A 20-year veteran SBTS professor received a letter of reprimand for warning about dangerous teachings of at least four SBTS professors.
Conservative Professor warned about 4 different SBTS professors.
Dr. Russell Fuller warned SBTS President Albert Mohler about at least four professors teaching what Fuller believed were significant doctrinal errors. Fuller was sent a letter of reprimand for warning Dr. Mohler.
The August 8, 2018, letter to Dr. Mohler brought what Dr. Fuller described as the greatest attack on him from SBTS administration.
“What really upset Dr Mohler and brought the greatest attack was when I wrote to him of my concerns about Hernandez and others. For this I received a letter of official reprimand and a warning never to write Mohler again,” Dr. Fuller said.
Dean Hershael York summoned Dr. Fuller to an in-person meeting August 16, 2018. This was followed by the official letter of reprimand dated October 31, 2018.
In the letter of reprimand, Dr. Fuller was rebuked for a “lack of kindness and collegiality.” Further, “it was explained to you that faculty members are expected to observe the proximate levels of authority over them and not go directly to President Mohler with concerns before addressing them with the Dean or the Provost.”
However, Dr. Fuller followed the appropriate chain of command for months bringing his warnings about Old Testament professor Dominick Hernandez, two New Testament professors and an at that time Dean to fellow faculty and administrators.
“I did contact the administration directly,” Fuller said. “(A) dean was even in the room during the interview when I challenged Hernandez on his views. I wrote out my concerns in more detail and sent them to the dean and members of the interview committee, that is, the Old Testament department.”
Also, Fuller raised these issues and others during faculty meetings.
However, when all these actions failed, Dr. Fuller proceeded to write a letter outlining his concerns to Dr. Mohler. The letter to Dr. Mohler dated August 8, 2018, included warnings that Old Testament professor Hernandez and a New Testament professor were outside the “confessional commitments” of SBTS. Further, the letter warned Dr. Mohler that two others were undermining the Gospel with their teachings on race.
In meetings and in writing, Dr. Fuller said he felt he had to speak warnings.
“I felt that I had to speak out, or I would not be faithful to God and his word,” Dr. Fuller said. “When you see false teachings promoted and students harmed, you must speak out. If I did not speak out, I felt that I would love my career, reputation, or friends more than the Lord. To have a clear conscience and to sleep at nights, I had to speak out.”
3 thoughts on “Whistleblower reprimanded for warning SBTS President Dr. Al Mohler”
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With the Fuller interview it looks like the handwriting is on the wall.
Are we returning to the era of Martin Luther?
My pastor at the local non-denominational Baptist church preaches Christ alone every Sunday and never allows for discussion at the end of Sunday School or his sermon. I want to say to him “Let my people think” but here he has fodder to argue the cause against intellectual critique of sacred writ. Oh what tangled webs we weave. Who will deliver us?