Have you ever been at the office, at a party or anywhere for that matter, when a guy comes up to you and says:
“Hey, listen to this joke I got. It is hilarious!”
Then he proceeds to tell you the joke and it doesn’t live up to its billing?
Few things in life are as good as they’ve been billed to be.
My wedding night didn’t go as I had envisioned. Sure, the action was good later, but I never fantasized about crossing the threshold at the hotel room only to spend the first hour helping my wife take pins out of her hair and assist her in removing herself from that monstrosity called a wedding dress.
Restoring my dad’s 1960 Corvette wasn’t all it was cracked up to be either. As a kid I used to love that car, but when I finally got my hands on it, the stress of driving it coupled with the expense of keeping it running outlived the fantasy of it being mine.
Often our fantasies are simply better than our realities.
Tonight’s Alabama-LSU game has been built up to the point that there’s no way it can live up to the hype.
For the better part of two weeks, you literally haven’t been able to turn on the television…pick a channel, and it doesn’t have to be a sports channel…where people aren’t disecting every angle of “the game of the century.”
Now there is reason for build up. It’s the first time No. 1 has met No. 2 in the regular season in conference play…hard to believe if you think about that. This doesn’t happen in the regular season very often, period. It’s two teams who are clearly head and shoulders above every other team in the country.
Maybe more importantly, tonight’s game is made up of two teams that play man football. Not dipsy-doo, trickeroo, spread offense crap. Quite simply the hunger for tonight’s game proves in part that the world is ready for the spread’s flag-football style to retire and smash-mouth football to return.
But can tonight’s game really live up to the 50,000 collective hours of analysis and speculation it has received?
It will be worth the time to watch it, that’s for certain, which is why CBS wisely jockeyed for position with ESPN to move it to primetime.
And it’s also fantastic advertising for both schools. Five years ago, if you would’ve told me that Alabama football would again be at the epicenter of college football, the standard, if you will, I would have told you you were crazy. Unlike Auburn fans who believe a win over hapless Ole Miss means “we’re back!”, I’m not a koolaid drinking Bama fan. At the time, I did not see anything pointing to this.
What Nick Saban has done at Alabama is nothing short of remarkable, and the same can be said of Les Miles. The debate has always been over what’s more difficult: Resurrecting a program from the ashes or keeping it at the top?
Les Miles has successfully done the latter at LSU. Nick Saban has done both…at two different institutions.
The coach who “had never had back-to-back 10-win seasons” is about to shelve his fourth consecutive at Alabama, and the coach who had never gone undefeated is well on his way to doing it for the third time in five years, in the regular season at least.
And tonight, as I file into Bryant-Denny Stadium with 102,000 others, I will witness one heck of a football game, led by two great football coaches and two incredible teams.
But no matter what happens, the hype will most likely be greater than the game itself. And we’ll have to wait until the next time Alabama is part of a game filled with this much hype.
We’ll just refer to that game as “January 9th”.
(Follow me on Twitter for capstonereport.com news, commentary and smack.)
30 thoughts on “No way this game lives up to the hype”
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Well said.
Yeah but ‘aint it grand that all this record breaking hype involves Alabama instead of Ohio State and USC? The only way this game lives up to the hype is if Bama wins (or loses) a hell of a lot closer game than I think it’s going to be. A scenario for that result would go something like this: Third overtime Bama fails to score. LSU only needing a field goal and at the overtime 25 yard line doesn’t try to score a TD. They just run it up the middle to get a little closer. They go for a field goal on 3rd down in case there’s an error and they need to try again. D’onte Hightower breaks through and blocks the kick. Mark Barron grabs the ball on the bounce and returns it for the winning TD. Walla – the greatest game of all time. RTR!
Louisville just whupped West Virginia. So much for one of the Corndogs ‘signature’ wins! Bwaa haww haww! RTR!
And LSU just whupped Alabama. So much for the rednecks previous wins meaning anything. Bwaa haww haww! Roll Tide Roll down the BCS poll!
No, it’s not gonna live up to the fucking hype because saban’s gonna let our G D “kickers” give the G D game away.
Saban shouldn’t do that, Miles didn’t so I guess that means we know who the better coach is! Saban has lost only three games after a week off, all to Miles!
Don’t think Saban is doing the kicking. Same kickers we’ve had all year. First time they’ve blown up that bad though. However, all three were 50 yarders and we haven’t even tried a 50 yarder this year. I blame the offense for losing yards on all 3 situations and not only making us have to kick field goals, but making them longer. What I’m hoping is that the year long tendency keeps on and that is that we moved the ball better and even played defense better in every single game so far. AJ phucking up and throwing to Hanks when he had a man open for a TD didn’t help either. Whatever, we badly outplayed them in the first half even starting on the 5 twice, and now we need to do it again in the second half. RTR!
No shit, Sherlock.
He did put them in there to kick though dumb ass.
Who’s been telling you our special teams was going to cost us a game.
Well, here we are.
Nick Saban choked.
What happened to all those predictions and $aban worship???
Hey Bammer,
Rammer Jammer Yeller Hammer; LSU JUST BEAT THE HELL OUT OF YOU!!
Let the BAMMER MORON EXCUSES commence!!!
Hey Crimsonite,
What’s the excuse for Bammer laying an egg, EGGHEAD??
Hey Crimsonite,
You got beat bwwwwaaaahhhhh. ITK you make yourself an ass talking about AU. I guess that ass whooping last year left a scar on the brain.
We are young team much like you will be next year and you’ll do well to win 7 games next year. No NC this year either mullets. So sad. Let’s go check on Crimsonite and make sure he hadn’t hung himself.
Crimsonite, blah blah blah. Shut your cornhole dude. No excuses. Repeat after me. YOU GOT BEAT, NO EXCUSES.
It was bama’s to lose and that is what they did. It is a vulgar loss. So many opportunities blown. I can see bama finishing as high as 2nd place. But not first. Indiana vol shut up. Your team is the humiliation of the state of Tennessee.
Hoopie, shut up and go roll your sick ass trees. WOOHOOO!!! YOU WON!! (Well technically the team that abused you like a jailhouse bride won, but your such a moron cuckold jackass you wouldnt know the difference anyway.)
Hate Coach Smurf. Yeah. Go ahead and talk up “NEXT YEAR” and then you can talk up the year after that. You got nothing. Except the proud feeling of knowing someone else succeeded where you cant. Kinda like your bedroom isnt it?
Geaux Tigers.
Finebammer, since you love to be such a negative piece of shyt and can’t do anything but rag on your own team and coach, why don’t you go phuck another curr dog and just forget about it. Better yet go root for the Barnturds. If Williams hadn’t let go of Maze’s pass when he hit the ground on the one yard line, or if there hadn’t been a block in the back on Barron’s interception return to the 5 yard line, or if McCarron had seen the wide open man when he overthrew Hanks in the endzone or if the stinking punt hadn’t hit a TV wire and gone over Mazes head; Bama still would have won in spite of the kicking woes. Still all 4 field goal attempts were 49, 50 and 53 yards. hell, LSWho probably would have missed them too. Nobody makes a living kicking 50 yard field goals. If they had been shorter I would be pissed too. But as it was they would have been questionable for any kicker. We were very obviously the better team and just had some bad breaks that weren’t really anybody’s fault since nobody is perfect. If better things are in the stars for this team (and it certainly deserves better), then Oklahoma will beat Ok St. and Oregon will beat Stanford, and just in case TCU will beat Boise, and we will get another shot at the Corndogs. Still lots to hope for this season cause the most talented team in the country did not lose a 60 minute game – they simply lost a one shot special teams contest in an overtime period which hardly measures the overall quality of a team. RTR!
Oh, and by the way, is that the “cute little avatar” you were whining about?
“Nobody makes a living kicking 50 yard field goals”
Ohhhh. A ray of light from the resident jackass!
Saban was trying to kick 50 yarders because his punter couldn’t down one inside the 15 with a gun to his head.
Our punter doesn’t even have a 40 yd. average for that matter.
Slurp some more koolaid and put your head back up your ass.
LOL!!!!!! Quote of the day is “We were very obviously the better team…” News flash: They played for 60 minutes and LOST. How delusional does someone have to be to somehow think that means they have the better team?????? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
There was some DIRTY hits going on and the refs let A LOT of it go — anyone check out the Dre Kirkpatrick hit?
That’s one, name another “Dirty hit” that the refs let go? And by the way the refs did not let the hit on Dre go, otherwise LSU would have had the ball on the 40 yard line and may have won the game in regulation.
You got outmanned, outclassed by the hat, outcoached, and outplayed. Oh well at least you can kick your dog at your leisure in the double wide.
(Unlike Auburn fans who believe a win over hapless Ole Miss means “we’re back!)
I would have thought winning a national championship with the best player ever in the Sec (who was proven innocent by the way) , or going 6-3 with a team nobody thought would do shi* with the hardest schedule in the country would say we were back. Do yall even understand football you ignorant bastards.
Maybe yall should drop one of those 5 star recruits and pick up a kicker… but hey i would have thought a recruiting genius like Saban would have known that?
Finebammer is a lying sack of shit. Nobody who talks like that is a Bama fan. He’s an undercover Barnturd. And even if he is some sort of half assed Bama fan he has never done not one tieeny weeny thing in his whole pathetic life that gives him the right to dis Alabama’s team, it’s players or coach Saban. The pussy probably even got run off from the local sand lot when they chose teams and had to go play hop scotch with the girls. I’d like to see Saban put his ass out there on the field to kick a field goal and let Hightower plant his ass about three feet under the turf. RTR!