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Conservatives now ponder #SBEXIT or #SBCyaLater following defeat of Tom Ascol, Voddie Baucham, and Javier Chavez at #SBC22.

Conservative Southern Baptists lost the key leadership races once again as messengers elected Woke candidates to be SBC President and SBC Recording Secretary at the 2022 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California. Conservative candidate Tom Ascol fell to Woke supported Bart Barber and Woke fanatic Nathan Finn was elected Recording Secretary. On Monday evening, Voddie Baucham lost to the Woke choice too.

The first ballot of the Southern Baptist Convention with four candidates resulted in a significant lead for Bart Barber. Out of the 6,847 ballots cast for president here is the breakdown:

Bart Barber: 3,258 (47.58%)
Tom Ascol: 2,332 (34.06%)

Frank Cox: 887 (12.95%)
Robin Hadaway: 340 (4.97%)
30 ballots disallowed (0.44%)

The results of the SBC Presidential runoff with a total of 5,587 ballots cast were:

Bart Barber: 3,401 60.87%
Tom Ascol: 2,172 38.88%

Javier Chavez, the Conservative Baptist Network nominee for Recording Secretary said it was an honor to fight alongside men like Mike Stone and Tom Ascol.

Chavez said, “In 2021 I was honored to fight next to @PastorMikeStone & Lee Brand. This year with @tomascol & Voddie Baucham. I stand by my words to my son this morning: ‘It won’t matter if we get labeled or cancelled, men fight & bleed w dignity & leave w honor.’ Thank u amigos!”

What does this mean for the Southern Baptist Convention?

More SBC Elites controlling every lever of power. There will be no accountability and more people who don’t know what a pastor is serving on committees.

One apologetics podcaster put it clearly, “The SBC is not a conservative denomination anymore. Not only did they reject Ascol, but Voddie Baucham lost his election bid, too. Update your view of the SBC.”

This is a sentiment echoed by many important evangelical thinkers. Like Michael O’Fallon of Sovereign Nations.

O’Fallon said, “A convention of churches that rejects @tomascol @VoddieBaucham and @jynchavez for three men who are less than conservative….is not on the right path.”

O’Fallon is right. The SBC is on the Woke path.

What is next for Conservatives?

Will the defeat of Mike Stone last year in Nashville and Tom Ascol this year in Anaheim, conservatives are beginning to consider an exodus of the Southern Baptist Convention—SBExit as one person said on Twitter. Or, perhaps #SBCyaLater. There are churches and conservatives who are fed up with the Woke.

One pastor said, “Well, our pastoral staff has been holding off our members for 2-3 years on leaving the SBC. This year just dealt a huge blow to our patience and hesitation. We’ve tried to be really careful and make sure we thoroughly explain how and why we are redirecting our giving away from the CP. We don’t stir up sentiment against the SBC and never floated the possibility of leaving. The people started asking us, “Why are we still a part of this?” After finding out what they’re hearing/reading and realizing it is accurate and their reactions are reasonable and godly and biblical, we’re running out of answers to that question.”

One person said she was convinced her church would soon exit as they were awaiting results of this year’s convention—and this will be disappointing.

She said, “I’m sure my church will leave. They had been holding off to see the results of this election. No point in being in cooperation with the direction it is going now.”

Rod Martin indicated that the Conservative Baptist Network thinks now more than ever the SBC needs a change of direction.

Martin tweeted to a point about churches leaving the SBC, “I understand. But everything we’ve said remains true. And we always knew California would be tough.”

Conservatives face the choice of sticking with a leftist SBC—a denomination where the Credentials Committee wanted to form a study committee to report on What is a Pastor?—and trying to fight another election in New Orleans.

What will conservatives do?

What can they do?

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