptist Convention cannot place their hope in Al Mohler–the man who has and continues to enable lifelong Democrats like Russell Moore to lead in the SBC.
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In my experience some pastors will use “Christian words” when they are talking or preaching. When asked to define what they mean by these words they have no recourse but to obfuscate or not answer in public. This is why interactive Bible study is important, not just preachers giving sermons on Sunday mornings. Many of these men don’t want to answer questions about what they believe, or to ask them to define their terms. I wonder if the students at these seminaries have the chance to ask professors/leaders to scripturally support their positions, and to challenge their beliefs.