Southern Baptist Deep State Strikes Back?
The controversial Resolution approving Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality was originally submitted to condemn these tools of racial identity politics, according to the resolution’s author. Pastor Stephen Feinstein of Sovereign Way Christian Church in Hesperia, California announced his original resolution was “severely altered” by the Resolutions Committee.
Feinstein, a Major in the US Army Reserves and a chaplain in addition to his local church pastorate, penned the resolution out of concern that identity politics was dividing the church.
“Like many, I am alarmed at the proliferation of toxic, divisive, and satanic rhetoric designed to divide humanity and facilitate constant opposition in our society. Even worse, it has seeped into Bible colleges and some seminaries. I have had parents come to me for advice when their child came home from a conservative Bible college complaining about white privilege,” he wrote in a brief statement accompanying the text of his original resolution.
You can read more from Pastor Feinstein and the original text of his resolution on his blog.
If you are a Southern Baptist who isn’t familiar with the workings of the Southern Baptist Convention, then you should know the Resolutions Committee is appointed by the President of the Southern Baptist Convention J.D. Greear. The SBC president appoints a new committee before each Annual Meeting. They are tasked with reviewing resolutions submitted by members of Southern Baptist churches and offering their own resolutions to the Convention.
In this case, the committee exercised its power to rewrite the resolution.
However, it was a drastic rewrite that changed the entire purpose of the amendment.
Average Southern Baptists must ask themselves, did the committee serve the interests of the Southern Baptist Convention or its elite entity chiefs who have embraced the rhetoric of white privilege?
Are Southern Baptists happy with this?
If not, speak up.
So, the committee USED the original to get Southern Baptists to support CRT and I? In my opinion, that is deceptive and manipulative. No integrity. Don’t think that the Lord will honor.
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