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David Platt’s Prosperity Gospel: Platt buys $1.1 million home

David Platt preaches against American affluence while buying a $1.1 million home with a $5,817 per month mortgage.

‘Radical’ David Platt buys $1.1 million home in exclusive Virginia suburb. Platt has lived in the home since McLean Bible Church purchased it for him in 2018. Platt incurs a hefty $5,817 a month mortgage while telling his flock that Americans enjoy too much affluence.

Megachurch pastor David Platt who urged his congregation to forsake the American Dream recently purchased a $1.1 million home in an exclusive Virginia suburb. Platt purchased the home November 1, 2023, from McLean Bible Church—who bought the home for Platt in March of 2018.

The Church will hold the mortgage on the property charging Platt 5.5 percent interest for 30 years. The average mortgage rate on November 1, 2023, according to Forbes was 8.25% for a thirty-year fixed mortgage and 7.35% for a 15-year fixed mortgage. According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve, the 30-year fixed average among loans submitted to Freddie Mac for November 2, 2023, was 7.76 percent.

Platt’s monthly mortgage payment even at the lower-than-average rate totals $5,817.00 per month beginning December 1, 2023. The payment includes principal and interest.

Previously, McLean Bible Church paid the utilities on the home, landscaping, trash removal, a fiber connection to the Internet and other expenses on the home’s upkeep, according to the 2020 MBC Budget reviewed by the Capstone Report. Until recently, Platt was regularly spotted driving an upper end Range Rover around his elite Virginia enclave. (See below the page from the 2020 budget showing parsonage costs.)

Platt guilted American Christians for having fries with their fast food burgers, but David Platt was previously exposed of living the Lifestyle of the Rich & Famous with flying first-class across country. Now he owns a $1.1 million home while the average American home in 2023 is worth $412,000 and the average Virginia home is worth $413,000 and the average home in Washington, DC is worth $626,000, according to data published by Forbes.

Platt preached a December 3, 2023, sermon wondering how many Americans have a blind spot because of material comforts. Platt said, “I wonder if followers of Jesus a hundred years from now, if Jesus has not returned, will look back at Christians in America today and wonder, ‘How could they worship, sing, study the Bible and live in such affluence, while billions of people were going to hell without even hearing how they could go to heaven, many of whom were living in impoverished, dire conditions on earth? They gathered for worship, they read the Bible, they sang the songs, they lived what they said were Christian lives. How could they keep prioritizing their comforts and preferences to the neglect of so many people in need?’”

The purchase is another sign that Platt has one foot out the door of the church that Platt has killed. Previously, Platt elevated Mike Kelsey to become a Lead Pastor. Under Platt’s leadership McLean Bible Church saw attendance collapse and its budget fall by about $10 million. Platt’s sneaky, dishonest management style created a backlash among key church leaders and members who penned an extraordinary series of rebukes culminating in David Platt being rebuked for lack of transparency and promotion of racial identity politics.

Come back this week for more on David Platt and the saga of McLean Bible Church.

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