Barrett Trotter? Sit up and take note. Clint Mosely? Better get the picture.
And parents of players being recruited by Frank Chiznik and his staff, it’d be smart to keep your options open. Especially if your son plays quarterback.
Because for the second year in a row, Auburn is proving they aren’t interested in developing the talent they have. They want to win right now, and win at any cost.
We saw it last year with the insertion of a one-year-wonder at quarterback, whose father was shopping him for a hefty payout. Did Auburn look away? Heck no. They couldn’t bare the thought of losing to Bama again.
And while Neil Caudle, Barrett Trotter and Clint Mosely put in the time to be considered, Chiznik and company opted for the rented mule.
One year later, history looks like it’s repeating itself as the Tigers are welcoming former NC State three-year starter Russell Wilson to town. If he comes, Wilson, currently playing baseball in the Colorado Rockies organization, would spend just one season on the plains.
Sound familiar?
Talk radio is heating up with excitement over the prospect of Wilson coming to Auburn; the main scenario you hear: “He can mentor Keihl Frazier.”
Now, what do Newton, Wilson and Frazier all have in common? And what do Trotter, Mosely and even Caudle have in common? Is Auburn sending a message about their preference for that position?
And speaking of Newton and the cloud that continues to linger in Lee County, what would make a professional baseball player opt to become an amateur football player? For my Auburn friends, let me break it down more clearly for you:
Why would someone getting a healthy paycheck as a professional baseball player want to leave that to receive no pay to play football?
The great thing about history is it always seems to repeat itself, just no one in their right mind would believe it would repeat itself in Auburn so quickly.
Finally, if you’re the parents of an up and coming athlete, especially a quarterback, why in the world would you send him to Auburn? Will Auburn head coach Gene Chizik or his boy Friday Gus Malzahn pass over your son for the next one-hit-wonder?
Does this Auburn staff care anything about developing players, or is it just all about winning in the here and now?
(Follow me on Twitter for capstonereport.com news, commentary and smack.)
210 thoughts on “Questions abound about AU’s latest QB target”
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This article makes you look like an idiot. It is easy to see that Russell to Auburn fills your bammer heart with fear. Looks like a repeat as western division champs and the further decline of the lowly bammer nation!
What a pathetic little man you are. Of all the things to say, you decide to imply that Auburn is being racist towards a white quarterback. You would be the racist individual for even bringing that up. Besides, who doesnt want to win? Whether white or black? By the way, go ahead and name every black starting quaterback for your Alabama Elephants. I can bet you it wont be a long list
Looks like I made Robert angry.
Sometimes the truth can be a fiery weapon.
Yep you stung robert with the truth pretty good, ITK. It happens, roberta. Intentional or not, the potential for a racial divide exists at Auburn, especially with Troopa “thug” Taylor as an assistant. The fall of Auburn is going to be so fun to watch this season, no matter who the QB is.
Aubie couldn’t win the West this year if Bama, LSU and Arky didn,t field teams and they had Scumbutt Newton back to boot! And if the shoe fits, wear it motherphucker. There are some real football programs after this guy, not some back woods outfit about to slaughtered by the NCAA like Barnieville, and he’s already being paid to play pro baseball. If he opts for Barnieville it will be one more pay for play tossed into the NCAA’s smorgasborg of Barnie investigations. And for what end? No QB can save your arses this year. Bwaa haww haww! RTR!
Wilson is only a $50K man. SCum was 4 times the player he is.Barntard fans on the ESPN boards think pickups like Wilson and the newest Florida reject means they’re reloading. I can’t help but laugh. All is well in Barntopia.
“Why would someone getting a healthy paycheck as a professional baseball player want to leave that to receive no pay to play football?”
Perhaps for the same reasons I left a good job to come to grad school. I wanted a knew challenge. I wanted to follow a passion. Ultimately, I feel I will have a better future in this path than the old.
Perhaps Russell likes football more than baseball. Maybe he thinks he will just waste away in the minor leagues.
And Mosely and Trotter are big boys. They know the best players play and in college football you have to win. Like Coach Saban says, the best players will play. Some how, I doubt you are too concerned with Trotter’s and Mosely’s well being and are just using this as a way to ridicule Auburn University.
I don’t understand why the bammers are so concerned about coach chiz developing his current quarterbacks. Obviously he is going to play the best of the bunch. Maybe the bammers should worry more about the way midget nickie oversigns and then runs the players off that he can’t use. If I were a recruits parents, that is something that would cause me to think three times about allowing my child to attend the U of the crimson necks!
I firmly believe that had you attended grad school you would know the difference between new and knew.
“I don’t understand why the bammers are so concerned about coach chiz developing his current quarterbacks.”
So that is what you call being a 1 year hired gun. Hey it worked out well for Auburn last season, even though it got a little messy. Saban’s process is still better. Why do Auburn fans worry about Saban oversigning? Auburn does it to. The difference: Saban urges players that will not get meaningful playing time to play elsewhere, Auburn kicks off armed robbers and thugs to make room. Advantage=Bama.
What’s up with this hired gun business? Are you trying to suggest Bama has never recruited a juco player that left after one year? Come on man, try to at least pretend to be objective.
The “process” didn’t work so well last season for the preseason number one favs. Oh well, there is always this year or twenty years from now.
I firmly believe that if you can’t legitimately criticize someone’s argument you attack spelling errors.
Why did the Wilson kid leave NC State? Couldn’t make it in the ACC ?!
Or did he steal a laptop and cheat on exams?
No one can win them all every year. 36 wins in three years is pretty good. Let’s see how long Auburn can maintain its stay in the top 20. Bama has been in the top 10 for the majority of the time with Sabans process, Auburn won’t match Bama’s run in the top 10 anytime soon. I can’t wait for the reality that was Auburns fluke of a season last year sets in on you Auburn Homers, as Bama keeps on doing what they do. It will be fun to watch you all implode as the inevitable Auburn slide begins this season.
hey roberta, I was just making reference to Auburn ending up with a player (QB) who was shopped around to various schools last season. They were desperate to keep up with Bama then, just as they are now.
It was not a spelling error; a spelling error is when you accidently spell the (thw). You confused knew (previous knowledge) with new (something not experienced before. As far as Auburn’s QB goes I could care less, whoever gets the spot will run for their lives behind a new OL.
Oh, I get it. So, Typing “TSU92 is a duck” is a spelling error and typing “TSU92 doesn’t no sh*t” is more akin to the original error I made. Thanks for clearing that up.
Bamabrando, why don’t you post under your true name so that everyone can see who the delusional idiot of all time happens to be. The crimson necks had a pretty good season in 2008. They then screwed the pooch and got the hell beat out of them by the mighty utes. I will admit 2009 was an accomplishment for the bammers, but Auburn rivaled that in the 2010 season. Auburn has owned the baby bammers over the last decade. Anyone that’s breathing knows that. And don’t give me that crap about it being during years when our little brother (bama) was down and out on probation. Auburn managed to have some great seasons (even went unefeated under Bowden) while on probation. So tell me who has owned who during what any middle aged person would consider modern day college football. You have NO concept of reality.
If you live outside of the state of Alabama, there are not many people that are interested in bammer football. I’ll admit that less are interested in AU. I also think AU has a much larger turn out for games considering the state of Alabama is probably about 75% bammer fans compared to 25% of “THE FUTURE OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL IN ALABAMA FANS”. The history of Alabama is in the past. Everything is to parallel in modern times. Forget being a perennial power. Sorry little nickienites. Cry yourselves to sleep.
Why would Wilson leave his $250k signing bonus and go back to play CFB one more year? First of all because he is striking out 45% of the time and absolutely can’t hit a curve ball.
It’s still a bad move for him because he will never be NFL material. He should just finish baseball, save his bonus and go get a job with his NC ST. degree.
Rumor has it that Auburn offered him if he agrees to quit baseball and be on the Plains by July 1. He is going to visit Wisconsin. I guess those Big 10 stipends are just more than Auburn will pay.
Of course, if one were to believe you bozos, he is throwing away the $250k baseball bonus for a paltry $50k from Auburn.
Good grief, I sure hope that Auburn isn’t paying good money for someone making that stoopid of a decision.
Brana..noid ..get real. Cecil only shopped Cam to MSU. He didn’t shop him to Auburn or Okla. He only solicited MSU because that runner suckered him into it. Cecil learned his lesson and moved to Auburn. Auburn knew about Cecil’s offer to MSU and got the situation cleared with the SEC BEFORE Cam was signed with AU.
All rumors to the contrary are courtesy of the REC.
Oh ..and although it can’t ever be proven, almost anyone can easily guess that Cam knew that Cecil solicited.
That’s it ..That’s all there is. All of your other rumors are just paranoid babble.
You’re wasting your time. These guys can’t seem to grasp the concept that you “can’t prove the null”. That is, there is no way for Auburn can prove they are innocent because these Bama jokers can always claim that there is more evidence that just has t been revealed yet. They are quick to accept any negative comment a out AU as fact, regardless of the source or the sources credibility, but are even quicker to become irate when anyone even suggests Bama has done something that seems questionable. Evidence is not needed when it comes to Auburn. No, they prefer to rely on anecdote, innuendo, conjecture, and message board rumors.
My absolute favorite? They reference McClover as concrete proof that Auburn pays players. Disregarding that a numbrr reasonable journalists pointed at that he had a lot of motive to lie, didn’t he also implicate OSU, MSU, and… hmmm… LSU???? Wouldn’t that mean that Saban paid him as well??? What’s more probable? 1. He lied about all the schools offering or giving him money, except Auburn; or 2. He lied about everything due to intrinsic secondary gain (e.g., money for his charity)?
Alabama is an awful football team. The next time I’ll be watching them is when they lose to us AGAIN. War eagle! National camps baby!
B- baby’s
A- ape’s
M- mental
A- awful
Wow Emily. You’ve given mental retardation a platform. Congrats on your national campionship.
Man, the 2012 Iron Bowl is shaping up to be the biggest game in college football next season.
LMAO. Let the hating continue.
Emily, sweetheart, I think you may want to quit while you are ahead. Even the Aubies are embarrassed for you.
A- Alabama
U- Usually
B- Beats
U- Us
R- Red
N- Necks
Just for you Emily 😉
There is no such thing as the “Modern Era of College Football.” The only morons who use that term are “Johnny Come Lately” teams like Auburn. EVERYTIME there is a college football game with Alabama, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Nebraska, heck, even FLORIDA, the ESPN Gameday crew, announcers, analysts, etc speak about the great traditions at those schools. The National Championships, Hall of Fame coaches, on campus traditions, etc etc. Alabama is college football’s top draw EVERY YEAR on television due to a tradition that lives on and a rabid fanbase because of that winning tradition. Auburn, on the other hand, nobody gives two craps about the “johnny come lately” who has won maybe three-four more Iron Bowls since Bear Bryant retired because of mainly one bad Alabama hire in Mike Shula. Auburn is 16-12 against Alabama since 1983 (Bryant’s retirement). UM, 16-12 is NOT DOMINATION, especially considering Alabama had 3 awful coaches in that 28 yr period. Get over yourselves, Auburn. Everyone knows when Auburn wins big they cheat big to win big.
BTW, I am a Bama graduate, before you use the same ole lying excuse that all Barn fans went to Auburn and don’t live in the Black Belt. 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27, there. Any more da cambacks. RAH RAH RAH
Like I said excuses, excuses. It was the dumb bammer administration that hired that sorry excuse for a coach.
p.s. like I said, baby brother a.k.a bammer will never again win consistently. Too much parallelism in college football. You morons only won the championship because of many lucky breaks. Hell, you barely beat MIGHTY Tennessee. You and your team are pathetic!
Scum Newton to Coach Mullen’s wife, “the money was too good.” End of story barntards.
Um, Robert, you must not read very well. Alabama is not Auburn’s little bro. You don’t see us on Auburn sites trolling like you do for one. Second, Auburn’s distinction as Alabama’s little brother has been cemented for years, and there is nothing Auburn fans can do about it, no matter how many thug amateur QB’s they recruit. Third, all the white trash Auburn fans like yourself were telling us Saban would never come to Alabama, nor win a National Championship with ALabama. The white trash Auburn fanbase have been saying things for many years. Sorry to burst your bubble, we’re preseason #1 in few publications, and we are about to dominate the SEC again. Instead of using last year as a defense, when we lost 9 players on defense, check back in about 5 years, and we will see who has the upper hand in the State and the SEC. Happy trails, Auburn trash!
Here’s a brilliant idea. Why don’t we build a statue honoring a one and done thief and liar.
We here at CrapStain Report are obsessed with Auburn. Anything we can spin negative against Auburn, we will. That is because we are AUBsessed. We hate Auburn more than we love Bama. Nothing bad ever happens at Alabama, yet everything that happens at Auburn is bad (or at least thats how we try to spin it). Auburn won the national title? Not in our book! Auburn got the heisman trophy? We didn’t see that! Auburn made the most historic comeback in school history on our field? That’s not what we heard! Auburn currently holds the longest winning streak in the nation at 15? Not if you count the Moral Victory Bama had in the Iron Bowl!
We just prefer to stick our heads in the sand and make nonsense up so we can feel better.
If there is no such thing as the modern era of college football then Princeton and Harvard are about to give UA some good competition in national championships.
Another barntard that easily confuses obsession with justified ridicule and disrespect.How’s your Barntopian morning going?
My Barntopian morning is quite well thank you. I still get to celebrate our National Title, Heisman Trophy & SEC championship. All the while thinking about how that redneck trash university up in Tuscaloosa is STILL ON PROBATION!
Lack of Institutional Control. Familiarize yourselves with that phrase Barntards.
I couldn’t celebrate anything knowing half my team was either bought and paid for or academic frauds or both.What page is that on in The Book of Barntopia?
If YOOOOOOU can honestly say you never met a stump-jumper you didn’t like, yooooou might be a Barntard.
roberta is a full fledged Auburn Cult member. “Bama will never win consistently again”?
You are so dumb. Bama has only averaged 12 wins a year for the past three years, and will hit around that average again this year. Thats been consistent, like the consistency of the top recruiting classes for 4 years now. Auburn isn’t loaded like Bama, they barely won by the skin of their tooth last year in 5 games, and that team is depleted now. This coming season is a major rebuilding year for Auburn, and roberta is slamming Bama for consistency. The fall of Auburn has started already but you guys don’t even see it.
Academic Fraud and Paying for players… I see were going to abandon facts and resort to heresay and rumors to support our arguments. Good luck with that. I will just keep celebrating AUBURN’S NATIONAL TITLE!!
Michael McNeil spending his monthly off-campus housing stipend on crack instead of his rent is a major violation.Over $12,000 worth it.
HA HA I love you morons. Jealousy abounds in Bammerland. 28-27. National Champs. War Damn!
Never heard of SACS or academic probation or players like Junior Rosegreen either, huh WDE2011?
Reporter: “Coe Chizzle? Reports are there are numerous key players who didn’t make their grades.”
Coe Chizzle: “Duh, Dey all on thu plane. Duh, dey all making the trip.Duh, dat makes dem eligible. It’s a God thang.”
FACT: Alabama is on probation for cheating.
Fact: Auburn is not.
And WDE, Auburn has ONE national Championship. Cherish it, worship it, sell your soul to it like a good Cult Member should. It was under scandal, luck, and a hired gun, so you should be proud. But I have seen, with my own eyes, Bama win 4 National Championships, under three different coaches. And you guys make fun of Bama by honoring these coaches with statues, and now Auburn is building 3 statues themselves, and with all three combined, there is only 1 national championship to celebrate. Your fluke season makes you guys think everything, has changed, somehow Auburn is now equal or better than Bama and Saban is a washed up coach. The delusion you guys have is unlike any other fanbase in the country. When the reality hits you hard this season, (yeah, that first loss is going to sting) your hate and fear will show itself even more.
LMAO@ WoeEagle. Textbooks pale in comparison to the cheating you think your team has gotten away with the past 20 years.BARNERGEDDON is here.
Woe Damned Eagle! Never to rise again. They’ll change their eagle to a phoenix before it’s all over.
I really do not understand the Bammer mind. You have no evidence of the crap you spew out, yet you believe yourself 100%. Why? After all the allegations against Auburn came out, not one shred of evidence came with it. NOTHING. The NCAA looked into and came up empty handed. But keep telling yourself whatever you want. Make up cutesy terms like Barnergeddon. It means nothing
28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27
WDE, how do you know? The NCAA has finished their investigationS. With an S. I remember 28-27. Sure do. Saban has it plastered in the locker room too. You be proud of that 1-point win, and hang on to it dearly. This year, odds are that Auburn will be embarrassed. Kinda like that 36-0 beatdown, the one that got Tubby gone. This next one is liable to have the same effect on Auburn.
Reporter: “White trash Auburn fan, what do you think about the crisis in Libya.
Auburn fan: “28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27.”
Reporter: Oook, what do you think about the loss of life from the tornados in Alabama.
Auburn fan: “We don’t live in the state of Alabama. We’re from trailer park capital of the South, Lee County. 28-27.”
Reporter: Um, Lee County is in Alabama.
Auburn fan: “We’re in West Georgia. 28-27”
Reporter: Ooook, how about the deep loss in Tuscaloosa and everywhere else.
Auburn fan: “What about our trees? 28-27.”
Reporter: Let’s go find somebody else. This guy is obviously white trash who cares nothing about anything important. Who is Gene Chizik?
BTW, there is no such thing as the “modern era of college football.” Auburn term
28-27 28-27 28-27. Any more idiocy over beating a 3-loss team with 9 new defensive starters by one point? Wasn’t Auburn ranked #2 going into the game?
As long as we’re gonna live in the past referencing embarrasing losses, then take this and shove it up your azzes cause your team will never ever even come close to beating Bama like this! 36-0 36-0 36-0 36-0 36-0 36-0 36-0 36-0 36-0 36-0 36-0. Go phuck yourselves you pathetic Barnturd Redheaded Step Children who no matter what you do, no matter how loud you scream, no matter what statistics you quote or twist; will always and forever live in the shadow of Big Brother Al and taste the scraps of the feast like a curr dog under the table infested with fleas and mange. You’re nothing but Cum recepticals. RTR!
Wow, Alabama fans are such rednecks. Why don’t yall actually win a game against us, then we will talk:) have a great day everone:)
My guess is that Emily doesn’t watch too much football.
If being “Pathetic Barnturd Redheaded Step Children” means being the reigning national champs with the regining heisman winner. While holding the nations longest winning streaking and having the national coach of the year, then Hell Yeah!
Oh wait, did my last post twist any statistics? If so, please correct them. THANKS!
WDE- USC and Reggie Bush had those titles at one time as well….we see what happened with that train wreck. It will be worth the wait….
Emily!! We’ve won 2 of the last 3 and 40 overall in the series you little b–ch. As far as rednecks, Auburn ALWAYS has been known as a white trash ag college. And, yes, I graduated from UA, so please don’t start in with the silly sidewalk alumni crap because that is Auburn too. Check the Black Belt
Alabama won 20 straight games from 2009-10 with a National Title to boot. What’s your point? That’ll all come to end VERY SOON for Auburn
So far it is looking like Auburn will start the season outside the top 20, with very few starters returning from the luckiest team in the country last season. Meanwhile, Bama comes in loaded with depth and veteran talent from a 10-win season, and many think is poised to make a run at another title run. They will be ranked in the top 5 to begin the season. The schedule lines up in their favor as well. Auburn, on the other hand, has the tough schedule, with inexperience and no depth, ranked outside the top 20. All you Auburn punks have got is 28-27. Hang on to it, it will be all you can hang your hat on for awhile. Every Bama player is reminded daily of that 28-27 game, and as Florida, and Michigan State found out, you really don’t want a Saban coached Bama team pissed off and focused on you. You will see the aftermath of that 28-27 this season, all you can really hope for is that it doesn’t get embarrassing as that 36-0 beatdown from not too long ago.
Auburn 2011- My predictions
Sept. 17 at Clemson-LOSS
Oct. 1 at South Carolina-LOSS
Oct. 8 at Arkansas-LOSS
Oct. 22 at LSU-LOSS
Nov. 12 at Georgia-LOSS
For a final record of 5-7, no bowl game, and probation likely looming as the long and tedious investigation into the Auburn football program comes to a close.
28-27. The greatest single season ever for a player. Greatest choke job in history. National Championship. Heisman winner. Fan base with no knowledge of past violations and probations themselves pointing it’s filthy fingers at others. Fact is no matter what you write on this blog, it doesnt change the fact that you all are embarassed to hell and back and slinging dirt. It might work if only ya had proof. And there is none. End of story, so go on back and be thinking of what this years excuse is going to be when you lose 3 games again this year.
I was just taking a walk down memory lane. This certainly brought me a chuckle https://capstonereport.com/2010/08/30/herbstreits-stupidity-just-what-the-doctor-ordered/8199/
It takes one to know one RC:) And if you think your little team Alabama is so good, then why are we the national champions? The future is auburn football and every REDNECK Alabama football fan is jealous of auburns success. So I suggest you Go to some anger management classes and admit to everyone the moron you are. 🙂
Alabama needs to worry about their own bussiness and not Auburn’s. Auburn rules and y’all SUCK LIKE CRAP!!!
And yeah Alabama has won games in the PAST? Every alabama fan lives in the PAST because they know auburn is the future. Haha Alabama fans crack me up thinking that “their the best”. 🙂
I agree with you Auburnfan:)
The future is Gene Chiznick and Trooper Taylor, i.e “Radio.” hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh Emily you carpet muncher, Alabama won the National Title in ’09 with a TEAM effort. Auburn won the title through ONE player. Auburn fans were saying “the past” 1 week after we won the NC in ’09. Face it, Saban and Alabama are pulling in the recruits and national exposure with a 2-time National Champion coach who can send players to the NFL. Auburn offers neither since Chizik won with a purchased QB and Tuberville’s players. The sun shines on a dog’s ass every now and then…Oh BTW, Chiznick is not a Christian…you don’t call it “a God thing” and later scream “War Damn Eagle.”
Auburn fans are low class white trash REDNECKS. With the exception of the Toomers for Tuscaloosa crowd, MOST Auburn fans are more concerned about dead oaks than the families who have lost everything, including other family members
Hey RC you know Alabama sucks y’all are so FREAKING Jelous. Nick Saban fires his maids for not bringing him the right thickness of oatmeal cream pie.So SUCK IT!!!!
Haha I agree with auburn fan:) he’s exactly right:)
Hah wow Rc calling names isn’t nice. You must think those same things about yourself that your calling Wareagle!emily!Alabama are a bunch of cheaters and everyone hear knows this. So Rc you can shutup before I shut you up!!!!!!!!
I’m a proud auburn fan and I won’t think twice about beating the living crap out of you Rc. So like ‘auburn fan’ said, suck it!
I agree auburn had a great season. But If alabama wants to win against auburn and the teams lost to, coach Saban needs to step it up. I’m a tenessee fan, and this is probably the only reasonable answer on here. Alabama has done ‘good’ in the past. But in my opinion auburn will still be on top in the future.
Ahhh, the poor white trash University of Auburn fans tell me to suck it. Is that a “god thing?”
Jeff D, what r u smoking?! Auburn was a one man, one season wonder. Where have you been the last 3 years?! Alabama won a team National Title, ie EVERYONE contributed. NOBODY except the trashy dumb ass AU fans actually believe AU has a better overall program. Ask all the talking heads. Auburn was a one man season team. Saban needs to step it up?! Trashy AU poser
AuBIE Rocks:
you name the time, date, and place, trash. You can even watch while I screw War Eagle Emily. She’s prolly loose being an Auburn girl
Looks like somebody whispered to the AU Fambly that we were making disparaging remarks about their cult, hence the influx of Aubie activity.
Here’s something for you. We had a prediction for Auburn’s 2011 season. Let me offer one for their 2010:
Arkansas State – vacated
Mississippi State – vacated
Clemson – vacated
South Carolina – vacated
Louisiana-Monroe – vacated
Kentucky – vacated
Arkansas – vacated
LSU – vacated
Mississippi – vacated
Chattanooga – vacated
Georgia – vacated
Alabama – vacated
SECCG – South Carolina – vacated
BCSNCG – Oregon – vacated
Better take a picture of that trophy.
The trophy isnt going anywhere…. and neither is this site. LMAO… Emily and AUBIE ROCKS, keep up the good work. Nothing like seeing a worked up redneck. So far, the biggest one I see is Rc. It seems you are just hung up on that “God thing” and thats fine. It’s so played out by now that it is almost painful to read your thoughts. But by all means keep talking about it, because judging by your language and overall lack of any kind of morals, talking about Him is about as close as you are going to get to Him.
Let’s stop overusing the term “redneck” when half of the people on this forum can’t write a complete sentence. Emily, you know nothing about team sports. Anyone defending Emily should be ashamed of themselves. Now, with that being said, I should reiterate that the whole concept of living in the past in regards to sports is not a bad thing. Alabama has a winning tradition. That history is something to appreciate. It’s funny how when we win a NC we can’t mention it again without being criticized, however; when the Barntards buy a title they collectively swarm together and treat is like some historic accomplishment.
Aubies, you have the most classless team I have ever seen. Your feats are nothing more than a byproduct of chance. Watch any other game during the football season, you clueless fair-weather fans, and you will see how solid athletes behave on the field. Give me a break. Your fluke season is over. Be proud that you had something to brag about, but being one-and-done is the most that you should EVER expect to hope for when discipline is not a part of your program. Spare us this high and mighty mentality. Enjoy complaining next year. You’ll get used to it.
I never said you should not enjoy your championships. By all means do. The past is a great thing. In fact lets go back in time shall we? http://collegefootball.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1214532
You’re wasting what little brain power that you MIGHT possess. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt right now, but my opinion may change. The fact of the matter is you’re pulling for a team with zero discipline. You can talk whatever you wish regarding how Nick Saban runs a program, but at least he has control over his squad. You won’t see any spear-jobs or face-kicking under the advisory of a Saban program. Auburn is all about desperation. And the tone of your comments suggests that you follow suit with the mindless antics of your heroes. Good luck in life with that attitude, you miserable troll.
By the way, ITK, you’re also wasting your time telling these idiots that Auburn may vacate wins. They’re a super-clean program, remember? Keep up the good work stirring the pot for these mindless trolls because they truthfully have nothing to look forward to during the college football season for years to come. I’ll continue to smile in lieu of their lack of understanding and comprehension. FBJ, stick around if you feel like you can feed off of information more elaborately considered than what your loser Aubies spew on this forum.
And same to you. Didnt Rolando shove a ref or something a while back? Just checking cause I know you have a selective memory.
Thats what you dont get Trappy. Thats all this is is a pot stirring site. It is a venue for you to come and let out all your anger. Hey, whatever keeps you from kicking your dog or child, right?
You’re continuing to waste your time here, FBJ. Your “witty” banter is welcome, but it exists only because it gives us yet another stereotype in which we can use to gauge the lack of intelligence that the Auburn “nation” brings to the table. FYI, I do not own a dog. If I did, I wouldn’t treat in a way that is apparently normal for your way of life. In regards to a child, you should post a pic of your sister and we’ll see if that’s a good starting point for me to begin starting a family.
Kiss the ring bitches!!
Ha! For those who are interested, post #79 “War Eagle! Emily” and post #82 “Jeff D.” are the same person.
Schizophrenia run in your family, does it?
I bet when Jeffrey posts as Emily he has his high heels,stockings and lipstick on.
Trust me Auburn is way better than Alabama.
Oh, I know I’m not a redneck. I make a good living and have two college degrees (one from UA). However, it is a fact, MOST Auburn fans that I know are backwards rednecks who never attended college, yet alone Auburn. They might claim some hollow connection to the school, but that’s as good as it gets. Meanwhile, they attack Alabama people who actually graduated from there but act like they have a stronger connection to Auburn?! I had an Auburn fan tell me last August that our 2009 National Title was IN THE PAST before the new season began. Therefore, Auburn’s tainted National Title in 2010 is in the past now. It’ll be further in the past when it gets taken away
As far as the “God thing” God doesn’t like false prophets like Chizik and the Auburn fanbase. The Auburn people make Christianity look illegitimate
Alabama sucks
I love how Auburn’s title is tainted yet Alabama was the team that was on probation when they won theirs.
Alabama 2009 National Champions*
* Denotes team was cheating
There was never an asterisk by Alabama’s 2009 National Title. In fact, I don’t think there was any players on that team from the textbook laugher. Let’s see selling books, or selling a human being (Cam), or selling your soul to the devil (Auburn University)? HMM, which is worse?
Facts Vs. Rumors
Facts: Alabama was on probation when they won the championship
Fact: Auburn was NOT
Fact: Alabama has been on probation for CHEATING for 16 out of the last 20 years.
Fact: Auburn has NOT
Fact: This is what NCAA chairman on infracations Thomas Yeager had to say about ALABAMA:
“They were absolutely staring down the barrel of a gun. These violations are some of the worst, most serious that have ever occurred. God forbid there’s ever another appearance – ever. Should there be one – particularly within the five-year period – I don’t know what’s left.”
FACT: He wasn’t talking about Auburn.
FACT: The NCAA & The SEC have known about the Cam Newton ALLEGATIONS since DECEMBER of 2009. YET NOTHING HAS COME OF IT!
FACT: Alabama fans ignore facts and cling to rumors, lies, & myths to console themselves from the fact that their biggest rival OWNS THEM!
FACT: Auburn owned Alabama during the Shula years, LOL, congrats, so did Tennessee, LSU, Arkansas, and LAcTech
FACT: Alabama has won 2 of the last 3 games and also an SEC & National Title
MYTH: Auburn has dominated Alabama since 1983
FALSE: a 16-12 record is NOT domination considering 4 coaches were fired during that span.
Question: Why isn’t the record any better than 16-12
Answer: Because only Mike Shula and Bill Curry had losing records to the AG school. Everyone else was either dead even or dominated
Proof of FACT: Perkins (2-2), Stallings (5-2), Dubose (2-2), Franchione (2-2), Saban (2-2). AHA!
FACT: Auburn is the most penalized school in SEC history, 3rd most in NCAA history.
FACT: Auburn FB team on probation TWICE from 1957-63; ONCE from 1976-1980; again 1993-97
FACT: Auburn was cited for lack of institutional control in ’93 with AD Pat Dye cited in NCAA report. Prior to Means scandal at UA, the Au probation in ’93 had the stiffest penalties in NCAA history
FACT: Potential AU recruits in the class of ’12 have been interviewed by the NCAA to go along with Greg Robinson from class of ’11.
MYTH: most AU fans graduated from there?
ANSWER: FALSE. That is false along with the other lies and propaganda sent from AU since the ’60’s. You don’t expand football stadiums to seat alumni
I know I can dig out some more facts and myths, but these are just the facts for now:)
This site has deteriorated to a bunch of titty babies with yellow shite still in their Pampers. I’ve never seen so many Goddamn crybabies on another teams site and I cruise everybody’s who is anybody in the college football world. You sick bastards know you cheated to win last year ans yet you have the balls, no the stupidity to come on our site and rant that sick bullshite like it’s something to be proud of. We are laughing our azzes off at you and your retarded folly. You’re so dominant that in three years you’ve won one game by one stinking point – RIGHT! Ask anyone outside of the Lee County Goatphuckers Assoc. About probation and National Champs and see if they bring up Alabama 2009 or what everyone considers about Barnieville 2010, you dumbazzes. And Rolando was in the middle of a rhubarb and spun around when his shoulder was grabbed from behind. He didn’t know it was an official. And he oppologized. A long Goddamn way from intentionally kicking an unhelmeted man on the ground in the face you cum buckets
War Eagle Emily knows about cumbuckets
Alabama SUCKS!!!Y’all have proved how such an idiot yall are
Classy Classy. Facts sure work you guys up in a tizzy, huh?
I guess I should have stuck to your native tounge of rumors. Let me try this again. “Aubarn is gone burn when da ncaa gets dun investigatein yall. Jus you watch!”
28-27. Jackass.
LOL @ WDE. 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27, Who gives a shit? You beat a 3-loss team by one point?
Yeah, who cares about the Iron Bowl? Pointless, Right???
I guess I will start bragging about all these 2010 trophies that have a new home down on the Plains.
Ah’ wait, I think I want to keep bragging about that game where Auburn had the biggest come back in school history on Alabama’s home field. That was too funny to ignore.
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Rc is a gay redneck
28-27!! Yeaaahhhh:)
Guess you forgot about Chris Todd beating out Kodi Burns?
Oh and Newton wasn’t a one year wonder idiot, he came in with 2 years to play not 1.
Sorry you idiots cant count for shit
Rc is also a nick Saban Humper:) typical alabama fan. Don’t be jealous just because auburn is better:) maybe one day y’all can be almost as good as us:). 28-27 28-27 28-27.
I forget, what was the score of the Iron Bowl this year?
War Eagle!!!!
Poor Auburn fans. Ya’ll finally got to see Auburn win a national championship, after all those years of coming up short, being upstaged by big brother Bama, and getting no respect. And you know think somehow you have turned it all around, and Bama is falling, Saban is getting too old, and Chizik (who is 2 games over .500) is some kind of genius. You guys are in for a long hard season when the reality sets in. By the end of the year Auburn football will be as dead as those twees.
Don’t talk about the twees!!! They’re worth more than human life to the dumb ass Auburn fans. 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27, that’s all the typical, white -trash Auburn fan/slut knows how to say….it appears WDE sucks major Cam cock and Emily takes it anally too
We got to let them have their fun. They won’t have much to brag about for a long time. I do have to say that 28-27 was the first time an Auburn team beat a decent Alabama team since the Stallings years. I think it’s really silly to brag over beating the last Fran team and the Shula teams considering the coaches and players. I’ll let them have their fun over beating a 3-loss Bama team, though. Even if they didn’t deserve it with their whore of a QB and his pimp father.
Shutup Rc, I hope you grow up to be the man your mom is! You nick Saban Humper. War freaking eagle!
RC you have a mental problem and you need to suck on this 28-27!!!
Hey everyone, what’s 5 signs that your a gay redneck?
1. If your an Alabama fan.
2. If your an alabama fan.
3. If your an Alabama fan.
4. If your an Alabama fan.
5. If your an alabama fan.
Emily’s right
Yeah, nobody is forgetting 28-27. You think it really bothers us, this year it is just motivation. When Bama redeems themselves with the beating Auburn takes this season, after the numerous other beatings first, you guys will already be dejected, and your little Auburn flags and car magnets will be put away before the iron bowl gets here. I only regret that everyone else gets to whip Auburns ass first.
Same here, Bama Brando: Alabama is going to kill them in that outdated, decrepit stadium in that crap town. That’s ok, they’ll always have 28-27 28-27 28-27 28-27 over our 3-loss team. Or will they? Stay tuned, I wonder why the NCAA won’t close the Scam Newton case? HMMMM. My sources in the field say there is a reason why, but I am not allowed to divulge
Obviously, War Eagle Emily never went to Auburn, or did she? Nick Saban humper? Nice potty mouth, sweetheart? Now, I’ll hit that G-spot
I can’t believe Alabama fans nowadays.
I can’t believe Auburn fans will cling to it’s a “God Thing” then lie, cheat, steal, and come on forums calling someone a “humper” PATHETIC for the defending National Scampions
Wow I’ve never met an Alabama fan as gay as you are Rc. oh yeah and one more thing…. 28-27 28-27 28-27
Nick Saban humper.
Well I can’t believe Alabama fans “say their the best” when were the national champions. Their all just jealous of our success.
Bama has had more success over the past three seasons than Auburn has. And Bama will continue to have success this coming season, where Auburn will likely fall to the bottom of the west. Even after winning it all last year, beating Bama by a point on the way to a NC, it must really gripe you Auburn people that Bama STILL gets more respect than your team does. Nobody likes you, and your team is going to suck this year. So hang on to 28-27 long as you can.
I want everyone to answer these questions; who are the national champions: AUBURN. Who are the jealous rednecks: ALABAMA. There we go this argument is settled.
War eagle!
More success then auburn? Ha, the only success Alabama has had is cheating. Auburns on top and always will be. Plus you call us liars and cheaters when Alabama is the one on probation. So I suggest you Alabama fans think before you speak.
Lay off the purple drink barntards. That’s no way to celebrate Clown Day in Barntopia.
FACT: Auburn leads the SEC in NCAA sanctions
FACT: Auburn is tied 3rd all time in NCAA sanctions
FACT: Auburn people are selfish, low class rednecks who care more about dead oaks than human life
FACT: although Alabama fans are pissed about 28-27, they realize that they did lose 9 starters from the previous season’s NC team, and generally don’t understand how the 2nd ranked team barely eked out a 1 pt victory over a 3-loss team
FACT: War Eagle Emily has nasty snatch
They had to ban rectal thermometers in Barntopia.They were causing too much brain damage.
We are the national champions, Alabama isn’t. This Is something y’all will have to stop being so jealous over. And we are low class rednecks? When some idiot ALABAMA fan poisoned our oaks. That just proves how low class Alabama fans are. Have more class then your having right now, it makes you look like an idiot. We’ll talk about auburns success when you stop acting like a 4 year old. Get true facts before you open your mouth.
28-27! Alabama sucks. End of story.
True fact: Bobby Lowder crook
True fact: Milton McGregor crook
True fact: Ronnie Gilley crook
True fact: Gene Chiznit liar
True fact: Trooper Taylor liar
True fact: Multiple NCAA investigations
True fact: David Rane crook
True fact: James Brooks illiterate
True fact: Junior Rosegreen illiterate
True fact: SACS probation
True fact: Scum Newton thief liar
True fact: Cecil Newton liar
True fact: Use of street agents
True fact: Armed robbery
True fact: Bonuses for on field play
True fact; Chopblock U.
True fact: Cheapshot U.
True fact: Barntarded U.
True fact: 1 1/2 tainted NC’s
True fact: Rampant crime and drugs
True fact: Lack of Institutional Control
True fact: 5 years probation
True fact: 3 year bowl ban
True fact: 1 year TV ban
True fact: minus 35 scholarships
True fact: gag orders on buy-outs
True fact: 40-34-1
True fact: 13 NC’s to 1 1/2 tainted
True fact: fail to field 2 squads A-Day
True fact; *U only 6th best SEC
True fact: FBI wiretaps
CRImson Neck white trash Auburn fan:
ALL my facts are true: they are legitimately recorded in NCAA record books. Auburn, though not on probation AT THE MOMENT, is the most heavily sanctioned University in SEC history and THIRD in NCAA history.
Alabama has won 8 recognized National Championships in their history, but we claim 13 overall. Other traditional powerhouses (NOT Auburn) such as Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Ohio St and Michigan) claim more than the API/UPI/CNN polls have rewarded also. In fact, Alabama can claim up to 17, including our ’77 11-1 team, but we choose not to. Please call these other schools and tell them they can’t claim there titles either and PLEASE tell them you represent Auburn. LOL, I would LOVE to hear their reaction because Auburn has a TERRIBLE reputation.
The point of this all is there is not one Alabama fan on God’s green earth who is jealous of Auburn’s 1 1/2 National Championships. Are you kidding me?! Where have you been not only the last FIFTY years, but heck, the LAST 10-20 years?! Don’t give me that boring, overused excuse for the ’93 team that couldn’t even compete for the SEC Championship because of their slave trading, cheating NCAA PROBATION. Or the 2004 team who played a patty cake NON-Conference schedule.
We are NOT going to stop talking about Auburn’s dirty University on here. You don’t have to read the articles, genius. The fact you are arguing with me shows how stupid and immature you really are. “I only come on here to defend Auburn!” BULLSHIT! Psst, if Auburn wasn’t breaking the rules, you wouldn’t need to defend them. LOL. You are a redneck, white trash Auburn fan who probably never set foot on campus. They have a LOT of them as Auburn dans, especially in the Black Belt!
Auburn fans only care about the dead damn oaks. With the exception of the Toomers for Tuscaloosa, I would love to meet some CENTERED Auburn fans who value human life over dead trees.
P.S. We will expose Auburn on this site fir their corruption. I will SPIT at ANY Auburn fan who tells me “There is no proof.” FIRST, um, YES there is. The 3 investigations would have disappeared if there was nothing to investigate. As of May 25, they are still on-going according to my sources in the field. This does not qualify as a “God thing.”
WarEagleEmily takes it up the stinkhole
Spending an hour and a half typing 28-27 won by a crooked team when just 12 months earlier they were beaten 26-21 after leading for 58 minutes and just 24 months earlier they were annhialated 36-0 when they had been picked to compete for the national title; smacks of clinical dementia. The poster is boored shytless, retarded, or 12 years old. Probably all three. ITK, you should include a math question in the registration requirements to post. Something like “What is the sum of 2+2”. That should be tough enough to keep Barnturd posters of the board! Bwaa Haww Haww! RTR!
Barntarded U. is so depleted they couldn’t even give their cult a true spring game. It was dominated by walkons. MUUHAHAHAHAHA. These skanks will be lucky to finish just ahead of Vanderbilt this year.And Vandy has braggin’ rights. MUHAHAHAHAHA!
Alabama sucks
Very classy and educated Auburn Fan. Now, this is a baseless, factless post considering the Tide is 36-5 in the last 3 years, has beaten Auburn 2 of the 3 years, and only lost by one point with 3 losses and 9 defensive starters lost from the previous years team. Auburn wouldn’t won the game if they hadn’t cheated with Cam Newton, but that will all be cleared up within the next year. Tainted Title
Allin in 2010, Allgone in 2011!
Wow are ALL Alabama fans idiots these days? I guess so. Rc, bro, your really starting to tick me off with your trashy redneck Alabama talk. Let’s see, about 80% of Alabama fans didn’t even go to Alabama and your telling me how much better it is then auburns, haha. Most of the Alabama fans on here don’t even know how to spell their own names! Who’s on probation? Alabama? Who are the “unclassy” ones? ALABAMA. Signs that Alabama fans are rednecks and unclassy? You get on a website like this and put LIES. About 90% of EVERYTHING you put on here, Rc, is a lie. Alabamas college is a WORTHLESS REDNECK college. And you Rc, are just like every other Alabama fan. An Idiot. So I suggest you stop spreading lies and rumors about the best univeristy, auburn, just because your jealous of our success. (28-27) haha. Jealous much? I think so? Because ANY auburn fan on here could probably beat your ‘butt’. Your Just another Alabama pervert.
WOW, Crimson Neck! A little testy on A BAMA WEBSITE I see. LOL, you call me a Redneck, but LOOK AT YOUR RANT YOU WHITE TRASH, REDNECK AUBURN FAN!! You are TYPICAL OF THE AUBURN FANBASE. YOU, LIKE THE REST OF YOUR WHITE TRASH AUBURN UNIVERSITY CULT can care less about human life. It’s all about some phuckin DEAD OAKS. GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
You name the time, date, and place, and I will be glad to show up. BTW, it’s typical for an Auburn fan to talk about God and other people while they threaten violence out of the other side of their mouth. HMMM? CAN YOU SAY WHITE TRASH AUBURN REDNECK or better yet, HYPOCRITE?!
Is it a “God thing?”
I’m beginning to think the white trash Auburn University redneck hypocrite Crimson Neck takes it in the stinkhole as well. He’s calling other people he never met rednecks, but yet is on here hourly checking to see if we are talking about his inbred Auburn University.
We will continue to talk about Auburn until they 1) Clean up their athletic department or 2)Gene Chiznik admits they are all hypocritical liars, relieves God from responsibility, or at least let’s us know if he has false teeth.
Anybody on here seriously jealous of Auburn 1 1/2 TAINTED National Titles? Seriously?
Hahahaha. Alabama fans are so funny when they get mad. All Alabama fans are is talk. And for a fact I know your an idiot if you realy think that us auburn fans “care about our dead oak trees then human life”. Alabama are the ones that only care about themselves. And yes Alabama has wine games and got national championships in the PAST. But it’s ok I wouldn’t expect an Alabama fan to know what the word “past” means, let alone any word at all. We are the national champions so you trashy redneck Alabama fans can get over yourselfs and stop wishing you were in our place and had our success. Look up true facts you idiot before you try to prove yourself right when everyone knows your WRONG. Don’t try to argue with me because in the end you’ll be wrong. And I wouldn’t fight you, I’ll pray that you become more of a Christian though. Because that’s what’s auburn fans do. You’d be the one to fight. Redneck.
I love it how Alabama fans have to always live in the past, because auburn is better then Alabama in the present and the future and always will be. And I’m still loving how all of your facts are wrong, you idiot. Don’t be jealous of us national champions, it just makes your day bad. And I wouldn’t want a redneck alabama fans day to be bad for sure. Ha.
Pervert much, Rc?
Crimson Necks:
Alabama has won 2 of the last 3 iron Bowls in “Modern Day Iron Bowl History.” We have all decided to coin a new phrase since Auburn fans do it every year. CHECK THE FACTS. SINCE 2008 in the “modern Day Iron Bowl” (since Nick Saban was coach but not counting 2007 since Auburn fans don’t count 1981, Pat Dye’s first season in the “modern era of Auburn football”), Alabama has won 2 out of 3, and their 3-loss 2010 team lost by one point to the tainted Auburn team QB’d by a known felon and cheater. Alabama OWNS Auburn 40-34-1 in Iron Bowl history. SInce Auburn fans like to squawk (LOL) of how they dominate the Iron Bowl since 1983 with a 16-12 record (they got the upper hand in the Shula years), Alabama OWNS Auburn with a 6 game lead in the Overall Series. I’m using Auburn logic on this one. CHECK THE FACTS you Dumb ASS Auburn fan. CHECK THE FACTS. You know I’m right:)
As far as being a pervert, Baileytiger, you saying that is not a “God thing.” You don’t know anything about me, but I know plenty about the typical, white trash Auburn fan. At least I haven’t robbed any trailer parks lately like the typical trashy Auburn football player.
Instead of praying, Crimson Necks decides to call others names and come on a rival website. Typical Auburn white trash. CHECK THE FACTS!!
1) In the Modern era of the Iron Bowl, Alabama has won 2 of the last 3 games and a TEAM NATIONAL TITLE in 2009. You seriously call that the Past? If this is so, Auburn’s 2010 TAINTED National Title is in the past.
You don’t worship the same God Chizik claims to worship, Crimson Neck.
FACT: 4 AUBURN Football players robbed a trailer park in Lee County.
FACT: LEE COUNTY has more trailer parks per capita in the STATE OF ALABAMA.
You will not win an argument with me Crimson NECKS. YOUR screen name alone proves what a white trash LOWLIFE you are. Why don’t you and the rest of the AUburn fans think of human life instead of dead oak trees?
MY screen name is nothing but the truth about you trashy REDNECK Alabama fans. Haha do you think MAKING UP facts will make you seem smarter? Ha. How much of an idiot you are cracks me up Rc. Alabama fans are rednecks that steal lie and cheat and they probably can’t even spell their own name. Jealousy jealousy jealousy Rc. We are the national champions and you all are not. So get over it, and stop referring to the past you hillbilly redneck. “CHECK THE FACTS”. Idiot.
Your name says a LOT about the TRASHY AUBURN FANBASE. First, you come on a Bama website, your RIVAL. SECOND, CHECK THE FACTS IDIOT. WHAT KIND OF MORON SAYS SOMEONE ELSE IS WRONG BUT DOESN’T CONFIRM THE FACTS. You’re obviously not very Bright because Alabama has won 2 out of the last 3 Iron Bowls in the “modern Era of the Iron Bowl.” In keeping up with the AG College tradition of coining new eras in college football by cherrypicking which years to count, the modern era of the Iron Bowl begins in Saban’s second season since Auburn’s “modern era of college football” conveniently begins in Pat Dye’s second season.
FACT: In the “modern era of the Iron Bowl” Alabama has won 2 out of 3 Iron bowls. In the COMPLETE Iron Bowl history, that most college football fans outside of trailer park Lee County count, Alabama has a DOMINANT 40-34-1 lead over Auburn. This six-game lead is considered DOMINANT by Auburn fans as well since they only lead 16-12 in their specifically coined, “The Modern Era of College Football.” See, Auburn people like to begin and end history on what they see fit, so I have decided to do the same. Since a 4 game lead in their cherrypicked years is considered domination, our SIX GAME OVERALL LEAD is complete obliteration. Therefore, Auburn is Alabama’s LITTLE BROTHER.
CRIMSON NECKS, whenever you are ready to debate me on the ACTUAL FACTS and not something you white trash Auburn fans dream up in your head, I will be here. Or, alternatively, I can meet you anywhere in the State.
NOBODY is jealous of Auburn’s tainted 1 1/2 National Titles when Alabama has 8 recognized and 13 overall. You have to be kidding me. This website will continue to post all of Auburn’s transgressions until the Auburn fambly decides to demand a clean program from their athletic department. it’s the Auburn fan’s call.
WHy are all the white trash Auburn fans concerned with Alabama fans opinion of their white trash University and administration. I’m planning on taking a copy of the Auburn creed to that stadium named after the loser this upcoming Iron Bowl and wiping my ass with it
Human life is more important than dead oaks
Haha Rc, you know nothing about auburn fans OR football. You wanna know the difference between Alabama and auburn fans? Auburn fans can spell their name hahaha. And their not rednecks, or liars, or theirs like alabama is. Auburn is the best and your just to ashamed to admit it. National champs baby! And every “redneck hillbilly” alabama fan is jealous. Can you spell J-E-A-L-O-U-S, Rc? Probably not. And actually Alabama is auburns LITTLE BROTHER. Afterall we are the national campions and afterall Alabama fans live in the past. If you keep this up, Rc, you’ll never get anywhere in life just like the typical idiot Alabama fan. All your life you’ll be fighting with the national champions(auburn fans) just because jealousy rules you? Don’t worry, I’ll pray for you. I’ll pray that you won’t be so jealous of auburn being the national champs and us being the best of course, and I’ll pray to god that you’ll stop making up “facts”, which is not Christian like of you Rc. God bless you, you redneck piece of TRASH. And god bless your horrible team to by the way.
Wow Rc, didn’t know you were a pervert AND an idiot. War eagle.
Crimson Neck:
Obviously, you can’t spell or use Spell Check on your computer. “Campions” HAHAHAHA. There is not one Alabama fan who is jealous of some white trash, illiterate Auburn fan. BTW, your Auburn trash ex-football players Junior Rosegreen and James Brooks can neither read nor write. However, I guess since they slaved for Auburn’s plantation IN THE PAST, you’ve forgotten all about them. Bo Jackson won’t even call himself a philanthropist because he can’t spell it. Cam doesn’t go by his full name because the whore can’t spell “Cameron.” No reason Florida was about to kick him out for academic fraud.
BTW, Crimson Necks, I know PLENTY of Auburn graduates. With the exception of a few engineers that I personally know, Auburn University alumni are not prepared for the business or real world like their fellow UA counterparts. You know absolutely NOTHING about the University of Alabama and their non-athletic distinguished alumni. You guys brag about space cadets (who cares) and dumb asses like Bo Jackson, but Auburn is a phugging AG College with an above-average Engineering school. Think of the engineering school as those who can’t hack Georgia Tech, and you have Auburn. Most Auburn graduates that I know don’t even work in the field they received their degree in. A lot of them work in State government making coffee.
ONCE AGAIN MY FACTS ARE INDISPUTABLE. 4 Auburn players robbed a trailer park, Cam Newton is a whore, his father is a pimp, Auburn won a TAINTED one-man title, and ALabama leads the Iron Bowl OVERALL BY SIX GAMES, and by three games in the “Modern Era of the Iron Bowl.” We get to cherrypick and coin terms just like the white trash fanbase at Auburn. You are not going to win an argument with me, and nobody is jealous of Auburn’s tainted National Title. Get real, you trailer park trash.
Why did four Auburn football players rob a trailer park? I thought there were enough decent houses for the thugs that Gene Chizik recruited to rob?!
Geez, Auburn fans really care about what we Alabama fans think of them. I guess LITTLE BROTHERS with big chips on their shoulders will always care what BIG BROTHER thinks of them. If you are not our little brother, grow some balls Crimson Neck and PROVE US WRONG
40-34-1 Bama OVERALL LEAD OVER AUBURN OBLITERATION since 16-12 over 28 years (Mike SHula as coach during four, hmmm)is domination. LOL. THen again, in the “modern era of the Iron Bowl” Alabama is 2-1
well, I do give Auburn credit for making the rivalry actually mean something again. I mean, there has been a whole generation of Bama fans that have grown up thinking that Auburn was just a mid-level team and rarely ever accomplished anything great. Now Auburn has a championship, and this year they will have to defend it. No one will look over you, you won’t be sneaking up on anyone, and the target is squarely on your back. Everyone is looking forward to getting a piece of you. This is the year you go back to the normal routine for Auburn, which is being the underdog and living in the shadow of the greatness of the Alabama Crimson Tide.
the target will be on their back not only because of their tainted title, but ALSo for the way they have blatantly cheated on the field and in recruiting. Their white-trash, inbred fanbase has become the most hated, hypocritical fanbase in the SEC and fanbase for their defense of everything dishonest and wrong with college football. Look at their geniuses that try (and think) that they can win debates on a RIVAL website. MORONS
Bear Bryant told me in a dream, that nick Saban has a small mangina.
Rc; what? Grow some balls as big as your mama has?
Wow! Very classy, neat retorts by the two, low-life, white trash hypocrites. Were those comments “God things?”
Say what you want about Saban, we are glad to have him. He is still more accomplished than barely above .500 Chiznik, and no one hardly ever beats him two years in a row. In 2009, it was Florida that was the motivation, and when that game came, Florida was dominated. What do you think he will do to a way under-manned Auburn team this year? Because that 28-27 is the motivation this time. I know one thing, there will be no mercy, and Auburn WILL be beaten, and by more than 1 point.
Nick Saban dresses like a midget homosexual. Now all he needs is a Shetland pony to ride around on with Kirby smart, his favorite butt buddy.
WOW, just think Chizik is only 1/2 inch taller with less teeth! I heard Trooper Taylor makes Chizik lubricate his asshole before he butt fucks him
At least be funny Enema Emelia. I’ve seen better efforts from retards.
Man, your a redneck pervert just like nick Saban. I also heard that if Kirby smart brings little nickie the wrong thickness of oatmeal cream pie he will bitch slap him to next Tuesday!
Thats okay Emily, you represent the ‘classy’ girls of Auburn very well. You know what they say about sticks and stones and all that. What I am telling you is the truth, the facts as they are. And thats all you can come up with against that? I know you are scared, thats why you can’t argue with facts and all.
Rc your either a old man that’s retired or a creep that lives with his mom and dad because you reply back to peoples comments like 5 seconds later you little nickie humper.
Emily is just another Auburn Whore with a potty mouth that, like MOST Auburn fans, is a HUGE white trash hypocrite
Before the Georgia game last year Chizner needed some pre-game motivation. He brought a bulldog into the locker room and set him on a table.”This is what we’re gonna’ do to those Bulldogs,” he screamed.He proceeds to drop his drawers and whips out his 3 inches. He grabs the bulldog by the ears and rams his tally into the dog’s mouth and humps for all he’s worth,screaming, “IT’S A GOD THANG, IT’S A GOD THANG,” the entire time.He finishes and draws back a bloody nub, then POKES the bulldog in the eye.”OK, Who wants to try it? How about you Cam?
“Uh, okay Coach, but do you have to poke me in the eye?”
Bear Bryant was a drunk wife beater who payed players 24/7. So get over it you bammer rednecks!
Beats bein’ a queer like Shuggy Jordan by a mile.
those are comments from a typical, white trash Auburn fan. You represent Auburn very well. BTW, Shug Jordan was a drunk who ran with the Phenix City mob crowd that was responsible for murdering Atty Gen Patterson in ’55. Pat Dye is STILL a drunk adulterer who beat his wife before she had enough and divorced his sorry ass in 1998 after 38 yrs of marriage.
Auburn people are hypocrites including Chizik with his foul mouth and unethical practices. Cam Newton is a whore and his preacher father is a pimp
Oh I didn’t know that. But I just found out shuggy was gay. But you know what, that dosent really bother me, because that was prehistoric times, were talking about modern day football bitch. I just brought up bear Bryant because I know all you bammers live in the past.
The 2010 Tainted National Championship is in the past, according to Auburn standards, since our 2009 National Title was in the past the day AFTER we won it, according to Auburn. It’s further in the past since most prognosticators have picked AU to finish 5th or 6th IN THE SEC WEST.
Emily-it’s awfully stupid and hypocritical of you to comment on my posting activity when you retort on a RIVAL website at the same rate, you dumb whore
With a name like Shug, you know he was GAY. He was Lowder Sr.’s bitch.
Keep it going EnemaGal. Flush that inferiority complex right down the toilet.
Your mamma is gay. She/He likes boys.
I’ve seen better comebacks from a 5 year old retard. Is that all you got?
Bamabino and Rc play light sabres together without the swords.
Still WEAK, but keep trying. We make special allowances for the barntarded.
Rc told me your mama was weak last night when he did her. He even said your dad joined in.
Hey bamabino where did your butt buddy go? I guess it was bingo night in the old folks home, or maybe his mommy is tucking him in?
Oh lookie there he’s back. How was bingo night little nickie humper?
War Eagle Emily!
There is help for people like yourself who have been molested from an Auburn family member or have absolutely no life and live, eat, and breathe Alabama football while at the same time professing allegiance to another school. Then again, being an Auburn fan, the mental hospitals are probably full of nutcases who value dead oaks over human life
To the rest of the Auburn fans:
Seriously?! You guys find nothing wrong with Emily or WDE and other moronic posters. We will keep posting blogs about Auburn until you clean up your own backyard and demand a clean program from your athletic department. Auburn people look like low life white trash with some of their mindless retorts
Auburn fans like Emily end up getting banned from here, so she won’t be here much longer. Just ignore the ugly little white trash Auburn ‘girl’ who can’t talk about football, because she likes talking nasty. She can’t be more than 12 years old.
You’re right BamaBrando, but what I don’t understand is how ALL Auburn fans that post on here post all day, afternoon, mid-afternoon, and evening, 24/7/365 without thinking they look like low-life white trash. This is their RIVAL’S WEBSITE. LOL.I also love how they attack college graduates or others by saying they didn’t go to college, but yet they retort with some uneducated, white trash babel. LOL.
We will keep talking about Auburn until they demand a clean athletic department from Jay Jacobs.
Rc your the pervert that said “you must be 12 years old, AHHHH” to me. But that must just be who you are. A redneck pervert. And bamabrando, you love to stick up for your butt buddy don’t you? War eagle!
Rc is an example of a nick Saban humper. Also an example of someone who has no life and lives with his mommy and daddy. Be careful auburn fans or he will try to hump you just like he try’s to hump little nickie! He lovessssss him so national champion auburn fans to hump! Be careful!
KEEP POSTING EMILY, and now PLEASE talk about how Auburn fans value dead oaks over HUMAN LIFE
RC (Redneck crimson) is a pillowbiter.
I am back today. Taking a break, went to Disney World, helped move my parents to FL. I hope all you redneck Yellow Hammer fans had some peace while I was gone.
I love this storyline, makes Star Jackson’s Alabama experience look lovely. Oh, yeah the rednecks forgot about him, didnt they? And when McElgirl passed the reins onto another McElqueer, we will see how the Alabama fan base likes him when they lose 3 games due to his inexperience next year.
Mark my words, rednecks, 3 games (LSU, Arkansas, and AU).
With all that nasty language, you represent the Auburn WHITE TRASH fanbase just fine. Speaking of pillow biting, I heard Chizik lost his teeth pillow biting when being rammed from behind by Trooper, but I digress.
Looks as if the poor Auburn white trash fanbase will be intently watching Alabama games outside Jordan-Hare again this year while their team is playing again. Back to the ol days again