This is going to shock you.
Well, maybe not. The wholesome program that speaks of God like he’s on the roster could be up to no good again.
Sports by Brooks is reporting that a night club in Auburn is hosting its first EVER Celebrity Saturday on Auburn’s biggest recruiting weekend of the 2011 recruiting season.
The starlet at the center of the controversy, Natalie Nunn, played a major role in the now infamous Miami party last May that cost several players their college careers.
Says the report…
“From looking at past events at the 18-and-over venue in Auburn hosting Nunn’s appearance, the club has never previously promoted evenings featuring current television stars or celebrities of any kind, z-list or otherwise.
So an eligible female starlet from a reality show called Bad Girls Club who has reportedly dated NBA and NFL players drops into Auburn out of nowhere on the biggest recruiting weekend of the year for the Auburn football program.
What a stroke of luck.
While Nunn’s appearance in Auburn this weekend may seem like a benign coincidence, some may find it troubling that she was part of the story involving an NFL agent-sponsored Miami party last summer that ensnared North Carolina, South Carolina and Alabama football players.”
It just so happens Auburn is hosting one the top recruits in the country this weekend, Cyrus Kouandjio, not to mention top prospects Antonio Richardson, four-star defensive end LaMichael Fanning, four-star defensive lineman Gabe Wright and three-star David Reeves.
Think the boyz will be introduced to the “Chameleon” this weekend?
If so, using sex to sell a recruit isn’t new, but the unbelievable coincidence simply gives me another reason to gag every time I hear them talk about “family”.
And a digital camera outside that club could be the most valuable player in this story.
(Follow me on Twitter for news, commentary and smack: ITK4BAMA)
109 thoughts on “Auburn using sex to lure recruits?”
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See you are depneding on another site or writer to help you come up with your stories again. Wouldnt someone that claims to be “intheknow” be able to come up with his own dirt? Bad thing about it you are using a story that has no leads that was made up by a loser. Anyway keep up the hard work wishiknew. You might reach 10 readers one day.
Insiders are starting to report that numerous University of Alabama Coaches and boosters are using Alcohol as a recruiting tool. Such popular Tuscaloosa bars such as Back Porch, 4 and 23rd, 4 Play, and Catch 22 have been said to lower prices or have “Super Happy Hours” on Alcoholic beverages on days that big recruits visit the Alabama Campus. Not only is this practice moraly wrong, But its down right illegal. Hope Nick Saban doesnt mind being a Designated Driver while these 18 and 19 year old kids get smashed on cheap booze.
You can follow me on twitter under the name “dontbelievshytisay”
334 – you POS – go haunt your own barner sites with your crap. This is more of a story than you in “the fambly” want to let out. This is not a coincidence, and you know it. Good luck barking in the cellar when it all comes tumbling down.
Link 334?
Didn’t think so. Pulled that one right out your keister along with last night’s possom soup, did ya?
Sorry to trouble you with links to other sites where multiple accounts of Auburn’s “possible” transgressions are being recorded.
Some fambly, where momma apparently takes it off.
As an Auburn fan, I haven’t had this much fun listening to Alabama fans since the Mike Shula days. Keep it up guys this website provides endless entertainment
So do Natalie Nunn & Friends, apparently.
You want a link to something I completely made up? Wow you are dumb. I was showing you how easy it is to manufacture lies and rumors about another team. Sad part is you are using someone elses work. LOL Once again I MADE THE ENTIRE STORY UP!!!! About the same thing that guy did that now wishiknew is claiming as fact. Great job bubba.
Ok lets for a moment forget all of our common sense, And actually believe ITK for a moment. So Im guessing that the hundreds of thousands of dollars that ITK is saying that Auburn is paying recruits is not enough now. We have to run out and get a cheap skank to lure 4 and 5 stars to Auburn? Really? I tell you what ITK if you are right i hope C. Kouandjio has brought some viagra with him. Oh and while we are on the subject of him , And sense you and hammah want to hold ESPN team ranking with such high regard did yall hear what their recruiting expert Tom Luginbill said on the finebaum show? it went like:
Luginbill: “I think Cyrus Kouandjio is going to surprise the world and … sign with Auburn.â€
Finebaum: “REALLY?â€
Luginbill: “That would be a significant surprise for many. You’ve got Auburn, Iowa, Alabama and New Mexico in his top four, obviously his brother is a freshman at Alabama … but don’t be surprised if that happens.â€
So hammah if Auburn can pull that off along with pulling Fannin from the darkside wouldnt that just be the icing on the cake. Biggest choke job in Iron Bowl History, Watching Auburn win the SEC title, Then Watched Auburn win the BCS National Championship, And then Lose another huge committ and major recruit to Auburn. WOW hope you trailer has plexiglass “winders” because you will throw the king of hissy fits on Weds. Dont worry though Im sure ITK will steal another trash post and put on here to cheer you turds up.
Well whats happening in Lee County isn’t made up. Sucks being exposed, doesn’t it?
And the best is yet to come.
au 9 on espn and it has been updated
lug just pumping the ratings for his show
cyrus k clowney calloway therezie bama locks
payola III has maxed out
aubies and the japs were laughing on the day of pearl harbor soon after that we nuked their azz …tic toc
Who is promoting this? Who paid for it? Is Auburn University actually involved? Is it Tuskegee University? Do you remember a few years ago when Real World celebrities were on the college circuit? Do you have any evidence at all to substantiate your claim or are you just continuing to use a site that is supposed to be devoted to the University of Alabama to imply BS about Auburn? Shouldn’t you guys be working on a dynasty right now?
anything skanky is au – u live and die by reputation
most players who are not going to see playing time would welcome a release to where they can get on the field – no shame in not being able to get on field at bama …win win situation dumazz
thayer evans an american hero getting the dirt on au in au thus w/e
people are still doing rages – what a bunch of white trash losers
G N B M!
BARNERGEDDON is upon us! Skank Ho’s appearing in major market area nightclubs in NY, Boston,Miami, Chicago,DC and Auburn is one of just many signs.Will Barntarded U. be competing in Conference USA, the Sunbelt, the WAC, or will they go independent?
Right 334! With Awbies awesome tradition you’ed have to be retarded to think they would be desperate enough to use skanks and other questionable props to lure recruits! Oh, that’s right, you’re Barnturds. You ARE retarded. Sorry. We all know Awbie would never ever use Limo’s and Rap Music or roll a dead tree on Big Cat Weekend to lure recruits, so why in hell would they use a nightclub, alcohol and a skank who’s already been involved in NCAA violations? Rubbish! Tell you what dickhead, if all Koudandijo wants to sign with Skank U. is 15 minutes with a skank whore, Instead of multiple championships and a 1st round draft possibility, then we don’t want him at Alabama. Major college football is no longer Rah Rah Sis Boom Bah. It is a major life changing financial business decision. You can have the nubies that Rah Rah and we’ll take the MEN that want the NFL or a broadcasting position at ESPN, Fox, etc. Of course you bastards have never stooped low enought to use the internet to pass on bullshite info. (cont)
(Cont) Oh wait! Now that I think about it, seems like there was that itsy bitsy documented case of Barnturds boosters at the Awbies team site conspiring to destroy Bama by spreading internet gossip and bullshite about such things as Escalades in Pritchard and Foley and Chargers in Gadsden. I think we all know how that turned out. Get outta my face people! You’re all nothing but cum sucking whores for Skank U. Keep it up sperm banks. Your arses aren’t in deep enought shite already. Go ahead use every questionable means possible to keep your Barge afloat. The C.O.I is waiting with a nice big ol P.L.O.I. for you. Come on Shiteheads – piss ’em off some more – please. RTR!
Hope noone thinks that old nasty fat bitch is pretty. Plus shes black. What does that tell ya?
Apparently, some of the entertainment was local. Women that closely resembled Jonna Chizik and Kristy Malzahn were listfully performing their own versions of a Pussycats classic:
“Don’t cha wish your recruiter was hot like me? Don’t cha wish Cyrus that they were a freak like me? Don’t cha?”
Maybe that’s why Cam felt so “at home” with the Malzahns? They keep it in the fambly.
Be sure and tune in to our next episode of “As the Plains Burn” when we hear Mandy scream,” Get off me daddy, you’re crushing my cigarettes.”
Mandy dont smoke..drink..drug never have never will. Matter of fact Mandy is beautiful and I dont mind bragging about it so dont drag me into your nasty shite. You are all trash.
And perfect btw. Now go play play in the street… You dumbarses.
Jonna and Kristy will put a whoop ass on you idiots. Ask Paul Finebaum about it.
everyone’s so quick to jump the damn bandwagon. auburn university is not even involved. this event is sponsored by tuskegee university. i hate how everyone hates on such an amazing institution and town. ya’ll are jealous. keep graspin at straws. war damn eagle.
Concider the trash..shite and spit on em and move on down the dam road…lol
No recruits were at that club last night. It’s a new place that just opened a few months ago, way down South College Street and not close to campus. I have two kids at Auburn, and neither of them has even heard of it. This reality show chick is on a tour of college clubs around the country because (surprise!) college age kids watch the reality shows. I know you’re trying REALLY hard to find some controversy here, bammerboy, but this is especially laughable.
Do you EVER think about anything but Auburn, by the way? If you do, no one could tell from your posts.
MANdy did you just say something about her being a black female??? What did you mean by that exactly??? Are you openely admitting you are a racist???? Plus this girl has been linked to agent parties, just go ask the UNC players! Two UNC players had their pics taken with her while attending an agents party in Miami…..but lets not sleep on the fact that MANdy is making racial remarks on this website! Last time i checked all those studs AU is “crootin” are black!!!!!
Ahm are you a regular here? Ahm dont everybody know by now Im a racist? Duh…As far a black AU football players I accept that. Black head coaches at AU..A big HELL NO…Living proof Tony Barbee a big mistake. As far as black women they are nasty plain and simple. Take a look above. I would hope none of our black AU fooball players would touch that skank let alone any black woman. Sorry..Ive been this way all my life. Nothing will ever change that.
BeSerious, if you’ll check the story I never alleged anything, simply commented on a report on another site.
Sucks looking over your shoulder all the time, huh? Tick, tick, tick…
You know, when we won it all in 2009 and nobody speculated how dirty a program we were, it was really peaceful.
And hsvtider, good observation on Mandy. Why do people have to make a big deal about the color of a person’s skin? What year is this, anyway? 1963?
MANdy no I am not a regular here by any means, but I do post when the need arises. WOW, you just openly admitted you were a bigot. I hope you are proud of that. So its ok for the AU players to run up and down the field, tackle, block, pass, score touchdowns and be black. You are truly the dumbest, most racist, ignorant person I have ever seen in my entire life. What about Trooper, and Tracy Rocker??? They are black and are coaches???? So you are selectively racist???? Even more ignorant!!!
Also someone said above that no recruits were at that club last night…How do you know that??? Were you there?? Were your kids there??? As far as it being new and just opened, there is a picture with your super star qb cammie hugged up with the djs from that club per someones facebook page! so if cammie is there and has been there im sure the rest of the football team knows where its at!
At least I am honest. More than I can say for all and I said all bammer trash. And that MANdy comment is racist within its self. So shut up with your dumbarse selve. As for as Tracy and Trooper. They are asst coaches. Just like I said all bammer trash are dumber than a bucket of rocks. As far as our dam football team and recruits and where they hung out last night. You trash dont have a damn clue. Aubie fans know way more about our dam team than you trash do. So the best thing to do keep ya dam mouth shut when you know zip about such things. lol
BTW get your fat arses up tommorrow morning and go find a dam job and quit living off the welfare. 90 percent of the State of bammer dont work. Dont bring your arses across the state line to Florida dragging that shite down here either…lol..Boy Im on a roll today.
I’m a very proud Alum of Auburn and want you to know I am exceptionally disappointed in your racist comments!!!! I want to go on record to say that she does NOT reflect the views of the typical Auburn graduate and fan. There is absolutely no justification for this bigotry… Period!
How is the MANdy comment racist???? I can’t wait to hear this!!!! As far as implying that I don’t have a job, you couldn’t be farther from the truth! I have had a job since I was 15 years old! The only time I did not work was when I was in college!
Now as far as where your team hangs out, and where the recruits where last night I don’t know! You are right about that, but the guy above you said he did! I was pointing out that he didn’t know either! I was also pointing out that the football players are coming in that place because cammie is in a picture with the djs from that club!
I really think you should rethink your racial comments on here! It doesn’t put a good light on you or your ” family”
I got news for ya. Most everybody I know feels that way. Whether they will admit in public or not. I will. You best say whats on your mind or your a wuss and this a America. Freedom of speech.
Sigh come on guys you have to try harder. This is a WEAK effort wishiknew. Next you will be posting about the news on the Milton Mcgregor case thats coming out again…oh wait im a day ahead of you. Guess I will read your spin of the story tomorrow or Tuesday.
I would hope that whoever runs this board will ban her for the blatant racism! This is not the 50s or 60s. You are so wrong about everyone feeling that way! I am not nor will I ever be a racist!
Let me tell you something the Auburn family dont pay my dam bills I do see. I dam work for a living. Dont get me wrong I luv Auburn with all my heart and soul. That family thing is blew way out of proportion. As far as Cammie or whatever you said. He is no longer a QB at AU. Im glad hes gone cuz hes to nuch baggage.So I dont give a shite where he goes or what he does. You idiots need to put your minds on something constructive everyday instead of worrying about what AU folks and the like are doing….lol You think I give a dam what clubs bammer players go to? lol I couldnt even tell ya 95 percent of the names of the players on your team let alone your coaches. This is hilarious.
About them banning me. Ive been begging them for months to do it. I dont think they know how. Im serous too.
You’re right, Mandy. Freedom of speech does exist, but racists like you aren’t allowed to say or do whatever you want without consequences.
Case in point, when you go into work tonight at Waffle House, I dare you to spit out the racist crap you utter in here and see how long they let you smother and cover them thar hash browns.
Folks, Mandy = Auburn.
On a side note I have to agree with AUTiger47 . Mandy Im not sure where those last few statemenst come from (unless its a bammer posting under that name) but thats very embarrassing as an Auburn fan to see another Auburn fan show that type of ignorance. Yes I get on here and act a fool , But its all in fun. What you did is completely uncalled for. Like I said if you didnt post that , And its someone acting like you please disregard this post, But if it was you then you need to check yourself. Very classless and trashy.
You ever heard of Archie Bunker? Need I say more?
Mandy I never said you didn’t have a job! I’m sure you work very hard for your money! I’m sure being a hooker isn’t easy!
You sure are quick to jump of the “family” train???? How come??? And for cammie to be your savior you sure are quick to throw him under the bus! How come????
Thayer Evans heard about this and is in Auburn trying to make up a story. Everyone knows this including the coaches.
ITK …here is another chance to bet with me. You’ve ducked your tail and run away before but here goes.
Here’s 2 bets at once:
A. $2,000 says that AU never receives NCAA penalties due to Camgate.
B. $2,000 says that AU receives no NCAA penalties due to recruits illegally attend this event. (remember Thayer Evans is there watching).
Once again …if you don’t take those bets then you demonstrating that you are a loud mouth hypocrite and pawn of the REC that just spews what the REC wants you to spew to your ignorant, gullible followers.
I can assure you that very few people in this world think like you. I moved from Alabama about 10 years ago and frequently find myself trying to convince others that the state has progressed and does not harbor the ignorant ideals of the pre-60’s civil rights movement. Like 334, I often visit this site for fun, and although it gets a bit nastier than I would like sometimes, I hold no ill will toward the bammer posters. That is, I rarely take most of the banter seriously and try my best (although admittedly I may slip sometimes) to be relatively respectful. To have another AU fan post the derogatory-racist garbage that you have and claim that “Most everybody I know feels that way” is both sad and disturbing. Again, I can assure everyone that visits this site that Mandy’s views regarding racism do NOT reflect the views of the Auburn Family.
Mandy, I truly hope that you will consider the comments by 334 and I.
I notice that the full transcripts of the FBI investigation are supposed to be released tomorrow. Is this correct?-
“…The government has agreed to hand over the full transcripts by January 31…”
That is not a legitimate article!! all the au fans will say its just plain gossip. Remember only the words of Phillip Marshall and Charles Goldberg matter to the “family”!!!!
I hope mandy is gone for good. I hope she is embarrassed by what she said and never spews that garbage from her mouth!!!!
Only an idiot would take that bet…..After what the NCAA has pulled in the last 2 years with USC, then cammie and Ohio State no one knows what they will do from day to day. There is no consistency in anything the NCAA does. Even you can admit that.
I hope Evans is down there snooping around. Lord knows the media in this state have swept this right up under the rug….Oh crap i didnt mean to make a God reference when talking about auburn….
mandy – talk is cheap – where are ur pics?
at least mandy has an aversion to skank but does she realize everything au – is skank
mandy is on the path to redemption more than any barner here
I said in the beginning that the $cam figNewton violation would take years – the U.S. District Attorney’s office can’t and will not release their prosecutorial evidence until the appeals are over – it’s all sealed from the public as well as the NZAA – their time will come – history will erase everything that was “accomplished” last year by Aubarn – frAUd’s – you barner’s got another thing coming – and you KNOW it – so in retrospect, I’m not going to harp on this all winter/spring/summer – the alpha is to the omega barner’s – omega. Good err bad luck you phucking suckers. Roll that on your corner phuckers.
ncaa and fbi have got the goods and the trials are public record plenty enough for ncaa to take off on…
au is on deathrow – not if but when
don’t forget mark emmert hates au from the lsu and saban days
every human being alive is a douche bag but us per aubie
I will be the first to admit that I’ve occasionally walked the line banter and rude, but I certainly don’t have hate in my heart for any of you. Given my recent admonishment of Mandy’s comments, I feel compelled to question some of the language you guys use toward Auburn fans and alum, which I feel safe assuming you have never met. You guys routinely call us bastards, phuckers, pedophiles, rapists, skanks, scum, etc., etc., etc. Surely some of you agree that is over the top and shows poor taste.
Marcus onboard you dumbarses.
Why is everyone picking on Mandyke? She is the perfect spokesMAN for Auburn football. Please don’t ban Mandyke!
You are right 47. But it goes both ways, routinely. All over what football team you root for. Ridiculous isn’t it? But you have been guilty of it too, and I have also. But I have tried to reason and talk football with some of the Auburn fans here, and it is obvious this is not what they are here for. It is the smack talk and trashing each others programs that seem to be the sticking points. I don’t hate any of you Auburn fans, but I was born as a Bama fan. That doesn’t make me stupid by any means, just like being and Auburn fan doesn’t make you stupid. But not seeing the facts as they are make you seem to be that way. My argument has been this: The ride won’t last forever, and for all the positive stuff going on at Auburn, there is a cloud hanging on the horizon. As long as Auburn is winning, everything will be fine. But once the losing starts, fingers start pointing, and all the good can come unraveled. See Alabama from 1999-2001 or so. We lived it, seen it happen. Auburn fans are naive if they don’t think at lot of the smoke could actually turn into a fire. Start losing, you will see. And replacing 18 starters from this years team will be tough. Sure the talent is coming, but the experience is not there. Auburn is looking to have a very tough season next season while rebuilding. Half of you Auburn fans won’t admit that at all. And when the losing starts, you guys will start turning on each other, and the unraveling will begin. I don’t care if you believe it or not, but you as an Auburn fan know how brutal y’all can be, especially if you don’t beat Bama.
Everyone is guilty of using foul language on this board, some more than others!!!! So let’s get off our high horse their 47! 334 and you are 2 of the worst when it comes to name calling and foul language!
As far as talking football goes I would love to have discussions about the games and about recruiting during the offseason. I think there could be some good debates between quite a few people here, cause some of you guys know your stuff! I just think some people get very defensive when they don’t agree with another persons opinion! That’s where the name calling and foul language comes into play!
So what do you say guys, wanna clean it up??? Talk some football and some “crootin”???
Also BB Mandy is a racist and needs to be banned!! There is no place for that here man!
I need a vote. Please reply after this post with a yes or no.
yes = ban Mandy
no = keep her
I’m checking ip’s to makes sure there’s no double voting.
The vote is on…
No, not Mandyke!
Just kidding. Boot he/she outta here. She doesn’t discuss anything of importance. Ever.
She can still pull a plow.
I should say yes boot her, but if she will stop with the racist crap then she can stay! I just don’t want her to think that kind of stuff is acceptable! This is not the 60s and before then that kind of trash is not ok!
I realize that she was raised that way, but it’s still not okay!
Im still waiting to get banned…lol..You all are so dam dumb. Cant you morons see its not gonna happen. You fools
What ever dumb arse bammer trash that poisoned that tree is going to jail. Your such fools
keep mandy – she’s our token slut and i hear she is pretty hot
i never called aubies child molesters but supporting lowder and dye is a cheat and win at all cost philosophy and therefore a aubie is a no integrity individual and therefore capable of anything and thing and therefore is at best a shoplifter and at worst a serial killer or will fall somewhere in between…u live and die by ur reputation
BTW Tim Jackson can be my body guard any time…
Mandyke, will you be my body guard?
as her broker – what is ur offer?
I dont care which school you are a fan of. Those types of racists remarks (jokes or other wise) are not called for. Lets just put it this way….Ive seen folks banned from other sites for alot less. You be the judge.
I like the fact that this site is so liberal and that we can vent our feelings without fear of retribution. I also hate what our freedom of speech has been reduced too. There should never be a penalty for voicing a personal feeling be it racist or sexual (homosexual) except when uttered on a public platform about a specific indvidual in an effort to damage them. Much as I hate Mandyke and the useless bullshite she brings to the table; if she’s as hot as she says she is I’d love to to hammer that squirrel about 6 hours a night for a couple of weeks. I don’t think she should be banned for saying what we already know is true about racism at Awbie. Hey Mandyke, do you swallow Baby? RTR!
agreed free speech reins – aubies declaring themselves innocent is more unethical than mandy’s rants and just because she doesn’t sleep with black men or women does not make her a racist
that is why this site is the best and other sites are faggotry at best
mandy saying she is hot doesn’t make her hot except by aubie standards
my parents are doing things behind the scenes
Im still waiting to get banned in this hell hole. What up? Wish I had some smiley faces.
Julio Jones was never caught smoking weed on some Bama fans fishing boat right?
Don’t have the slightest idea what ’24 points’ is talking about. Another usless Barnfart rant that shows how retarded the whole Lee County Skank fan base is. The more they run their mouthes the less doubt there is. Assuming the fool is referring to Julio and Mark’s fishing expidition 2 years ago – there was no MaryJane involved, and it was a phucking Barnfart boosters boat who was trying to get our two biggest stars suspended along with Jerrell to whom the bastard ‘gave’ a laptop computer. The question here was always, if it was an innocent situation then why did he look up 3 Bama stars on 2 different occasions, and why never a Barnfart star? But then in the Lee County Skanks’ minds I guess a fishing trip and a laptop gift is equally nasty as stealing a laptop and shopping a QB for a quarter million dollars. Go figure. Try again fool. One day you may fall down and get it right. RTR!
Cant we all just get along? Not
Auburn has had to do something outside the box, because Saban had been killing them. Remember the hatred and the big uproar coming from the Auburn Fambly when Saban was hired? All the negativity and trying to discredit him, all the way to Bama winning a NC. That was the final blow. So they hired a straw boss, signed a few one year players in free agency, and sold their souls to the devil to make it happen. This season, Auburn will pay for it all, and the possibility still lingers that 2010 could be taken away in the future. Meanwhile, Bama is still doing what Bama has been doing, and is positioning themselves for another shot.
Crimson please understand something. I bet I have more ties to The University of Alabama then you do. Anyways Alabama will lose 3 games next year thanks to one simple reason. No experience at QB. SEC defenses will eat AJ alive this year. Sure you might say well hey! Greg won a national championship his first year! Well first all of his toughest games where at home except for Auburn and it took a miracle to beat a 7 win Auburn team away. 2nd he was overrated and proved that in 2009 the run game was all yall had. (look at what he did this year baw haw haw) Yall have lost Mark Ingram for good (even though I liked him because he never played well against Auburn) and Trent Richardson proved he cannot be the main guy without getting hurt. Face it AJ will lose yall at least 2 to 3 games by himself. I’m thinking Auburn, LSU, and Florida. I mean I was at the Iron Bowl this year and when he came into the game I knew Auburn had it won that kid sucks.
sorry 2010 not 2009
correct brando:
sloughing for a 200 buck fishing trip vs
organized crime millions paid out bank money rigged bingo machines
aubies like dogs that have been beat too much i take full responsibility
ole miss at the buzzer
nsd eve
Looks like we will sign a really good class but I think Signing Day is going to be a disappointment from what it looked like a couple of days ago. Roberson is gone, I think Calloway too, and possibly Wright as well. Still a top 10 class but not top 5.
Are you 12?
You should be beating off or something else rather than post your “stream of consciousness” posts.
24, take your Ray Charles glasses off for a minute. You don’t have any idea about what your are even talking about. Auburn, who will be replacing 18 starters, is going to contend for the west? That is wishful thinking at best. Bama won’t because they are starting a new QB? Then where does Auburn stand? Starting a new QB AND offensive line. And defensive line. And receivers, linebackers, hell all your cheerleaders probably graduated too. Bama has a lot more experience and depth coming back than Auburn. Bama won’t lose 3 games this year. But Auburn will lose more than that. Auburn will be lucky to make it to a bowl.
per ny times au will be scandalized this yr and the sr’s allowed immediate release per sec commish