Keith Easterwood, a veteran summer basketball coach, said that on a visit last year with his son, a football recruit, he had to ask a hostess to stop brushing her breasts against both him and his son.”
The New York Times reported a new potential recruiting violation by the University of Tennessee.
The latest violation according to the Times, “Hamilton said in a telephone interview the SEC was looking into the actions of a Tennessee recruiting intern, Steve Rubio, who flew to South Florida with Coach Lane Kiffin recently and visited the athletic powerhouse St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Fort Lauderdale.”
But that is not the most shocking information in the Times story.
According to the report, “Also on Friday, Keith Easterwood, a veteran summer basketball coach, said that on a visit last year with his son, a football recruit, he had to ask a hostess to stop brushing her breasts against both him and his son.”
And he offered this to the Times: “My observation is that this is a very organized operation. These girls have obviously been groomed. There’s a lot of eye contact and touching.â€
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Putas, Putas, Putas!
Nothing but smiles here — loving every minute of it.
Running an Whorehouse for Recruits ?
Oh my.
UT marketing strategy:”Let’s sell video’s of The Orange Ride Girls.We can have them rip off their tops and jump up and down while shouting “UT WILD GIRLS,UT WILD GIRLS!We’ll be rich and maybe even get 1 or 2 good football players out of the deal.”
Does anyone else find it strange that this Earp chick,or whatever her name is,is 28 years old? To paraphrase Prince,I don’t want to see that picture of all the jockeys that were there before me.
For years we’ve had to endure the jeers of other fans and the national media telling us that Alabama has the most delusional fan base. This scandal is conclusive proof that the University of Tennessee is the most delusional, and Alabama is, as we have always believed, normal. While we are fans, our powers that be bitch and moan over who is the boss at the Adult table (see Gary Drummond pissing and moaning about paying CNS 4 million a year / while ignoring his war in South America). At the University of Tennessee, they have not only organized cheating (see Linda Bensel-Meyers) they also have organized pay for play schemes (see Tee Martin and the Mobile couple that weren’t boosters). Now, UT has an organized slUT ring.
This thing is just like the Tiger Woods thing for UT, it gets more salacious and seedy by the day. The best part is that Kiffin wants to act as if he has no idea about the slUTs and any wrongdoing. Yeah, right. And your wife doesn’t look like a porn star, she just likes to dress up.
They will always hate Alabama. Always. They remember the “old” days of dominance.
Until the new generation of writers are here (and it does seem like that’s happening) — it won’t change — people hate you at the top.
The media hates Alabama — it’s as simple as that.