Pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas and a prominent evangelical commentator on Fox News, Dr. Robert Jeffress said his church stopped funding the ERLC. Jeffress told One News Now that his church wanted to be good stewards.
“There are some agencies like the ERLC that we no longer fund, and we’re putting money into the things that we feel good about,” Jeffress told One News Now. “We’re not mad at anybody … but we feel like we have a responsibility to be good stewards of the resources God has given us.”
Last year, Jeffress pointed out that American evangelical churches are in what he called a post-denominational era. Jeffress said:
“I think we are living in a post-denominational age, and I think whether it is Southern Baptist or any other mainline denominations, I don’t think people relate any more to large masses of ecclesiastical bureaucracies. I think it is kind of like Tip O’Neil said one time, ‘All politics are local,’ and I think that is true about the church as well. I know our members are concerned about First Baptist Church Dallas and what we are doing to change the world for the better by introducing people to faith in Christ and I don’t know anybody under the age of 70 who cares about what is happening in the denomination.”
This is a time that very few people in the local church feel connected to the Southern Baptist Convention (or really any denomination.) The local church and its missions are the focus. This is no doubt expansive for large churches that can fund local, regional and international missions of their own. However, it has significant ramifications for smaller churches who benefit from a cooperative model.
Yet, the smaller churches have a limited ability to influence the Southern Baptist Convention. Attending the Annual Meeting is expensive. As SBC Presidential candidate Randy Adams pointed out today on Twitter, something like only eight percent of Southern Baptist churches send messengers to the meeting.
In his experience, that’s because the cost of attendance is too high.
It costs so to attend the annual meeting that small church pastors often can’t afford to attend. We need remote access voting. Only 8 percent of churches send messengers.
— Randy Adams (@ERandyAdams1) February 22, 2020
Voting reform is a non-starter with the Status Quo crowd in the SBC. The present method rewards the celebrity driven culture that turns out fanboys and denominational employees. These are groups all dedicated to preserving the powers that be.
Reform requires a significant and increased level of participation from rank-and-file, Baptists in the pew.
But, for small churches that burden is too heavy. And larger churches find members don’t seem interested in it.
That makes the cooperation between smaller and larger churches through groups like the Conservative Baptist Network a crucial element in holding the denominational elites accountable.
Of course, the Elites don’t like that.
Their anger proves the rightness of the investigation.
And, we already know one megachurch is making sure it isn’t paying for Russell Moore to insult us Southern Baptists.
Well done, Dr. Jeffress.
8 thoughts on “BREAKING: FBC Dallas refuses to fund Russell Moore’s ERLC”
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Anything of value, should cost us something, ( see David buying the threshing floor 2 Samuel, it must cost me something).
So, the conservative people in the pew could easily correct the liberal slide in the SBC if they would sacrifice and just attend the annual convention and vote their convictions.
I struggle to watch how quickly the SBC is becoming mainline.
Churches and members should sacrifice, spend the money and vote for change in the SBC.
And stop just complaining…..
Didn’t we already go thru this once before in a galaxy far, far away
So pay for membership in the denomination but don’t send your people to participate in its policies? Wow Baptists are stupid and lazy.
Did you miss the part of the article describing financial hardships of small churches ability to attend or send messengers? I have been involved in many small churches. 1st the Pastor is often Bi-Vocational. If you do not know what that is it means he has other work for his livelihood. He does not have the luxury of a FT salary and benefits. 2nd small churches are often rural and are working poor. They too cannot afford to travel to the meetings. 3rd I forgive you for the accusation of myself and others of being LAZY and STUPID. May God forgive your ignorance of the matter.
I think you miss the point. What’s the point of being in the denomination? What does it offer? Rather than constant heresy. And if the denomination makes it too expensive to attend, that ought to be a clue to leave it, oughtn’t it? It seems like continuing to pay for a gym membership when you no longer go to the gym and already bought a weight bench you put in your home and do use.
At least drag us into the Late 20th Century by allowing Video Streaming and Remote Voting. You can Bring the True Biblical Word Of God Principles but Modernize The Participation. All it takes is a smart Phone. No “Little Fiefdoms” by way of exclusive access. My CHURCH Has 10-15 members and we are doing all we can to keep the lights on and INSRANCE paid…~$25,000 Budget/Yr, There are no Paid Staff, we work for the Lord out of obligation and service to Jesus ad the Gospel.
good idea. Every association or Large church could have one venue people could meet without the expense and travel. Also, what do small churches really benefit from SBC? Fellowship, not very much. Its like small churches are just silent small money bags for the larger. I dont mind monies going for Bulding of the Kingdom but when a small church is funding slaries for people who wouldnt take the time to go check on them, see their needs and help.
Truth. I myself have become so disconnected with the SBC. I have been through formal Theological and Ministry education. Came from an unusual church setting. Rural church but was Medium in size. Approximate population of the town was 4k. Membership was over 800 and regular attendance 400. Sun and Wed nights used to have 300. That’s unusual in itself. I go off into ministry from there. I used to get lots of calls for preaching supply, revivals, etc. Years later I look and there I was volunteering in small churches. Where was help from the local association, state or national convention? Why do large churches have excess staff while small churches who struggle to even do a simple canvassing not get help? Would we rather have committees of ALL STAR preachers holding forums, have the same traveling to only speak in other large churches or events, etc. I have seen Large churches shun small churches subtly. Look at Youth Rallies. Many associations had successful youth events many years back. I recall going and you know how kids are, same as adults. They like to be where the buzz is. When large churches no longer felt the need to send their groups to participate that left small churches alone to attend. now 2 or 3 small churches make up a group of 20 when there used to be 3-400 kids. Large church or ‘big sister’ should not forget their small church brethren. They should make a point to make the small churches feel important. THEM TOO! I have all but left ministry due to disability. Look for leadership in small to medium size churches. Often times the large church Pastors are merely man lifted celebrities. Apologies to my large church Pastor friends. Not all of you went to large churches cause of a career step but some of you were called. Why is it small church pastors are not revered as important or capable?