Remember the Miami Hurricanes from the 80’s? Renegades. Outlaws. Thugs.
The Hurricanes were a team that played dirty on the field and off. They ran their mouths. Were undisciplined, and had a win-at-all-cost mentality. They employed cheesy stunts to gain attention, and pushed the limit of brash in-your-face arrogance.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the new Hurricanes. The only difference is, with one of their returning four starters now kicked off the team, you’ll never hear from AU again.
The Auburn Tigers lost four more players to criminal activity Friday, joining Eric Smith.
The Auburn police charged the four players with five counts of Robbery 1st Degree, one count of Burglary 1st Degree, and one count of Theft of Property 3rd Degree. They are identified as Antonio M. Goodwin, Kowaski Q. Kitchens, Michael A. McNeil, and Harrison “Dakota” Mosley.
Mommas? Daddies? Does this sound like the kind of place you want to send your sons to play?
That sound you hear is Mr. and Mrs. Kouandjio sleeping peacefully tonight knowing that their son is headed to a place of discipline, structure and order, not thuggery and towel-waving nonesense.
So, if you’re keeping score at home, since November we have…
• Rampant speculation about a father shopping his son for $180K at one school, yet letting him pass it up to go to Auburn for free.
• Bellcow players leaving school for the NFL under the cover of night, without pressers and/or the presence of their coaches.
• Clouds of suspicion involving possible Auburn association with street agents in the recruiting process.
• The much discussed (nationally) diry play of Nick Fairley and his teammates
• Cleat kicking an Oregon player in the face in primetime, and the the player never leaving the game.
• Eric Smith being booted for yet another run in with the law.
• Four up and coming players, including McNeil who had 14 tackles in the bowl game, getting busted for armed robbery, among other things.
Is it really great to be an Auburn Tiger?
There’s surely more to come on this story, but one has to ask the question: What in the world is taking place in Lee County? Who is really running that ship? And is that a place a mom or dad would feel safe sending his son to play?
Looks like the Auburn creed needs a revision…
“I believe I have the right to remain silent.”
“I believe anything I say will be used against me in a court of law.”
“I believe I have the right to an attorney.”
“And I believe that if I am unable to provide an attorney, one will be provided to me.”
Auburn fans, you have yourself a mess. And it’s great to be from Alabama.
(Follow me on Twitter for news, commentary and smack.)
Absolutely, spot on! I refuse to send my children to that lawless school and its cultish “family” atmosphere. This type of behavior is not new at AU despite Tuberville’s claim when he was coaching there. Stanley Mcclover and at least 7 other players were on payroll, and many players were detained but not booked. According to a close confidante of Tuberville, Chette Williams had a close relationship with 3 of the local police departments, and he was the bagman for the cash payments. When questioned by player’s families, he would always say “the Lord works in mysterious ways.”
after all the terrible things Auburn has done and their fans have said about our players, I am glad this happened. War Thug Eagle!
F$uck all this preaching. It is a Business. Everybody is for Sale and always have been. It ain’t cheating – if you ain’t been caught.
Let’s congratulate Auburn for doing the deal. They have covered their tracks well right now. If you are real about this travesty – called Big Time College Football – you know where I’m coming from.
The cow college is the leader of the Fulmer Cup so far for 2011.
One STUPID moment and life in a orange jumpsuit.
Bama fans don’t smile to much the crimson tide had
a player Aaron Douglas get a DUI recorded on his
rap sheet. RTR
Well, hold on there Bamadon. A DUI, while bad, is one thing. ARMED ROBBERY is quite another.
It’s a black eye for Aubiie for sure, but it can happen at other schools as well, and in all likelihood will, I hope the Bama bunch will sit up and take notice!
Charles, we have taken notice, and so has everyone else, of the criminal activity on the Lousiest Village on the Plain. Troopa and Lupa are running an outlaw program. The Auburn PD to this point has been “All In” keeping arrest of Aubie players “down home, cuz”. But it sounds like they’ve had enough of the outlaw culture from the “fambly”. BTW, doesn’t the auburn creed mention something about covering up transgressions? I think it does.
U of A is “a place of discipline” ? Good to see you picked your crack habbit back up. Saying Auburn is the “new miami” is far fetched at best. Besides bama has had that title for years:
Heres another SEC record bama holds: MOST DRUG DEALERS LAST 20 YEARS !
Lets see with Jimmy Johns, DJ HALL, Darwin Salaam, Glen Coffee, ETC That puts bama in an elite class of thugness.
Then you can bring up the woman beater Courtney Upshaw who by the way is STILL on bamas roster. Saban doesnt have the balls to dish out TRUE discipline.Last thing lil nicky wants is to be the target of you hicks when he kicks a star player off the team which then leads to a loss or even worse a bad season.
Just how many bama players have been arrested since saban’s arrival in tuscalooser? Found one source from Feb. 28, 2010 that said the total was at 10 and counting.
You also have to look at saban’s history of bringing drug dealers into football programs. One of his biggest brightest stars was arrested for selling cough syrup!!!
Also one of saban’s star running backs decided to be a “Baller”
“Ally Broussard was arrested on charges of possession of marijuana, possession of a Schedule II narcotic and possession of a firearm in the presence of a controlled dangerous substance.”
So IDK I really think this is the last subject that you would want to bring up.I hope the 4 thugs that are now FORMER Auburn players have to set in a jail cell for YEARS, But if you want to blame these actions on Auburn University and on the coaching staff then you have to point that same tainted finger at Alabama and Saban.Now enjoy spining yourself out of this one, and while you are at it tell Keith McCants I said hello.
WOW…Keep it up, Auburn..The Alabama prison system will have one hell of a tag football team. Maybe they can toliet paper the ten foot barbwire fence surrounding the football field.
These 4 felonies are terrible for Auburn and this one act will seemingly win us the Fulmer Cup this year, but comparing us to the ’80 Canes? This act is our first felony in years. Until this one act, over the past 4-6 years our players have had less legal issues than any other SEC team and one of the lowest rates in CFB. In fact, prior to this we haven’t had a felony and only one misdemeanor since Jimmy Johns was selling coke on the hallowed grounds?
ITK …Aside from the fact that you were never one to let accurate facts get in the way of you forming an opinion, I see your Anti-Auburn bias once again separated you from reality.
“This act is our first felony in years.” I think Chizik kicked them off the team, which I have to give kudos for that (if it sticks). Bad thing for Auburn….Chizik is not running the show.
Refer to a former Alabama coach that wasn’t running the show and was in over his head. He won the SEC Championship because of a couple of unbelievable players, they graduated, and he crashed and burn the next year. What followed was NCAA sanctions, scholarship losses, multiple coaches….
I think Chizik may end up being your version of Mike Dubose. So when we say Auburn is in trouble…we have experience. Even denial won’t make a bad situation good.
Oh, Parole Tide, you once again have to compare everything to Bama and Nick Saban. You have an obsession, son. First, those were MOSTLY Shula boys who were arrested. Second, Auburn was not clean all those years you mentioned prior to Chizik. Tuberville ran a dirty program as well as reported by Stanley McClover, Deron Phurr, and Tray Blackmon (Woops, that hasn’t broken yet…giggling). Keep living in La La Land, parole.
Finally, what kind of moron uses the Bleacher Report as a referenced source? Where is Chette Williams these days? He used to have an agreement with the Auburn, Opelika, and Lee County Police. Has he been reassigned?
*uburn has been covering up criminal activity for years. Trey Blackmon had/has a long rap sheet but was allowed to play. Most recently, Eric Smith assalted a student last year and was allowed to remain on the team even though it was captured on tape. He was only dismissed in the last few weeks for an “undisclosed” violation. Chiznick is a figurehead, troopa and lupa are running the show, which means thug activity is the norm on the Lousiest Village on the Plain. The *uburn Creed sounds nice, but it means nothing in *uburn.
Yes, relatives who chose **U give the higher crime rate in Tuscaloosa as one of their reasons. I just smile and say “not anymore,” have known for years the Auburn police hide the facts.
Bad timing on this no doubt, but I can assure you if you come trying to kick my door in, I dont care if you are wearing crimson and white OR orange and blue, I’ll blow ya damn brains out.
Wait a minute if you really take alook at things i believe all of the major colleges have had dumb players even the great Bama.. Like maybe Torrin Hudson..and Sherman Williams that was locked up for 7 years… So i think it happens more than you think.. And Torrin Hudson was under Nick Saban. The kids will do what they want..
Sherman Williams had already been in the NFL before he went to prison, and Torrin Hudson played at Stillman College, so please get your facts straight. Dakota Ball, who was photographed holding a fanned out stack of money after signing with Auburn, was one of the Auburn players arrested. Auburn has been taking chances on questionable players under Chizk. Auburn knew Cam Newtons dad had been shopping him around too. When you take risky chances, you win some and you lose some. But you gotta do something when Saban come into town and demolished Auburn in recruiting for 2 years. We are seeing the effects of Auburns efforts now, and more than likely it will get them on probation.
From chop block to cell block, the story of Thugtard U. football.
But hey! Now we know how Auburn handles their oversigning.
I Can just guess these booger thugs will talk like Parrot now!….LMAO
Seriously auburn I am truly ……Ohhh never mind, I can’t quit Laughing!
Trey Blackmon was arrested for “Minor in Possession of alcohol” in his hometown of LaGrange. That is a misdemeanor that was dismissed after TB took alcohol awareness classes.
Eric Smith was arrested for a misdemeanor.
We’ve had a few DUIs over the years, bit it was back in the mid-90’s since we had a felony prior to this.
By the way ….which school is still on NCAA probation ..Bama? or Auburn?
You fools can keep up whatever spin you want to try and kid yourselves and prop up your weak self-esteem by trying to tear down others ..but it doesn’t change the situation that you are totally and typically ignorant of facts.
I would say that maybe spinning the situation is a way of trying to achieve a blissful life, but since I read so much venom on here I see instead that you are just bitter, ignorant people.
Oh wait!!! One more thing …how many of you folks on here are actually Bama grads?
Not many? That sounds about right.
How many of you bought your Bammer gear at Walmart?
I wish I could post a pic of the fat, knock-kneed, stringy haired chick with the “Got Thirteen?” T shirt rolled up over her stomach that I saw in Carrollton, Ga. the other day. Is she a Bammer grad?
I already retorted on your distorted claims that the Auburn family likes to throw in the Bama fan’s face. Yes, I did graduate from UA; however, I don’t have to be a graduate to be a fan. EVERY Auburn fan that I know has absolutely NO CONNECTION to Auburn University except the unfounded “connections” that you guys try to market. Get over yourself. Auburn would not be able to fill their 85,000+ stadium if it was filled with alumni only. I won an argument from another Barner about that, and he just finally said, “The Auburn family don’t care what you think.” LOL, WEEEAAAAK. You don’t increase stadium size like Auburn did in ’87 to sit alumni. They are for the sidewalk alumni, much like yourself. Grow up, but most importantly, grow a pair. I don’t want to have to tell you this again.
Rc No one wascomparing themself to bama. Why would someone want to do that to begin with? I was responding to a bammer puppet who seems to forget his own schools run in with the law. I was just reminding IDK about the criminals that call tuscalooser and the U of A home. I mean how many Auburn players was the last one to see a drug dealer alive before his “homeboys” pumped him full of lead? ( See Julio Jones)When was the last time an Auburn player was caught with enough weed in a car to keep DJ Hall high for years? ( See Sherman Williams) When was the last time you heard of an Auburn player former or current picking up his 25th DUI?( See Kenny Stabler)Who was the last Auburn Coach that was a famous drunk and or woman beater? ( See Bear Bryant, Mike Dubose, Wimp Sanderson, Mike Price) Lets be honest here. Alabama is by far the most classless group of athletes and fans in the SEC. HANDSDOWN!
You have got to be kidding me. Do you seriously think that Tray Blackmon, Aundray Bruce, Brent Fulwood, and Chaz Ramsey were not heavy drug users?! Chette Williams made sure it was “kept down home cuz” regarding Blackmon’s numerous detainments with the Auburn and Lee County Police Departments. Drunks?! HELLO SHUG JORDAN,PAT DYE, AND TERRY BOWDEN. Jordan was in cahoots with the Phenix City mobsters that had Atty Gen Patterson killed, Pat Dye dropped his drawers at will for many an Auburn cheerleader (wife divorced him after 38 yrs of adultery and beatings), Terry Bowden fell off a stool and needed paramedics after a drunken stooper in Orange Beach in 1987. If you want to include the extended family of Tuberville, take his wife!! I’ve heard a lot of people at some bars in Auburn already have!!!
Classless fans?! How bout the fans who rolled Toomers when Bear died? (YES, IT DID HAPPEN). How about the Auburn fans who have made pilgrimages to Bryant’s grave to defacate and stick an Auburn flag in the middle of the poop? You haven’t seen the big time redneck inbred fans I ran into while I was living in Montgomery who called Jeerdan-Hare their home.
Auburn fans are country rednecks who spit “tobaccer” and claim false connections to a University who don’t give two craps about them. THE END
I just wiped my ass on the Auburn Creed again, much like the football players on the lousiest village on the Plains. I hear something at my door….I better go grab my gun in case it’s an Auburn football player.
RC – It’s probably an *U grad with your pizza, but take your gun anyway.
the only fans AU has is au grads – u have to be obligated by being a grad to root for the skank – anybody with a choice chooses bama
The U of A has many “sidewalk alums” because of our glorious history of winning multiple NC’s, 22 SEC championships, playing in Rose Bowls, etc. Winning attracts fans. On the other hand, *uburn doesn’t attract such fans because of their mediocre history of winning only 2 tainted NC’s, only 7 SEC championships(only 2 more than Georgia Tech, who hasn’t been an SEC member in 47 years), and because no one even knows where *uburn is located(West Georgia). Choke on those facts Smoopie. By the way, thanks for frequenting this Bama site, your obsession is showing.
I only show up in articles where ITK is slamming Auburn.
Truth hurts, doesn’t it Smoopie?
CHammah and Bamafan,
that is funny, but every Auburn fan I know (which are many) never attended Auburn either. They claim their “connections” the same way the average Alabama fan does. I just get tired of their false, cultish propaganda. You do not fill an 85,000 plus stadium with alumni. That has to be the biggest damn lie (besides Auburn being clean) that I have ever heard. I have never seen a fanbase believe their own delusions like Auburn. HYPOCRITES
rc thx rc good info
like dogs that have been beat too much who knows what will come out of their mouths
au has only 5 sec champs – 10 vacated and 88 tied with lsu = lsu won head to head
The Auburn argument about fans not being alumni is a very stupid argument. With no NFL or professional teams, Alabama is a unique state to have a rivalry like Alabama and Auburn. There are as many Auburn fans that don’t even have a college degree as Alabama fans. Both sides have their crazy fans for sure, but this conversation is about 4 Auburn PLAYERS committing armed robbery. That reflects on Chizik, and the risky chances he is taking on certain players. He gambled and won with Cam, but he lost with these guys. This won’t be the end of the troubles for Auburn.
You never cease to amaze me with your stupid factless accusations. There was a suvrey broadcast on the Roundtable about a week ago in which they rated the top college arrest rates for players, if I’m not mistaken, correct me if I’m wrong but Ala. ranked 5th, Aub. was not mentioned. Of course this latest situation will change things I’m sure. Your hate for Auburn blinds you to the facts, and you have no class.
MOST of the Bama players arrested (with a couple exceptions) were Shula recruits. Auburn ranks second or third in all-time NCAA probations, but that doesn’t stop the Barn fans from mentioning the latest Bama probations. Don’t make me have to put you in your place again
RC, this was not a local poll call Wjox roundtable and check, it’s a Nationwide poll, of course I don’t expect you to acknowledge anything that’s not positive to Ala. You and your bammers don’t live in the real world!
Hey Mike Reaves, the facts are showing that CHIZIK is recruiting questionable players. Survey that. 5 arrested players in a month at Auburn? And you won’t acknowledge those FACTS? Bama hasn’t had any arrests or suspended players for awhile, a sign that Saban has gotten the football program on the right track. Can you say the same for Chizik? Right now, no you can’t. Keep your head in the sand and keep comparing Auburn to Bama to justify Auburns faults. Now you are down to 3 starters for next season. My how the mighty will fall, after 1 short lived year of winning it all. Hope it was worth it, now that the price is being paid for it.
What’s the saying about those who live in glass houses? You and your ilk still have not acknowledged the fact that Auburn is second or third all-time in NCAA probations. The typical Auburn retort is, “We ain’t been on no darn probation in 20 years.” That still does not erase Auburns sordid history of cheating. You start holding Auburn and their players accountable, then I’ll give my opinions about my Alma mater, you self-absorbed typical Auburn douchebag
Guess I’ll jump in on this too. My father attended Awbie and because of this I grew up a ‘spit, spit, spit, Awbie, barf, barf fan! One of the most fanatical Barnturds who’s ever existed is my younger brother who went to what used to be Livingston University. My sister is right up there too and she attended Montevallo. My middle brother got caught up in the bull$hit and became a Barnturd fan and he didn’t attend college except for courses as needed wherever he was stationed in the Air Force. I on the other hand had an “Awakening” and attended both UAB when it actually WAS the University of Alabama in Birmingham and UA. So there’s a damn good example of a family unit in this State and their affiliation with Schools. Since both Universities are about the same size, they both have about the same number of Alumni (unless you figure they attend Awbie twice as long to finally graduate. Bwaa Haww Haww!) Anyway, since there are 3 times as many fans of Bama as there are Awbie then it only stands to reason there has to be 3 times as many “sidewalk fans”. So what? A “sidewalk fan” is a “sidewalk” fan whoever he roots for. We have more because we are more fun to root for. That’s obvious to any fool. But that’s only talking about the State of Alabama. Nationwide we have at least 100 times more fans than Awbie, because, lets face it – where the hell is Auburn? Michigan? New York? California? All of them are more well known than the Lee County goat humpers and none of them have a University named after them! And these nationwide Bama fans are not “sidewalk fans” per se. Generally they are the well educated, and well employed who climbed on board during the unequalled Bear Bryant era when an underdog Southern football team broke the hearts of hated powerhouses like USC, Michigan, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Texas, Notre Dame, Ohio St. and Penn St. So, we will keep our “sidewalk fans” thank you, and you keep yours! RFTR!
As for arrest rates, I didn’t see the roundtable artical, but they were probably referencing the ESPN study that was released last week in which Ohio State was the runaway leader in criminal activity since 2002 which would include the Shula era and explain why Bama might have been ranked high. Don’t know where Bama or Awbie was ranked because I only read the Lead In which only listed the top 3. But when it comes to criminal activity and NCAA sanctions, past history is of no relevance what-so-ever. What are you doing today is all that’s important. In the category of criminal activity Awbie, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia and Ole Miss are the current culprits; and since Saban weeded out the Shula bunch, even Vandy and Kentucky have a worse record than Bama. In the category of the NCAA doghouse, Bama hasn’t done anything worth spit since Albert Means. The piddly assed probation we are on right now wouldn’t have even gotten a hand slap if it hadn’t run concurrent with the Means probation. At the top of the NCAA hit list right now is Tennessee, LSU and Awbie, with Awbie soon to be in position #1. So if I were you rat turds I would be looking for cover, cause shortly like Chicken Little you’re gonna be hollering “The sky is falling!” RTR!
crimsonite – great read and correct Bama is America’s team which means loved and hated…but definitely respected…Many Bama fans in NY PA b/c of Joe Namath
The White House will be stepping up security when the Auburn Tigers make their official visit. Hide the silverware, lock-up the laptops (Cam will be there), lock up all valuables. Hell, it will be the first time in history that a team will have to be frisked when they are LEAVING the White House. Bawhaaaaaa!!! RTR
Roll Tide.
Auburn fans can say what they want. Auburn has had 5 players arrested in a month. Bama hasn’t had five players arrested in 5 years. Auburn has become a national joke for being cheaters in college football.
Indeed it is what it is, All this after the season they had last year.
Too much of a goid thing I guess.
Four players -supposedly with no prior record- just suddenly decide to do an armed robbery/home invasion….or maybe what they have done in the past has been covered up.
Auburn PD: “Sorry, Coach Chizik, it’s a bit difficult to cover-up a home invasion.”
I love how all you Dick Tracys have it all figured out.
Chette Williams is the guy they’ve sent to pay off the cops in most of the detainments, and he’s been the bagman in the recruiting deals, per a source close to Tuberville
FBJ, just admit the truth about the bad things going on at Auburn right now, without using the ‘Bammer does it too’ defense. You are not concerned with any of this as an Auburn fan? If not, you really are blind. If it was happening at Bama, I would sure be worried.
Here’s 4 more THUGTARDS caught being THUGTARDS. The ugly one is breaking Alabama gun law in possession of a pistol below the age of 21. How much you wanna’ bet Chizik looks the other way?
BBrando …In 2007, $aban’s first year, Bama had 12 kids arrested in 12 months.
$aban didn’t get control of the situation until he threw the 2008 NFL draft group under the bus and imposed a curfew against going to the Strip. Since then you’ve had the Jimmy Johns cocaine selling arrest and the “daddy forgives the player for slapping is daughter” arrest. At the time I didn’t $aban was doing enough. Seems that he now has control.
Although this is 5 arrests, it is only 2 incidences. It is reason for Auburn fans to take notice, but not to panic and start firing coaches. More problems will signal a need for reevaluation. Keep in mind that Chizik kicked 3 promising defensive players off the team for disrupting a classroom. Chizik is not a “Mark-Richt forgive an forget-type Christian”. Chizik is much more Old Testament.
When ppl like Chizik start publicizing their Christianity, they’re putting on a show. Auburn has always played that card, but their sordid history of cheating tells another story.
As far as Saban’s 2007 arrests, those were Shula boys. Even Upshaw was a Shula recruit in the beginning. Four of the total five arrested in Auburn were Chizik recruits. Chizik had one fantastic team primarily built around a non-amateur athlete and a heavy SR laden class recruited by Tuberville. Chizik put together one team, Saban’s built a consistent program.
You are right Hoopie, I was concerned with what was going on. But in Sabans defense, he was dealing with what he inherited from Shula. He fixed the problem. The difference is this stuff has started under Chizik, because there wasn’t a problem before. All of the Auburn players that have been arrested are Chizik recruits. But the armed robbery thing is a pretty big blow. Is this the type of people you want Chizik to take a chance on?
Only at Auburn would someone try a home invasion at a trailer park.
I mean…where’s the money at?
A ritzy neighborhood or a trailer park?