Revoice leader cited by ERLC claimed “Virgin” was a “Secondary gender identity” in dissertation approved by Al Mohler’s SBTS.
A new booklet on Gender published by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention cites Nate Collins—the infamous Southern Baptist Theological Seminary graduate who promoted the Revoice Conference. Collins work, All But Invisible: Exploring Identity Questions at the Intersection of Faith, Gender, and Sexuality is cited five times by the ERLC published work, A Parent’s Guide to Teaching Your Children About Gender.
According to Thirty Pieces of Silver, “Nate Collins is one of the MOST QUOTED SOURCES of the GENDER guide for parents in spite of the Revoice controversy,” and other theological issues. Tom Littleton at Thirty Pieces of Silver was the first to report on the Revoice link to the ERLC’s new book on gender.
And the link is interesting.
The ERLC book embraces a Collins quote that is a common trope among pro-Gay Christian advocates: “Many gay people sense a double standard when Christian leaders routinely (and loudly) denounce same-gender sex while quietly ignoring morally lax attitudes toward other areas of sexual ethics. In an era when pornography and serial monogamy are both common occurrences, some gay people… feel hurt, misunderstood, and judged when Christian leaders harp instead on the evils of the ‘gay agenda.’”
As Thirty Pieces of Silver pointed out, Collins dissertation at Al Mohler’s SBTS argued that “Virgin” was a gender identity. The title: “VIRGIN” AS SECONDARY GENDER IDENTITY IN 1 CORINTHIANS 7 AND ITS JEWISH AND GRECO-ROMAN BACKGROUND. And approving the dissertation were SBTS faculty Thomas R. Schreiner, Jarvis J. Williams and Gregg R. Allison. You might recognize Jarvis Williams as one of the premier spreaders of Critical Theory in the Southern Baptist Convention.
While supported by many liberals and moderates in the SBC, Revoice was condemned by conservatives in the Southern Baptist Convention and the PCA.
Dr. Frank Wright, president of D. James Kennedy Ministries said, “We see the ’Revoice’ movement forging a beachhead for LGBT inclusion within the framework of ‘the historic Christian tradition.’ Revoice says what’s wrong with same-sex attraction is not that it is sinful, but that others are sinfully opposed to it.”
How bad was Revoice? As Littleton points out, the July 2018 Revoice Conference included sessions on “Queer Theory and The Treasures of Queer Culture and Queer Literature,” and “Treasures of Queer Culture that will be brought into the New Jerusalem.”
So, still doubt a Leftward Drift in the Southern Baptist Convention?
Oh, and why did Al Mohler and his so-called conservative SBTS allow a dissertation like that? Still think Mohler will return the SBC to its conservative roots? Or, is he either feckless or a fraud?
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